Convert me, NatSocs!

Dear NatSocs,
I am yet another commie shill. I have a very open mind, and I have come here to ask you NatSocs, fascists, etc. to convert me. Give me convincing arguments for your ideological grounds. "Redpill" me. I will listen. I am curious about your position on "white race supremacy/aryan supremacy" as well as your perspective on Jews, and the holocaust.

Sincerely, an unironic poster.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jews r bad


Could you provide more detail as to why? This in itself provides no substance that constitutes as a good argument as to why they are bad.

Do you want to utilize the means of production for your family or sub-80iq shitskins?

they're bad

>elders protocols become real
>hooton-Kalergi becomes real
>coincidences -pattern recognition is high iq.

Welcome to Jow Forums. It is easy for people who have not adequately explored the literature to conflate fascism with NatSoc or white supremacy. Most of the people on this board are generally not NatSoc at all; they believe that socialism can only be practical within an ethnostate. Look at the work of Harvard anthropologist Robert Putnam to learn more about how "diversity" destroys social cohesion and the degradation of the welfare state.

Re: Fascism, read the Fascist Manifesto that De Ambris and Mussolini wrote in the early 20th Century. In the manifesto, they advocate things like universal suffrage, minimum wage, an eight hour work day and nationalization of the defense industry from out of the hands of rootless corporations. Do you disagree with any of those things?

Most of the people on this board are also not "white supremacists" in the sense that people imagine us as knuckledragging rednecks in white sheets. We just believe that every race deserves its own sovereign homeland. As a Marxist, you should agree that international financial cartels exercise a corrosive influence on vernacular culture and destroy the human spirit. We believe that, for better or worse, race is real. Things like physical attributes, eusociality and intelligence are measurably different in different genetic populations, regardless of socialization or material conditions. Any government should take this into account rather than attempt to impose a "one size fits all" system of globalized capitalism on distinct populations. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that only European countries (and the United States, which began as a European country) is being intentionally sabotaged by globalists who are trying to subjugate its cultural through replacement of the native populations. Hope this answers some of your questions.

Nice ZizekPepe. Love the shirt.

Are you a Syndicalist? If no, then fuck off.
If yes, then you're fine to an extent.

>White Race Supremacy
Generally I view whites as just being the ones who had the tools to build a greater society than any other race. Other races are able to build their own societies, whites were just the first due to their easy access to tools. That being said, credit should be given to whites. However we should try to help other races.

>The Jewish
The Jews made a little cult, and said they were better than those who ruled them. That's like someone going into your house, uninvited, and screaming "I AM BETTER THAN YOU, FUCK YOU!"
Obviously you would kick them out.
But imagine if that person you kicked out got mad, gone to someone else's house, did the same thing, and repeated 109 times until they found someone that would take their shit. This person happened to give out free firearms. Now he comes back and threatens to kill you unless you bend to his wishes. Yeah. Basically what the Jews do.

Didn't happen. Hitler persecuted the Jews (rightfully so) and lost. The victors - the Jews - used this as a future tool of leverage.

If you need reason on why to become a National Syndicalist, see pic.

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Also be aware that "shitposting," or posting something ludicrous or reductive just to get a laugh, is common here. Do not assume that when people are making a joke that they are displaying their full intelligence or opinion on the matter. Sorry for the typos in my last post, btw.

bartleby, bolshevism is judaism

post 1/?

>I am curious about your position on "white race supremacy/aryan supremacy" as well as your perspective on Jews, and the holocaust.

the holocaust first. watch these. challenge your assumptions. if it helps it go down just watch it like you would some "conspiracy theory" video, just a bit of fun and ridiculousness to pass the time. but keep an open mind and ask why this is the only historical event that exists which absolutely cannot be questioned

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Just start by asking if the beliefs you have are your own?.

