Why does Jow Forums get so upset if you mention you aren't interested in having children?
Is Jow Forums full of NPCs who believe that obeying their genetic programming is the only purpose in life?
Why does Jow Forums get so upset if you mention you aren't interested in having children?
Is Jow Forums full of NPCs who believe that obeying their genetic programming is the only purpose in life?
>not having children
I like it
anti-natalist cuck Eurasian tiger. fuck off back to r.hapas
I agree. This is the kind of slut we get in Canada.
Not an argument
you hate yourself because you're a cuck. go back to r.hapas
the reason why you aren't interested in having children is because you wish you were born white, and you wish your mother was white, and you worry about the children not being white even if they had a white mother, etc.
so you want life to end for everyone because of white women's sexual preferences
Why does Jow Forums get so upset if you mention you aren't interested in having children?
Is Jow Forums full of NPCs who believe that obeying their genetic programming is the only purpose in life?
since Hiding in my room has 88k subs, can't you just accept that people don't hate hapas and that people dislike you for being a cuck and not because you're hapa?
anti-natalist depressed atheist cuck! fuck off back to r.hapas!
let the rest of us live you fucking faggot!
I stopped being childfree because of Jow Forums. Unironically thank you all for saving me from being a cool wine aunt and killing myself in 10 years.
t. femanon
Imagine being this assmad
This place is full of rednecks, shills, jews, spooks and other human shit that should be flushed by the great cosmic toilet for the benefit of all forms of life.
>thinking Jow Forums is one person.
When will l these peolpe ( im being polite) ever learn ?
Herbal easemce goes in all fields
oчeнь хopoшo! You made a good choice, raise your kids right and try to foster a pro-white attitude. Finland and Russia may have had their squabbles, but Putin looks out for you guys and we'll all need to pull and push together to get through this hellscape brought by our masters in the UN and EU.
go back to r.hapas. and take your cuck porn with you
I agree with Moishe here, letting your race die out is what smart and cool people do.
Or are you dumb and uncool, /pol ?
There have always been two paths for the common man (rulers, magicians, hermits etc. excepted).
There has been the man of war, who fights the tribe’s enemies. This is at once the more fundamental and frankly higher status path even today, because it makes it possible for the other to exist in the first place.
The other path is that of the civil man, who labors for wife and children. This is the most common one, and while it one without which has created the civilization we all live in today, it is nevertheless the lower, because it does not demand physical courage, and because it is only made safe and possible by the man of war.
Those at the two paths that face the overwhelming majority of men: and to avoid both would seem to require some special effort to justify special pleading.
As selfish as you may feel justifiably to be, we have all been nourished and reared by society, we have no right to be completely thankless and ungrateful. No man is truly an island.
Aww, thanks finanon! I live close to the Finland border and visit your country often, you are great people.