any lurkers still around? comm's quiet for a while now but I bet the ruskies are sending some stuff soon
John Sanchez
polish E07 spy station broadcasting in 5 minutes at 10264USB
Jace Watson
transmission still going, it's a long one. i'll post it when it's finished
Eli Allen
hey i'm back from last thread. but i won't be lurking so long. gotta sleep and whatnot. keep it up if you can. i'll be watching for new threads and try to stay updated
I thought you were asking if it's illegal. if it were an US military message and you manage to decrypt and leak it, then yes you would be charged with a crime Cubans won't do shit, they're using open source software to send their messages, i'm not kidding matter of fact, the dude that wrote the software they're using to relay the messages is the same one that made DGTRIX, which is the program you use to decode them
That's hilarious "hi guys, imma send you secrets on this cool selfdecrypting program anyone can use" Good job Cuba
Bentley Thompson
I think the txt files you get by decrypting the code are encrypted too, so it's not that easy getting the txt files is simple though, but DGTRIX can't run on windows 10 sadly
Zachary Perry
there's another one coming in 20 minutes HM01 9240kHz AM I think you can setup DGTRIX to decode the signals live, not sure though
Benjamin Phillips
HM01 9240kHz AM broadcasting in 3 minutes
Jack Brown
VirtualBox and emulated OS my fren I'm a bit busy researching sstv atm (is AudAnon) but i'll poke around with DGTRIX in a day or two and see if I can get it working
Blake Jenkins
it's signal is weak atm
Michael Morales
I missed translating the morse last night after I fell asleep too
Chase Watson
kk, i'm recording it now but it's gonna be of really shitty quality, the signal is way weaker than before
Adrian Garcia
How many of you guys actually own a shortwave radio?
Connor Johnson
Reciever for shortwave? Plentiful. SDRplay is the one I use the most, can observe the complete spectrum from DC to 8MHz simultanuesly.
Luis Jackson
too expensive for me unfortunately
Brandon Evans
which morse you're talking about? the Russian navy or Russian spy station one?
Samuel Sanders
Idk which, I remember getting the first one and saw a few more after in the archive
hold on, the radio stations are still going haywire?
Ayden Gutierrez
spy stations, yes no new EAMs for a few hours now
Thomas Gray
P03b 15800kHz USB spy station coming in 2 minutes
Tyler Myers
Nothing is gonna happen. Trump knows a war will be unpopular, and especially a war in SA will get spun as EBBUL RAYSISS DOGNSVALD BLRUMOFTTPF attacking the poor brave heroic communal Jesus brown people
Nathan Cruz
Plus, the 2020 election is looking like it’ll be a referendum on socialism vs capitalism. If the Venezuela collapse drags on and more atrocities are caught on tape, more people will associate “socialism” with tanks running over people and soldiers shooting children rather than smiling Swedish people getting free healthcare
Daniel Clark
17440.00 jammed signal?
Jayden Butler
2 Cuban spy station signals with target location North America scheduled to transmit today
Aiden King
E07 ''English Man'' Russian spy station set to transmit @ 9064USB in 40 minutes
Ayden Mitchell
ty based huedio man
Christopher Sanders
Cuba is quite active lately. They must be afraid of US invasion
"6 M Q C R 6 Standby 6 M Q C R 6 standy message follows 6 M Q C R 6 A A U Q G H D 7 A K I Q N R D 7 L Z K X T N U V I say again 6 M Q C R 6 A A U Q G H D 7 A K I Q N R D 7 L Z K X T N U V This is Larborg. Out" The face when you don't have the code book
There's quite a bit more, but Jow Forums keeps saying it's spam. So fuck it, I'm out.
Jaxson Hughes
record it and post it
Levi Cook
That's why I figured they were here. Lazy glow niggers, wanting us to help them monitor and record everything for them for free, while they snort cocaine off the tits of a prostitutes.
Landon Cooper
While talking about it there is another for emily. And englishman started at the same time so I got a serious brainfuck
Kevin Gray
so, 3 strait days making transmissions, does it means a happening soontm?
Jacob Gutierrez
I want cocaine and prostitute bucks. CIA/NSA/IC/MTOC I can help. Gimmie money.
Dude, skip the cash part, just give me guns. I'm considering getting my FFL just to buy and sell. Recruit me. I've turned hippies into Conceal Carriers. I'm a CHA 10, INT 7, WIS 8, STR 6 Bartender with a curse for being - THIS IS LARBOARD - 6 M Q C R 6 STAND BY X3 6 M Q C R 6 A A U Q G P D 7 A K I Q N R D 7 L Z K X T N U V X2 This is Larboard out - too good with women. They added P. kept everything else the same. at it's order, adding a target? maneuver?
Grayson Perry
E07 up on 11464 USB now
Samuel Martin
larboard is online again
Nathaniel Kelly
And again for Emily.
Leo Russell
larboard 4 emily 2nd time in 30 minutes. It's active as fuck today.
Isaac Gray
Oops fell asleep again lol why does this happen every day? Should I see a doctor?