Thank you very much for this answer! This does help. I've always misunderstood Jow Forums as being the home of NatSocs, white "supremacists", etc. but you had a good point especially in regard to what Mussolini had written in his works. One of the issues for me personally is being a materialist, I also have some strong roots in atheism, and as far as I am aware Mussolini advocated for the ideal state to incorporate a sort of spritiualness to some degree? Thank you for your time in giving me an answer user, very much appreciate it.

I will make sure to check these out!

Multi racialism and lgbt faggotry is largely promoted by capitalists and neo liberals. All they want is cheap non white labor and consumerism ,and they'll destroy the family , the white working class and the white ethnic population to achieve that.
You can still have socialist beliefs l;ike i do, in fact they're encouraged, but you need to realzie the impoprantce of the state and the nation (by blood). International marxists like democratic socialists or anarcho communists fail to see that their humanitarian hippie agenda is benefiting Porky and the jew.
As much as they weren't ethno nationalist and had big issues, even ex socialist countries from eastern europe wouldn't promote anti white self hate and open borders.
Look into things like german nazbol or read Georges Sorel (combining social fascism with economic socialism while being national)

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Thanks for this, I'll check it out.

No worries, and thanks again! Completely understand.

White people are certainly a great people, I just don't believe anyone is actually a "white supremacist". I don't claim that anyway. I don't think whites should rule over anyone.

Jews are basically evil incarnate, they actually are actively trying to exterminate white people as we commonly understand the phrase. It's pretty surreal to realize that " muh jooz" is actually true.

The "Holocaust" as most people understand didn't happen. Given all the shall we say, underhanded ways these people operate today everyday in 2019 before our eyes, I find it impossible to believe that 6 million Jews actually died in Europe in the 1940s. Simply because they are comfortable telling the goyim that's the number, it cannot be that number, it must be lower, and it probably is significantly lower. I don't believe the Germans and their allies wanted to exterminate the Jews, but move them far away from their homeland. They actually went to pretty extraordinary lengths to move the Jews, they concentrated them in ghettos to make it easier to move them en masse, with the goal of moving them to Siberia basically. Then the war got bad and certainly their primary concern wasn't feeding Jewish prisoners, considering they rightly blamed these people for everything that was happening. So a lot of the jews died from disease and starvation. IMO.

Thanks for reading and I hope that you get some other answers directly on point in this thread; unfortunately I have to call it a night soon.

Mussolini had complicated and contradictory views on spirituality. Most of his thought was praxis, not even really "philosophy" per se. Check out Marinetti and D'Annunzio if you want to get to the heart of the matter. Want to know how Mussolini felt about the Jews, though? Research Margherita Sarfatti. As it turns out, one of the chief propagandists of fascism in Italy after the early 1920s, as well as Mussolini's primary mistress, just so happened to be Jewish woman. Things are not as simple as they seem.

Have a great night.

post 2/?

>I am curious about your position on "white race supremacy/aryan supremacy" as well as your perspective on Jews, and the holocaust.

about white supremacy.
the fact is that SOMEONE will rule. today it is this peculiar Anglo-judeo American empire. it is international capital. it is this fucking crazy college of megacorporations.
well, that order is dying. it is beibg killed by its own contradictions, the foundation of lies it was built on (yes, one of which is the holocaust), as well as just the sheer quantity of purpolessness, apathy, and human misery it is inflicting not only on the wider world, but especially on the its own people.
and who even are its own people?
once it was english settlers. then free white men of good character. then a jew said it was your tired poor and huddled masses, so now a century later thats what it is now. its just everyone. everyone on earth.
but man is tribal, and robbing him of his tribalism is like robbing him of any other core part of what he is. you can give him food water and shelter but if you say, rob him of he sexual impulse he is lost, purposeless, suicidal. rob him of his tribalism and you do much the same. sure, he could technically survive without it, but what the hell would he do.
i would be very curious to see a prairie dog taken out of its natural habbitat, remove all of its predators, and give it plenty of all its favorite food and clean water and artificial shelter from the elements. but give him no dirt in which to dig his own home from and give him no clan he is a part of. i would bet the poor creature would just last on its belly all day in its little artificial basement and jerk off all day in total depression.
race is real. human groups differ. and humans seek out others who are like themselves. we are designed to sacrifice for our group, hence why races block vote even against their own individual interests.

