Attached: trump_et_tu_pence.png (1200x570, 98K)
Are we about to witness the downfall of Pence?
Carter Cruz
Oliver Garcia
Trump/Paul 2020
Jacob Diaz
Juan Allen
Trump/Gabbard 2020?
James Adams
Are they implying Pence won’t be Trump’s VP for his 2020 re-election campaign?
Christopher Phillips
Trump/Yang ticket will win 2020!!!!
Samuel Sullivan
Nah Gabbard will be the one who unifies the dems.
John Ramirez
Rand Paul will be.
Noah Cook
Maybe Trump just doesn't want him as a VP?
More likely that Kushner is the leaker.
Ayden Williams
She had that private meeting at Trump Tower in 2016...
Cameron Diaz
More than half the D candidates will be indicted. She's a Dem. Stop being retarded.
Mason Smith
>unifies the dems.
Nobody can unify them. They are insane and eating each other. Party will just split.
Cameron Nelson
Pence being a Lyndon Johnson VP has been a rumor for years.
Suspected pedo, pedo-friends.
Meganon also said he would be going down.
She was right about the accelerated Mars initiative, so it won't surprise me if she was right about this.
Jayden Scott
Been waiting a year for that to happen.
Gabriel Murphy
Gabbard is a DINO.
I'm not saying it will happen, just that it won't surprise me.
Mueller, Gabbard, and Jesse K. Liu had private meetings with Trump for a reason.
Jaxon Garcia
>Suspected pedo, pedo-friends.
Who in the Us government isn't a pedo?
Both parties are full of them. Wish someone would just start the DOTR already.
Landon Sanchez
bernie will be VP
Noah Reyes
from what the NYPD were able to deduce from Weiner's laptop only 30% of government aren't compromised by child prostitution and/or murder
Colton Perry
its not pence. pence is the most kiked of the bunch.
Christopher Walker
Blake Wright
Is this more of this lame “Trump is secretly working with Mueller and co. to destroy Israel!” crap, give it up. Gabbard is no mainstream Democrat but she is way left of Trump.
Josiah Wilson
What happened with that shit?
All went quiet.
Brayden Diaz
Show your flag.
Ethan Mitchell
Bernie is too cucked and comped for that.
It would be Pence all over again except worse.
I'm leaning Paul, Gabbard, Rogers, Flynn...
Oliver Collins
Pence is tired. So is pompeo. They will not be in the next cabinet. This is ONLY because they want to retire and go back to their home town. That is all.
Ryan Scott
Can you phone bank if your not a citizen? Cuz I really hope your phone banking. Bernie is THE guy for 2020
Hudson Powell
Here here pasta nigger
Luke Wright
>I guess we will find out tomorrow
Xavier Cox
Pence is an unwitting accomplice in the spying operation against Trump
He went along to get along too well. He was a patsy against Flynn
Xavier Gutierrez
Gabbard looks like a very similar operation to Trump, only she needs to push her rhetoric a bit further because so many were burned so badly by Trump in the same way so many were burned by Obama in the same way so many were burned by "no nation building" Bush.
Gabbard's work in the military and her hindu religion make her untrustworthy on geopolitical affairs. There is simply too much overlap with zionist interests vis a vis political islam and White revanchism.
Nicholas Young
>so many were burned so badly by Trump
Xavier Williams
got us a good bread, methinks pence could be out
Nathan Adams
Asher Harris
Nice Digits
David Cruz
Camden Cox
when Trump joined the race back in 2015 it crossed my mind because all the beta bernie bro's would tag along.
I know it won't happen but still it would bring in votes
police chief didn't want to see his officers dragged into court and gave the laptop to the FBI. The DOJ is not going to do anything about it since most in there part of the compromised percentage.
Owen Lopez
Pence is a pedo and worse
Nicholas Wright
i hate people who call me for political reasons so i will never do that to others
Owen Lee
Foresight is 2020
Liam Jones
Carter Gutierrez
>We're living in the Trump/Yang 2020 timeline
All those rerolls were worth it
Cooper Jackson
pence is a zog man and one of the tactics they successfully used to get him accepted by the trump horde was electric fence memes
Benjamin Thompson
Kushner ftw?
Grayson Rodriguez
Christian Gray
Commie Sanders and his wife took their honeymoon in the Soviet Union.
He's not going to be VP.
Angel Peterson
nobody cares about that boomer
Mason Cook
Pence was the leaker, and was opposing his pro-European diaspora policies
Jason Nguyen
check these specific digits
Isaac Edwards
Pence leads prayers every morning in the office. He's a good man. He loves trump. He just wants to retire. If it's necessary, he'll stick around. He was chosen as a true trump card. Not only is he a prayer warrior but they are terrified of a pence presidency. The person trump has in mind for the next campaign will be the same. Trump is pretty sure we can do even better. A lot of folks are tired but this man never stops. Ive never met someone with so mich determination and energy.
Blake Scott
It's gonna be ¡Jeb! so be can win over the Latino vote
Lincoln Ward
Majority of yanks are retarded by hollywood and tv shit that they treat Everything as if it was entertainment. Always looking for the juiciest M Night Shyamalakike twist.
Hunter Perry
>Suspected pedo, pedo-friends.
total made-up bullshit, you have rocks in your brain cavity, but yes I love how much the left hates this man for loving god, keep going that route, I'm sure the midwest will change their votes over it
Isaac Scott
Sebastian Wright
That will just ramp up Democrat/media efforts to impeach Trump, plus one of Bernie's crazed followers will try to assassinate Trump like one did to GOP Congressmen.
