Burgers will defend this

Why can’t Americans into architecture?

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>Why can’t Americans into architecture?
Sloppy. All so sloppy

Yeah, how dare Americans create affordable single unit housing for the masses? We should be living ankles to elbows with our great aunts in the same 800 sq ft apartment like Europe

that's called heaven user

a lot of american suburbs are in more foresty areas and they are comfier

>a lot of american suburbs are in more foresty areas and they are comfier
yes, these are new developments. check again in 15 years and it will look like a particularly comfy place.

euros will never know the feeling of raising a family in a new development and watch both their family and neighborhood grow and mature over time.

>they don't have fences

Looks really comfy and beautiful desu, i dont see dirty trash nor commieblocks.

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Cuz thats a white hood maybe.

The funniest thing is that they build their houses out of cardboard and they get destroyed at the slightest breeze.

The suburbs are home to me. God I couldn't live anywhere else.
>quiet neighborhood where everyone leaves each other the fuck alone

desu family should be given land and be incentivized to live together. you don't have to live ankles to elbows. build a mansion that the entire family maintains. enough of this bunch of strangers in apartments nonesense

Euros will never know the feeling of having your cardboard house wiped away by wind and having your high school age daughter knocked up by Tyrone. We are missing out on a lot.

Krauts will defends this.

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why are you importing rapefugees then?

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this bean gets it

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>when you see the German flag

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If it was a green and at least castizo hood id live there, but uh, imagine the smell.

be europoor, cant afford to have their house built every generation to meet their new families needs. needs to live in the same basement their ancestors built 200 years ago and never modernize.

show me good alternative

yeah, it's just way to many people in proximity. but I guess shitskins don't care.

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be europoor, also thinks hurricanes affect all 50 states. doesnt realize most wood houses in states with older homes are over 100 years old and more solid now then when they were built.

I don't get why the burbs get so much hate, they're pretty cozy.

Only downside is being more resource intensive, most people have to drive everywhere. But quality of life is far superior to being crammed together in a huge city, having to deal with crime and shitty air quality, etc.

at least you guys don't build commie blocks though so I have to give you props for that

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Ivthink that answer is obvious. Maximize profit, capitalism...the bastard child of a free society i.e. a republic

yes, we have no match for modern german architecture

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Europeons can't either. All of their glorious architecture is hundreds of years old. Anything new they create is absolute garbage.

Oppressive zoning laws that don't let you do anything on your own land and cheap building material along with leaving nigger-infested areas. I never got this D&C because the only alternatives ever offered are idyllic small towns that can't sustain large populations or large apartment complexes where people are crammed like sardines

Ohh btw inb4 commie

I'd rather have walkable developments buts the problem is shitskins ruin everything.

Rural areas = far better. When your nearest neighbor is 50 acres away and you can actually shoot guns in your own backyard - glorious.


I wanna live in ameroca goys. How do i into america? I will vote republican let me in!

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because eu has the best architects and city planers

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these are basically the mexican commieblocks, Infonavit stuff.

All I see is people with yards. Guess what Germans don't have?

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No you dont, stay in Israel keki.

Who needs a yard when you go out and see a beautiful traditional city, oh wait now smells like mohammed.

But we hate that boomer shit.

Where is this? Neo-gothic Victorian? What? Why?

that's actually beautiful though with a nice walkable city around it. poor example friend.

No, we hate boomers having them instead of us because they have too much propieties at fucking high prices.

White people put fences around their shit to keep out undesirables.

Man, fuck you mexishitskin! Because of you and your people america grows weary of immigration. You are ruinning a once great nation. You are the subhuman devil!

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You're welcome man, the great expirement {actual quote] that is America, doesn't discriminate. If you contribute you are welcome. Most will ignore the quote

We don't smash them all on top of one an other

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aren't you all dual citizens? my country is your country my greatest ally.

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Not conducive to a viable society, senpai

I'd rather deal with a mexishit than you're kind. I can't wait till we nuke Israel and send you all back to hell where you came from. Dirty fucking kike

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Sure it looks nice, but I would never sacrifice my land to live in a crowded city. I enjoy my patio and having friends and family over to drink around a fire pit.