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post 3/3

>I am curious about your position on "white race supremacy/aryan supremacy" as well as your perspective on Jews, and the holocaust.

we cannot flourish in a big god dammed mixup. it is killing us. it is making us miserable. it is disgenic and degenerating ALL races. the deal with "white supremacy" is twofold. one, the acceptance of tribalism and allowing man to divide in the way which is natural to him. and two, the acceptance that SOMEONE must rule (the usa, the soviets, the pope, the u.n., the whites, the chinks, whoever, but SOMEONE), so why not us? if we are up to the task.

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good post. white supremacy is a confusing strawman. saying all the shitty things that other races do may imply an element of supremacy but that's not quite it, and lots of those negative things are true. black males between 16-34 commit about half the murders in the united states. That's about 5 percent of the population. muslims take honor and historical revenge to cartoonishly violent levels. jews push immigration, anti white narratives and using minorities for D&C. its all true. what exactly that means i dont know (i have my thoughts) but it needs to be discussed.
THe key difference is that whites want separation from that, not some sort of compensation from these people. All these groups who hate whites so much demand full access

All people deserve autonomy, and all groups have the right to self determination without outside interference. As a leftist it should be obvious to you. White ethnoscentrism is just a subset of this principle.

those are two different things, and if you were a real nazbol, you'd know why.

>all people deserve autonomy
funny that. remind some of your rootless cosmopolitan friends

I do every day already user

I would rather you stay commie. You are already damaged goods so stay on the other side.

Jow Forumstards who get so far as to recognize that "not all jews are bad, just the ones who hold high ranking positions" are so incredibly close to getting it lmao

I have to pay taxes to support Jewish ethnonationalism. If someone wants to argue that white nationalism is bad I simply point out that they don't actually hold that belief because they actively fund Israel.

It's my basic test to see if someone has a functioning brain and is willing to engage me honestly. You cannot oppose ethnonationalism and simultaneously financially support it. And furthermore why would you financially support an ethnicity that is not your own?

There's a broad array of beliefs here but most people can agree on these things:

>1. Civilizations function at peak efficiency when populated by a homogeneous identity which includes race, language, and culture.

>2. Jews have historically cooperated to advance their own interests in foreign lands. Through usury and nepotism they have established themselves as a successful bourgeois class that manipulates societies through wealth to achieve the advancement of their social, economic, and political power.

All the 'Nazis' who sit here, just insulted the fate of schoolchildren who were unlucky in life and their classmates beat them. They are trying to consider themselves better and to join the mass hysteria, which led the nationalists to a complete defeat in the 20th century. Today, white nationalism is impossible, America is only 60% white, in just 10 years this figure will drop another 10%. America will never become white, like Western Europe. People coming from Eastern Europe, coming judging understand that whites from the west treat them worse than blacks and Eastern Europeans join Eurasianism. So white nationalism is simply not possible and will never be realized.

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>1. Civilizations function at peak efficiency when populated by a homogeneous identity which includes race, language, and culture.
then why are poltards so opposed to race mixing and globalism?
If anything, race mixing will lead the world to be more homogenous and therefore work more efficiently

National Socialist here. A few things to note:

>I don't advocate White Supremacy(white domination of other groups e.g colonialism or invasion+subjugation).
>I don't care about "white". Jews could be/are considered to be white, as is the case with middle easterners and even half-breeds. Only low IQ failures give even the remotest shit about "white". Europeanism is all that matter
>core ideological concept in geopolitics and racial politics: sovereignty. I believe every people has the right to self determination free from domination from other groups. That it is international Jews that attempt to subvert the sovereignty of European/Western nations consistently is unacceptable. And the subversion attempts are always at the hand of Jews.

