Nicolás Maduro: Our country belongs to us.
Juan Guaidó: Our country belongs to ExxonMobil.
Nicolás Maduro: Our country belongs to us.
Juan Guaidó: Our country belongs to ExxonMobil.
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u-uuuwaaaa~ OmO i-i let my boifwendu do a cummy cum in my boipuccccwie ~!!! and he didn't wear a boicondom O////O a-a-am i gonna get fagpreggers now?? 3: i is a too young to be a boimother >///< c-c-can i getsies a boibortion? ÓuÒ c-can i pay my boinecologist with my boipucccwie-wucie? O////< p-perhaps i c-could offer him my tasty boimilk ;3 o-or m-maybe i’ll ask if he will accept a pint of my sticky boisyrup instead UwU
Both are puppets.
It's Russian puppet Vs USA puppet.
>Our country belongs to us
>Has to lease out all the oil infrastructure to Russia because Chavista retards have degraded local expertise to nothing
Really makes my walnut vibrate
Maduro is backed by Russia, China, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Serbia, Syria, Turkey. Basically all the based countries.
Guaido is backed by the US, UK, France, Germany, Israel, etc.
Really makes you think.
>libertarian is a fucking retard
really stimulates my prefrontal cortex
>Projecting Code Pinker mong
Time to get new instructions from your Iranian masters.
>Russia, China, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Serbia, Syria, Turkey. Basically all the based countries
Based at what? Being poor, dumb and underdeveloped?
Wgy don't you move there and enjoy Maduro's administrative success?
Because I don't believe in immigration. Venezuela is for Venezuelans. The best countries in the world are the ones that hate immigrants and God bless them.
what race is Guaido?
>el argumento de vayanse a cuba XD
con razón milei es considerado intelectual en tu mierda de país
His surname is only present in some states of Venezuela, which means it's probably a native name. Short: mutt
la wea
How is that working out for you, stupid? Oil production is at a record low.
Hi Russia!
Nicolas Maduro: Our country belongs to CNPC and Rosneft, followed by Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom Neft, and Tatneft
Juan Guaido: Our country belongs to ExxonMobil and British Petroleum
Despite being less dependant on oil than other countries. What a surprise, it looks like socialism doesn't work. Who knew?
the internal combustion engine was a mistake and the source of all society's degeneracy.
America doesn't need their oil, they may have more of it than any other country and they have access to the tar sands. They're actually soon going to become a net exporter of energy.
Maduro is a piece of shit. The other guy isn’t much better but he’s better than Maduro. I have a Venezuelan friend, she says it’s terrible there. Maduro is bad news, an old Chavista who went from socialist to dictator, who does an even worse job with none of the charisma. Guiado is better. For now.
Highest inflation on the planet. They managed to out do the Africans on this...
We're already an exporter of oil, and we could be a net exporter of energy if the retarded liberals would just let us build nuclear power plants. I did the research and found out that the shittiest nuclear power plant in the US, one that doesn't even turn on for a full 120 days of the year, has 100x the energy output of our largest, most efficient solar farm located in the sunniest part of my home state of Arizona, an area of the world that can receive 18 hours of sunshine a day, and gets over 4,000 hours of sunshine yearly. Renewable energy fucking sucks, but we're not allowed to use the good stuff because Russians are retarded and blew up Ukraine.
Solar is still dirt cheap and only getting cheaper. They can do it in Canada for something like 7 cents a kwh. It would take decades to get so many nuclear plants online and by then you would probably have to swap over to fusion or at least MSRs. Energy storage is also getting rather cheap.
Anyway, I have to go, but it is perfect for filling peak demand during the day, if nothing else. That's, what, like 30% of the grid right there.
>Energy storage is also getting rather cheap.
Define cheap
(((Guaido))) is way worse
(((Who))) started this conflict
(((Who))) cut the electricity just for (((democracy)))
Maduro is bad
But the other one is way fucking worse
Absolute poverty vs capitalist serfdom.
I agree with your stance on venezuelan economy but they still voted for him in 2018 (maduro), and the elections were monitored by international agents so the opposition should shut up. The us sanctions only make things worse.
>(extreme) low-angle shot of Guaido
>photo levels adjusted to hide his serious skin problems
>(extreme) high-angle shot of Maduro
>colors adjusted to bring out the bags under his eyes, make him look Haggard
If you can't spot this kind of shit on sight your opinions on politics are worthless, btw.
Cheap enough that in a few year time panels with battery storage will be able to lower the cost of energy in a lot of states, not raise it, which is what is already happening in Australia.
Actually, most of the parties were banned from running, and only 1/4 of the total amount of registered voters actually voted for him, which is around 1/5th of the country.
Sanctions, will just speed up the fall of a practically dead economy. They were fucked years ago and only a new political system can save them. It will take ten years to bring back up their oil production to what it was.
And by us you mean Cubans.
hot take
>Nicolás Maduro: Our country belongs to us.
The commies literally stole it from the people and ruined it
>Juan Guaidó: Our country belongs to ExxonMobil.
>Nicolás Maduro: Our country belongs to the Chinese and Russian equivalent of ExxonMobil
We must invade Venezuela now!
Nicholas Jewentes sea: “we must invade Venezuela to prevent a migrant crisis!”
The new american.
dropping redpils
Rex Tillerson
Elliot Abrams
that is an 5 yo sofism
Y'all stupid; Maduro is a puppet of the US as well; a damn communist that starves people to death. One of the most important Venezuelan oil corporations imports oil at dirt cheap price, and that is the reason why the US sticks their damn nose on the Middle East but doesn't do shit about a retard killing his own people. Better go die for Israel, goy. I don't even know how Jow Forums is so retarded now.
la creatura
Maduro is a Jew and a minority of one person.
Therefore expelling him from Venezuela is anti-semitic and genocide.
Either that, or he is a tyrant and expelling our tyrant Jews is righteous and a call for freedom.
Second post best post!
Tiene razon , este imperialismo de starbucks de primermundistas defendiendo a maduro por intervencionismo da asco.
A parte hablan de exxonmobil cuando la produccion de pdvsa colapso desde que se nacionalizo todo.
Maduro: This country belongs to me
Guiado: This country belongs to us
Well, who ever own the country just hurry up and clean it up
It's hilarious how many of you cucks actually support Maduro purely and solely because he blames Israel for Chavez' failed marxist socialism.
Kochs is going to get their Crude Donald John Trump Willing
I support him because the people support him. The end result of american intervention would be disastrous, just like it was during the cold war. America treats latin america as its literal bitch and a piñata where coins will always fall out if you hit hard enough.
The people support him?What the fuck have they done to your brain if you had one?
About 7 millions of venezuelans are in exile because they were starving with the 3 usd per motnh wages.
>I support him because the people support him.
You are ignorant.
actual Venezuela is Colombians.
Chaduro will win.
No pasaran!
If only
Bolivar would be turning in his grave if he knew this would happen
Juan has got that Jewish influence vibe going on.
More like Maduro:our country belongs to Rosneft
Whatever is your opinion of Maruro, you have to be a special kind of idiot to cheer for Guaido