The 90s was perfect to me and was the last time America was great

Agree or disagree Jow Forums?

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Yup. It's a rotting corpse now.

Why is she looking at a super nintendo when the N64 is right next to her? I'm fucking confused.

>born 6 days away from 1999

replace that box with an iphone box and you're looking at the same time

I remember hearing something weird about using your phone line to watch cool things in a screen that you don't see on TV.

Not enough beaners or arabs and coal-dark yellow-eyed niggers if you're in europe.

Because N64 has nogames

cellphones killed humanity for me. nuke it all.

Agreed, unfortunately I didn’t even get to grow up then (born in ‘99).

>Taking naked selfies and talking to online predators on a SNES

Why is gen-z so into the 90's now?

n64 was awful and had about two good games

agreed, MTV still had music videos before the jews got to it

nintendo is shit

>being a kid and watching nickelodeon/cartoon network in the early 2000s
I will forever miss it. No trannies. No brown people. No mexicans flooding into every state. 9/11 was the beginning of the end though.

Well, the gameboy camera was compatible with the SNES, so naked selfies were possible
They also made an online version of the NES in japan, so talking to online predators was theoretically possible, in japan

I can already hear that picture

>Girl: mom we want the N64, it's the new one

>Mom: Yeah honey I know, but...this one, look at this one. It has a lot of good games. See it has mario.

>Girl: Yeah mom but

>Mom: Hun I don't know if I can afford that other nintendo. Your daddy only worked 4 days this week.

Remember when MTV2 first came out , they had to add shows to it, because everyone stopped watching their main channel

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You sound like you're still single. Get married, you fucking bitch.

The early 90s were fun and gas was 80 cents a gallon

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Agree even flow I was born in 92

>get divorce raped
you're your wife's bitch, you nigger. she's married to the state, not you. fucking simp.


absolutely agree we started going to shit in the summer of 97

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Is that Eddie Alvarez?

Unless you have custody of the child.

Fuck you cunt.
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Entire Mario Party series
Smash Bro.
Conker's Bad Fur Day
GoldenEye 007
Perfect Dark
Extreme G
Banjo Kazooie 1&2
Paper Mario
Bomberman 64
>t. 1988 millennial

Yes 90s was the comfiest time especially the malls. Gen-z will never know.

1990 - 2006 were the greatest years ever for the US

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You forgot Shadows of the empire

As far as I know the online function of the famicom just broadcasted games.

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Probably just cause we were ignorant little kids

Technological ignorance. 90's kids have seen pre-digital and digital tech growing from scratch. They try to experience that.

Banjo and Conker are the only ones of those games worth playing. The rest are generic shitty clunk garbage. I've played the NES/SNES/Genesis/PS1 libraries out and they're far better than that trash.

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Her kids want the n64 but the mom is trying to sell them on the cheaper old thing on sale, seemingly ignorant to the difference or too poor to afford n64

Nah, it had chatrooms. They even had one that was designed for business functions

Because SNES was the shit

When Alyssa Milano was still cute.

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going from windows 3.1 to 95 was the only time that the future was here. internet was pure... girls selling their virginity on ebay. eh maybe it wasnt so great

>tfw old enough to remember smoking was allowed in malls
You zoomers have no idea

Goldeneye multiplayer when battle royale wasn't even a thing

90s was hella gay.

the only things to sperg over were from tv. think about it anons, nothing but tv

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>you will never experience toonami as a child again

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They still do it in Argentina

because you are dumb
dating was already shit in the 90s
most gen x marriages are shit
degeneracy was already rampant for teenage girls, pic attached.

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my heart aches for the 90s

10 to be exact

>not having ocarina of time or turok

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They'll never know what it was like to look for NES games to rent, while your parents are waiting for the pizza they ordered to get ready as they chooses what moves to watch that Friday night

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>male audience hooted and hollered when the teen character made her entrance

It was a different time

1950 - 1992

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>perfect dark
Myyyyyyyy nigger

Hell, the Famicom even had a microphone built into the player 2 controller.