With that all said, the reasons as to why I am a National Socialists are pretty straightforward:
I won't fall for the semitic Capitalist-Communist Materialist dichotomy. Materialism is absolutely destructive and degenerative. Material concerns should always be subordinate to the livelihoods and wellbeing of the people and nation. Capitalists seek profits at the expense of community health and wellbeing. The same is the case for Communist apparatchiks(former eastern bloc countries called their Communist leaders "The Red Bourgeoisie", because in function and action they were identical to the Capitalists they hated). Economic pragmatism that serves the interest of the people is paramount. If more government intervention means better outcomes, then so be it. If less means better outcomes, then so be it again.
Second: Individualism and Collectivism are problematic. The individual is good at some things and the collective is good at others. If you prioritize one over the other with explicit ideologies of Individualism or Collectivism, you create a social deficit. National Socialism in this way harmonizes the two spheres of human interaction and rejects this false dichotomy.


National socialism means people still get supported by daddy government but instead of being a leech you work for it. For every kid you have you get 25% loan forgiveness on a house.

Start with pic
and then we'll get deeper into it user
more posts to come.

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Third: The primary ideologues and primary beneficiaries of Capitalist and Marxist ideologies/systems/countries are always the same group of people: Jews. You will notice that there has not been a single notable Jewish figure that advocates for the European Nation state. They are all Internationalists in the form of Capitalists or Marxists. Jews were primary slave owners, slave ship owners and the primary "Capitalist" force that you likely oppose as being a Marxist.

I hate Capitalists, I hate usurers, I hate degenerates, I hate internationalists, I hate those who subvert sovereignty of people. The overlap between these groups is striking: they are all primarily Jews or married into Jewish families. As such, for the sake of the world, there must be a reckoning that prevents these forces from being able to work without restraint. That's why the National Socialist plan was to ship them all to Madagascar and not let them leave.

Do you have any questions?

Because we don't want to see the further degradation and destruction of our national cultures and people. We want to preserve our folk from assimilation, which would result in the lowest common denominator of genes.

Also the separation of race allows for a richer diversity in genetic dispositions. It's like if I was a dog breeder and I let all my stock mix and match freely. After so many generations they'll all be the same but you can never get back those original breeds and the specific features and advantages they had.

It's the mediocre of all worlds, not the best of all worlds.

God and the Bible are real, which is really the only difference between Communism and National Socialism (the Nation is Christians, not Race).

If I gave you an unlimited credit card and told you to show me how old the Earth is, what would you do?

>We want to preserve our folk from assimilation,
that's lame
can you ellaborate on why?

>you can never get back those original breeds and the specific features and advantages they had.
those advantages are negligable at best

Fascism does tend to advocate for religionous institutionalization, but this is largely due to the fact that fascism is more of a broad reaction then national socialism
which is an ideology based more understand of man as an evoluiontary creature.
And the states job in service to him.
Not if the population is of a lower average IQ then the previously producitve class was.

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ok so you're asian supremacist if i'm reading you correctly

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First of all, I thank you so much for taking the time to write this answer. Please bare with me as English isn't a language that I am fluent in, but I will try to do my best to expand the further few questions. Okay, so let us say in this case that it is correct in the so called international jewish conspiracy, Let's say for a moment, that they are seperated from their heritage, family, and culture, etc. and have no connection whatsoever to these "ties". Do you still see them as a threat? Do you see them as a threat from birth? I know this sounds like an incredibly astoundingly stupid question.