Owen Sanders
Hunter Lopez
That’s a good thing. He doesn’t have political ambitions to back stab. Pence is good.
Chase Gonzalez
Yeah...some of you guys are not going to handle this well at all.
We haven't even made it to the child-sacrifice Sirius stargates yet.
Caleb Bennett
Who wrote this? An actual insider or another NYT LARPer
Elijah Long
Something tells me that Gowdy wants a piece of Andrew McCabe for running his wife against Richard Black. Black did a fact finding mission like Tulsi did and had met with Assad.
James Morgan
you glow
Nolan Peterson
2h2 hours ago
let's say around 6:00pm Eastern
(or 7:00pm)
it takes time to prepare a good Thread...
Camden Hill
Pence is a Zogling Neocon of the first rank. There were rumors early on that he was at the center of an Establishment plot against Trump, and now we learn that his Chief of Staff was a target of the FBI that hoped to have an inside man in the WH. Havent ever trusted him and never will.
Henry Edwards
Total larp, he might as well have claimed to be woke while he was at it.
Dylan Butler
Probably Kelly or Mattis, maybe Secretary DACA
Alexander Walker
But why did his wife get an enve6at the GHWB funeral? And why are these rumors that he's secretly plotting against Trump still making the rounds if there's no there there?
Juan Martinez
Why in the world would he want to go through trump's bullshit for another 4 years? It's also pretty clear that trump doesn't stand a chance in 2020, so why waste time campaigning for him
Austin Powell
Gowdy is a showboat. Talked a good game but nothing ever happened. Claimed not all that long ago that Comey was secretly a hero. He was Establishment wolf in outsider sheeps clothing. Joe DiGenova thinks Gowdy is a cunt and I agree.
Jason Turner
and what about this
Ethan Mitchell
Trump/Kevin McDonald 2020.
Josiah Hughes
>Claimed not all that long ago that Comey was secretly a hero
>Comey going way out of the way to look like a bad guy
>obviously working with Trump
>random user knows more about what is going on than Gowdy.
Alexander Cox
Mien Fuehrer does not need a VP going into 2020. Seig Heil!
Ethan Rogers
trump heel turn was baste
Adam Adams
>Trump/Paul 2020
unironically THIS
pence was the 'safe' VP pick trump compromised on with the GOP. Now that he has solidified his power hes gonna go call in Rand Paul as his VP to both troll dems into a complete meltdown AND to set him up as his chosen/anointed predecessor in 2024.
Cooper Green
God, I love watching you retards pretend that any of this shit matters and that America's demographic destiny is going to in any way change if your candidate wins.
You actually believe that America is a democracy.
It's fucking sad.
Kayden Flores
It'll be Kushner
Bentley Allen
Didn't Paul recently betray Trump on a border security vote recently?
Jose Green
>you dont need a vice president if you are an emperor
Matthew Hall
Nathan Wilson
Juan Morris
Andrew Thomas
He's spent his entire career trying to become the president. He even believes that God wants him to be president. Why would he quit now?
Justin Barnes
Oh shit...
Matthew Bell
trump/Flynn 2020
screencap this
Hunter Nelson
Whatever happens, better happen soon
Levi Lopez
>Didn't Paul recently betray Trump on a border security vote recently?
not so much a betrayal but a disagreement based off how our government is suppose to decide to spend money:
>“I stand with President Trump on the need for a border wall and stronger border security, but the Constitution clearly states that money cannot be spent unless Congress has passed a law to do so.”
>On March 4, 2019, Dr. Paul introduced the Border Enforcement, Security, And Funding Enhancement (BE SAFE) Act as a constitutional, fiscally responsible alternative.
Carson Gutierrez
MIGA my dudes
Easton Harris
what kind of faggot fantasy is this?
Pence is the perfect foil for Trump, no way he drops out
Christian Long
Dump Jews
Josiah Watson
Pence might actually be a real KJV Bible Christian, if that is the case he would not be in agreement with Trumps unrelenting support for the jews and Israel.
Liam Jenkins
Pence was shitting on Trump DAYS before he got the nomination and he still got it. He'll be fine because DROMPF! is a lame-ass compromiser.
Angel Martinez
Big if true
Zachary Rivera
My boomer father has been watching conspiratorial videos on jewtube and he claims that JFK's son is alive and will run as Trump's VP.
Zachary Nguyen
Oh right the envelopes. The envelopes that amounted to absolutely nothing.
Connor Lee
Pence's name is not on shit because no one is fucking voting for Pence. It's all 100% Trump.
Leo Wood
Press X to doubt.
But...if that did happen...holy shit.
Grayson Cox
I hope Trump dumps Pence. He'd do much better without a cucksevative closet homo, Israeli-firster VP.
Blake Wilson
Some of Trump's ... slower ... supporters have trouble with conceptual reasoning. Something as abstract as separation of powers is simply beyond their ability to comprehend.
Ethan Jones
And trump will do anything to stay on trumps good side so he can run in 2024. Although pence might be s gatekeeper for that pedophile group the heaters in Indiana who knows. Certainly no lbj though.
Carson Taylor
Something about the people in the Easter Bunny suits at the white house? I'm not autistic enough to search these things out myself, but I guess it's all in good fun for the elderly.
Jose Ward
I like the idea of Rand Paul. May set him up for 2024. I just don't see any other MAGA type guys on the horizon for 2024. Kind of scares me. Paul is one of the few out there who's not a total cuckservative.