And (((who))) the fuck do you think let them in to begin with?

I actually am. kek. my family converted to judensteinism after ww2. I want go back to the land my ancestors built!

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Because their idea of architecture is a onions infested fast food building or a dilapidated housing project with a babbling nigger asking for money out front. Hollywood gives burgers all their ideas.

>turkey is in europe
wew mutt

I don't have a front fence and no one goes on the lawns in my city. Sounds like you are the one with a shitskin problem, if you think the lack of a South African comfort barrier is the most important feature in a house.

Trying to swing public opinion eh? Won't work kike. We want you all dead soon enough.

shalom! let me know if you need anything while getting settled I know it can be a bit of a adjustment.

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croudid, grammar Nazi

So is rural living the only way to own your own plot of land that isn't a shitty suburb? This thread is useless shitflinging

While I am indeed a Nazi, I'll have you know it isn't about grammar.

Im planning to move to michigan csn you help out bruh?

You fags are no better, and even shittier at using the land

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You realize that Fallingwater is literally in threat of collapse because Frank Lloyd Wright was such a bad architect, right?

you know it is possible to make affordable housing without building cookie cutter houses that lack character.

Im white skin castizo.
btw ((whos)) pushing the mexicans to the US exactly? wouldnt it be the j00s making the goyim consume the drugs of the cartels ((CIA)) supported making Mexico a shithole drug economy where the shitholes have to migrate?

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If they had filesharing and MSN-type subdistrict and supradistrict intranetworks it might be. Just go door knocking and flyer distributing in order to estabilish a serie of locality community ad hoc networks. Put some democracy in your democracy and unity in your union.

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Listen, if your eye color is brown you are a shitskinned subhuman. I dont give a fuck what you think you are.

>my house looks like others whaaaaaa!
What a fucking faggot you are. All you need are four sturdy walls and some land. Only liberal retards try to go for the unique aspect of housing.

>inb4 they're not sturdy

My house was built 11 years ago and still going strong. Just don't be a lazy zoomer and keep up with the little maintenance you gotta do..

Do you know who you're not now?


>for the masses

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he wasn't a good engineer but I still love his work. regardless, he's irrelevant to this conversation.

>that jewish pilpul
Thanks fren

There we go again with childish color arguments, i have hazel, amber and green eyed grandparents, but still dark gene pool is dominant so i got brown-hazel, oh fuck im a Mexishit dont listen to me sorry!

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but that architecture is creative!

this actually, shitskinks ruin everything

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Hahahah this much mednigger cope

I believe the water eroded under the cantilevers, destabilizing them

Because we're born to be simple cogs, with no culture, no identity, no life other than work, eat, sleep, die.

Green hazel master race

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>Because we're born to be
maybe you are, faggot. go get dicked at the gay disco.

Who knows, yo. Have a good day hopefully. Did you guys unearth any stargates or anything of similar ilk or was it all just witches and wizards brew insufficient arcane attempts despite skilled masonry?


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Fuck if I know.
I live in the middle of the woods with no one with in half a mile of me.

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ikr, dont blame Mexico about this.

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Oh vey, I forgot to say i´m 1/8 Ashkenazi brother!

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La creatura mexicana you are a real amerimutt srent ya shlomo

Cant spell ashkenazi eithout nazi hahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha

kek are you the one who vowed to explain the faulty logic of brown nipples eyes and hair yesterday?

Oy yes, if you want to move to Jewmerican L.A. is just great!

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Interesting, explain it again.

everyone but me gotta learn germans can't into infastructure

fences are disgusting like you.

Everyone but me gotta learn they are not comfy.


I don't and actual mexicans are cool just please get your own bordrs under control and stop sending us retarded indos.

there was this american arguing with an israeli about who is a sandnigger and who isn't and the american was insisting that brown hair eyes and nipples => sandnigger and the israeli was really into convincing him otherwise

Brown niples are indeed sand nigger.

I've restored his and his son's projects, their designs and innovations are amazing however there waterproofing is non-existent. He should have stuck to designing and left the engineering and construction details to those qualified.

japan wants a word with you

and mine aren't brown either tbqhfam

I respect them for their culture, ethnostate and development, but still its really funny how they wish they were caucasians.

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