Second, I would argue against this term of "red bourgeoisie" but the original reason I had come here was to keep an open mind, to study the answers provided here thoroughly and to see what I can instigate from the arguments, etc. Lenin argued through his works that the more class conscious individuals would lead the proletariat to revolutionary action. This was also refined by many of the "left communists" such as Otto Rühle and Luxemburg with their perception of autonomy in sections of the class which would step forward and take this role without any special coherence or role over any form of organization. Also, as a national socialist yourself, don't you believe that democracy is an ill to society? If so, do you not believe that this power structure of a ruling class, through the party? How will you know that this ruling class of power, or body of power will also similar to the bourgeoisie work to THEIR interests and power?

I can also see your perspective on materialism, and at this point I will agree with you on this, as well as the synthesis of creating an economy that sways towards interests aligning with the people. Thanks again for your time.

Because the individual cultures are beautiful, their people should be proud, and their defense from total dismantlement should be guaranteed if by none other than their own state.

>those advantages are negligible at best
Then why do certain ethnicities dominate in certain fields? When it comes to animals, we believe in the principals of evolution but when it comes to human beings geographically separated for tens of thousands of years suddenly we're all pretty much the same?

Commies and Nazis both need to die. Nobody likes either of you faggots. Idenity politics are fucking up this country.

>converting a commie

No thanks

I have an exam tomorow so ill try to keep this somewhat breif
but the base reason why national socialism is superior to marxism is that marxism allows for the infiltration of a small tribalistic group of whom i am sure no introduction is needed to gain controll of power over socieites
this small "international clique" of naturally cartel forming figures will rise to the height of any system from capitalism to communism of they are allowed in.
This is cheifly because of their minuscule size and thus Darwinist selection for an evolutionary psychology of group collectivization
Many early socialist an anarchist figures such as the one i sited here
realized this early ond and lemmented it since
at least in theory
true liberterian socialism would be against all hierarchies and the jews
naturally favoring each other above all others
tended to create them in any movement they infiltrated
Which is what happened durring the soviet revolution in russia
when the workers of russia attempted to overthrow their masters, they did so only install new ones, this time from forigne backgrounds
with not fault of their own, the people of jewish decent were able to worm there way into over 300 of the 350 comisarships in russia
lennin was a jew
trotsky was a jew
and marx was jewish
and the aplications of socialism under them have discreddited it completely from the public square by the autrocites ((bolshivism)) created
National socialism is merely a form of socialism that inherently, at its core, does not let said groups controll the nation
It is also undogmatic in its response to issues, attempting to persue whatever policies work best
after seeing the massive failures that collectivization of farmlands created in russia
hitler rather then seizing the farms allowed the farmers (who were the most expericned at farming) to keep their farms on the conditions they paid their workers living wages and with their help to manipulate the prices of food 1/2

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>t. Economically illiterrate and/or a kike.

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And how can you destroy identity politics? People will naturally vote in favour of their tribe unless you completely destroy them as an individual or force them to breed so they become some grey mullato race with no differences

>Then why do certain ethnicities dominate in certain fields?
Ellaborate on which fields. I'm not denying there are no advantages, just saying those advantages are negligable and in certain cases more a cause of nurture rather than nature.

You forgot your memeflag faggot

All politics are identity politics.
It simply depends on what level of identity that politics are being played at.

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Everyone that disagrees with Commies is a Nazi and everyone that disagrees with Nazis is a kike. Oh boy the retard train is coming!

Well obviously not all Jews are behind the evil and control, it’s the rich and bankers who controls the economies and medias of the world, who happen to be Jews


So what are you? Mutt or expat

Pretty much, but I also gave the option of being an economically illiterate tryhard faggot who should read a book or take an online class.

