Despite being 50% of the population they make up 13% of the sense

Despite being 50% of the population they make up 13% of the sense

Attached: mayor of barcelona pissing in the streets.jpg (640x819, 68K)

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City councils need to be abolished.

Alright. That's a pretty funny way of putting it.

>middle aged woman engages in scatology to get attention

Women do whatever they have to to get people to notice them. A 20 year old just has to wear a tight pair of jeans to get men to look. A 40 year old either needs to do a lot more.

Is this some woman-tier protest act, or gay fetish shit?

>we're literally animal idiots
Well fuck laws n shiet.

based and watersportspilled

>when you really want the indian vote

Atheism was a mistake

Attached: 1555106865270.gif (200x200, 2.9M)

her water broke? do modern womyn upload EVERYTHING to instagram?

did... did she say "we dah whyte wahmen now"

I don't even care anymore. This is what they voted for, this is what they get.

Women were a mistake


The dude is nasty.

Why do women piss themselves so much

Please tell me that this is fake and that an actual mayor didn’t do this..

because they pee in an unconventional way, all women have a piss fetish

Attached: Nikearmpit.jpg (935x775, 128K)

No, I think it's how ugly that "woman", that's actually making people uncomfortable

Pissing and shitting in the middle of the streets is the coolest. You are not cool unless you relieve yourself on the streets.

She’s not having a baby, she’s having a piss

It's fine. That's the designated pissing street.

>Please tell me that this is fake and that an actual mayor didn’t do this..
It isn't fake. Women are a mistake.What did men who decided to let women vote think?

imagine the smell

Is that real?

Explains why Barcelona is pro-rapefugee and militantly anti-tourist, despite 50% of their income being from tourists.
Still, makes sense to spend hundreds of millions on rapefguees when you have 50% youth unemployment, and 50% of those who aren't unemployed being employed solely because of tourism.
"Tourists not welcome, tourist go home! Ban mass tourism!"
"Rapefugees welcome!!!"
"Independence for catalonia!"
"Subservience to the EU!"
The amount of race mixing, faggots and general shitskins in barcelona is vile. Spain would do well to section it off with a wall, then set fire to it. Not to mention that there are 30,000+ professional thieves operating there every day.

repeal the 19th

Because they're not very bright...that, plus penis envy leads them to the thinking that pissing in public is somehow empowering for them.

Western civilization is doomed.

It literally isnt possible to sustain anymore. It has gone too far.

Our only hope is total cataclysm.

Adverts on TV always going on about women pissing themselves or how dry and itchy their snatch is. Enough to put you off your food.

Indeed. It is disgusting.
Even nearly 20 years ago I had a female friend who burped and then said "oh, i'm not supposed to do that because i'm a giiiirrl". No, you're not supposed to do that because it's rude. You also aren't supposed to dangle your uterine-lining soaked cunt rag or dip it into someone's tea.
Men should protest by shitting themselves and never wiping. #nowipe #freeshitting #realmenpeelthecrustoff.

Barcelona is indeed a really vile place. It also reeks of urine. They all piss in the streets like dogs. Everyone, men and women alike. They need to hose down all the designated pissing streets every morning. It's a disgusting place.

The tourists piss in the streets.

Women will piss themselves from a hard sneeze. Wearing diapers every day. Imagine wetting yourself uncontrollably regularly

Women are paranoid about touching toilet seats and such, so they piss on the floor and on themselves. Women’s bathrooms are gross from what I hear.

All of them do.
I'd never see so many race mixers as I did there though. Every single one of hundreds of 24 hour shops there is paki owned, without a single exception that I could find, and I lived there for some months. I refused to buy anything from them. A large portion of the city is chink owned, you can walk for 30-40 minutes in a line and every single cafe is chink run, even if it looks spanish. They've just bought out everything. At night, a paki mafia runs the streets selling cans of beer, and directing the way to drug dens. Negress prostitutes rob men by surrounding them, and every day there are 6,000+ thefts.
Their city has been sold out by some seriously depraved freaks.
Half the main city is a paki/nigger ghetto.

when you see it

Attached: images.png (237x213, 6K)

Ugly is the new normal.

there's also normally globs of blood on women's toilet seats

wow she pees in the street. that's pretty badass. what a strong woman

world peace is absolute kino

Honorary. Didn't know Spaniards were so based.

13% is generous

Are they always corrupt as fuck? They sure as hell are in my hometown. If people can't even take back their local cities, then the nation is surely lost no?

Srly? You didn't know that?


We have all the cancerous shit there, just avoid that place.


Well played