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stop projecting

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As a result
instead of having mass starvations as were experienced in the soviet union at this time
National Socialism was albe to both create abundance and limmit explotation by the common understandt that all memebers of the society would work for the common goal as to what was good for the "volk" or the people themselves
This infact was the primary focus of national socialism, with complete enfases on the ethnic nation state as the basis for society.
As a materalist i have no doubt that you understand and accept the theory of evolution
One product of the existance of this theory is that divergent genetic groups inherently compete for survival and thus it is the predispostion of any member of said group to procreate with in his group and attempt to make both his race and his offspring to survive to further his genetics.
This may take you some time, as it did myself to accept, but once you start breaking the conditioning that has been placed upon you since birth and thing logically about the obvious biproducts of accepting evolution
i have no doubt you have the capabilites to accept the application of the science.
To finish off this, relatively short post and inadequate explanation of national socialism (it would take at least 5 to do it justice and books are written on the ideology)
I think i will leave you fondly with an example of one some of adolf hitlers speeches with accurate english subs
if you have seen the video before, feel free to skip over
but it trully amazes me how perfectly the jews have been able to hide the actual content of his words for so long
and how scared they are of his ideas being deciminated

Beyond that i hope other people in the thread can help you
and on the off chance this is still alive tomoroow
i will try to respond then
sincerly i wish your luck in persuing truth and compliment you on your open mindedness and ability to look for truth.

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Its just funny that you are a commie here, you are irrelevant

>Don't be stupid, be a smarty Come and join the Nazi Party! [sic]
>-Mel Brooks

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>Okay, so let us say in this case that it is correct in the so called international jewish conspiracy
This is where I differ from many others here on Jow Forums: I don't think there is a "Conspiracy". I don't think that powerful Jews all over the world meet up and say "how can we destroy the west this year?". No. It's just individual Jewish people, perhaps a few working together, to achieve goals that benefit themselves at the expense of others. This is likely because of genetic heritage. Historically speaking, Jews have been nothing but parasites on the countries they inhabit, which is exactly why they have been removed from countries 109 times throughout history. I think Jews are intelligent, but they lack the sense of morals that ties them to the countries they inhabit. I think it is genetically-determined personality traits (Jews are especially prone to Psychosis-related illnesses such as Schizophrenia, for instance).
I don't think every single Jew is bad, nor do I think they are all working together. Neither did the National Socialists of the Third Reich. It's that as a whole group Jews seem to destroy whatever nation they inhabit through their parasitism, and whenever they get kicked out they just move somewhere else and repeat. They lack a sense of loyalty to anyone but their own small communities, and even that is fleeting. They might be able to function as a group on their own, but as a group are the incompatible element when mixed with other populations.


All you have to do is break politics down to the individual level and sprinkle a little bit of reality and maturity on top.

and do you think that is because white people are inately better at treating dogs, raising funds and making dyes? or might there be other factors at play

Thank you very much for all of this. I will take a look at the speech and take note of what you have written, to further my pursuit on truth. Have an excellent night my friend!

Despite only being 14~% of the population afro-americans make up 68% of the NFL and 75% of the NBA yet they make up 9% of the STEM workers in the USA.

I agree that nurture can have a significant impact but we shouldn't diminish the importance of nature.

Fuck off commie I hope you die in your sleep

What race has more right to call themselves supreme than whites? My point is that denying white supremacy is just another facet of the nihilist movement. Whites won the game of evolution, but the culture that allowed us to get to the modern world is being torn down in full force now in the name of "equality". The reality is that most people don't want equality. Most people want to strive to be better than others. They want to be successful so that their life has meaning. In that respect, progressives who want everyone to be equal are like children who don't really have any life ambition at all. Progressivism is creating a world where it's politically incorrect to even think that you could be better than someone else. We are already upon an era where your success in life is based less on actual merit than on how well you swallow the collectivist narrative and bend the knee to the right people. It's sickening to anyone who was raised to value merit, logic, reasoning, strength, etc. Anyone who has worked hard their entire life and has always strived to be a good person is finding that all of their accomplishments mean nothing in this world where people where victimhood as a badge of honor.

I also want to mention that these changes are NOT by popular demand. e.g. any kid who participated in the atheist movement of 10 years would have thought that atheism was the "right" view based on how religion was portrayed by the media. So ensued the tearing of god from the schools etc. etc. I'm not even Christian, but having more respect for the local culture now, I see that progressives would NEVER do to Muslims what they did to Christians in their own nation. They're hypocrites, and they rely so heavily on ad hominem attacks that average people don't even try to understand them anymore.

Just ask yourself if you really want a nigger doctor working on you

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>t. Faggot

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lol your welcome my guy
go blow your "sister" faggot.

Yeah I agree with that. A massive clique where every single Jew knows about and takes part in to further the destruction of the West is just unreasonable. But Jews are perhaps the leading cause of the West’s degeneracy and decadence in the shape of media, shadow banking and Hollywood.

Though Jews do tend to band together, resulting in Jews hiring more Jewish employees, and Jewish directors giving roles to Jewish actors. They naturally bond together into different collectives with different goals. Some which are concerned with profit such as the Russian oligarchs which are majority a Jewish. Some with globalism, I.e. George Soros, etc and others with Zionism, I.e. AIPAC.

Jews must be firmly expelled, I honestly don’t care if they keep their homeland, as long as they do not touch ours

its late an im slighty inebriated
blow me.

hey can you rate my dutch ironman game on eu4?

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wait so
the overwhelming number of polacks who can't into reasoning was just a joke?

If actually understood how capitalism works you wouldn't be a broke Nazi bitch.


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>Lenin argued through his works that the more class conscious individuals would lead the proletariat to revolutionary action.
Lenin was the greatest anti-marxist. Marx advocated organic, bottom-up, grassroots action, in which Proletarians in Capitalist societies achieved class consciousness on their own and seized control. Lenin advocated Vanguardism in a clear attempt to hold as much power in his own hands as possible, and advocated forcing countries to Socialism before they had even industrialized and become Capitalist countries. Marx specifically stated that Feudalism was followed by Capitalism and that only after the necessary productive forces were produced by Capitalism that Socialism could happen. Lenin just threw caution to the winds and tried to implement Socialism in a late stage Feudal society that was barely industrialized.
I can understand why you are a Marxist, but Lenin should never be quoted by anyone as a source of Marxist thinking, he was the arch anti-Marxist who used it as a means to achieve total and violent control over his country. It should be noted that both him and his right hand man Bronstein (Trotsky) were Jewish.

>Also, as a national socialist yourself, don't you believe that democracy is an ill to society?
Not necessarily. What we all today call democracy I definitely consider to be extremely poor. I oppose universal suffrage purely for the reason that is ensures that the most powerful group in society is the lowest common denominator. I support restricted suffrage from an earned citizen class, holding the State and it's Leader to account. To a Fascist, the state and the people are the same thing. This may require for a period of ~20 years that the state be led by a benevolent dictator while all the pieces are to be moved into place, but ultimately such a system is unsustainable. But a leader cannot lead if the people with guns disagree. cont.


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They are just larping with each other in this thread, they are butt fucking each other in real life right now

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I've become pretty annoyed with how retarded it seems the overwhelming majority of Jow Forums is. I know there's a lot of ironyposting and shitposting, but the amount of thoughtful content is almost zero, and it's usually /x/ tier shizo shit. I almost believe that someone is deliberately shitting up the board to drive real people who aren't retards away, but it seems too total to be inorganic

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Fractional Reserve Banking that is insured by Israeli false flags which trigger geopolitical shitshows, oil grabs and heroin cultivation operations? Literally kill yourself.

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see this is why communists are retarded. Marx made up a Judeo-Christian fantasy called "human brotherhood" and all you fools run with it

Jews are naughty.
Youth Corrupting


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109 countries and the moon cant be wrong. Jews suck.

I would bet that you are a wage slave.

You are trolling right?

victoria 2 is a fantastic game


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Whites can reverse that decine through civil war.

>thinking people are individuals that can reproduce asexually
Breaking people down to individuals goes against nature, it takes two people to reproduce. That’s the most obvious proof of the fallacy of the individual.