Did this about every other week in grade school

OG troll

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and how dad would snap out of nowhere on you. beating you and blaming things being ruined on your actions

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the 2000s provided enough. It's crazy that so much was churned out that some of the stars became minor celebrities in Russia.

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I was a nickelodeon kid

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Nah, my parents weren't abusive

>It was a different time
yes and now people need to see a transsexual 5 year old because whores are completely normalized and everyone is desensitized.

It was good but everything airing was eventually just spongebob just like today and I think toonami ending maybe 2007. At that point here was nothing good to watch anymore. All reruns and awful live action shit.

Damn, good old Rocket Power; a tv show that promoted getting off your ass and doing shit, now how about that? It wouldn't stand a chance on the networks today, that's why Nickelodeon's Games and Sports division shut down.

y-ya user, mine nether

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Yeah and how extremely sterotypical the fat hawaiian guy was would never fly today either.

DK 64
Diddy Kong racing
Ocarina of time
Major as Mask
Vigilante 8
Mortal kombat 3
Clay Fighters
Toy Story 2
Pokemon stadium

Fuck with me

kill yourselves

I get it. I get the nostalgia. The 90's were comfy. The economy was roaring, people had jobs, they had families, they dressed half-decently, and most importantly, the majority of the population was still dignified to an extent.

Today, that is not the case. You have fags launching a full frontal assault on underage children more so than the cigarette companies could ever dream. You have people living in their vans, or paying 50% of their earnings toward rent or loans. People are getting tattoos, dressing poorly, not marrying, and not building for the future.

We are fucked. Our only saving grace is the internet. It is our last hope. It's the only medium which bypasses those who caused all of these problems in the first place. They run the world, they've controlled what we watched, consumed, and felt for over a century. That is not the case anymore. They are losing power.

The average idiot now has access to the whole internet. We have the means to bring them accurate information, cheaply and easily. Enforcing the internet is even MORE costly than delivering its content. This is causing a lot of problems for those who control us. This did not exist in the 90's. We were still in a daze, completely oblivious to what would happen next. Imagine if I told the average Clinton voter or Gore voter 20 years ago fag marriage would be legalized without their consent, and they would try and recruit their children? Well, the Dem party wouldn't exist, and the neocons wouldn't either had they been honest about a new war.

The 90's is the past. It was the true blue pill. We're awake now. We're at war now. Win this and we'll get an even better decade than the 90's.

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holy shit man, I havent seen a TP'd house in years

90s was the decade when public sector jobs became more profitable than private sector. Gordon Gekko was dead. 90s was security, control, pensions, schools, clerks.

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>Toy Story 2
Horrible on the n64. The PS1 version has better music, better controls, and better graphics. Zero reason to play it.

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stop larping and confusing naive anons. your name is black pedo and you wear a BLM meme flag. just stop it. you're not black. i'm not black. but you're a nigger of a nigger meme.

90s is where it all went wrong.

Man, Tito was the shit. Always had wisdom on hand to dispense, even if it wasn't relevant to the situation, kek.

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good to see another high test alpha male
running to nostalgia because one is scared of the present is a sign of weakness.

We had the internet in the 90's you retard. The whole internet was either niche web forums, or chatrooms that were essentially proto-Jow Forums, discussion wise.
Things got real weird after 2005ish...

ya i had aol too

sorta true. Every step of the way republicans argued for a slippery slope. "If gays can marry, why can't pedophiles" and well.. here we are. Harvard years ago argued that pedophiles are just another gender. Get ready to literally join a militia.

Banjo fucking sucked and I don't see why everyone liked it. Conker's was pretty great though.

super old fag, i'm guessing. as i remember, i was a 9 year old who convinced a 30 year old qt that i was slow at typing because i was a real man who wasn't used to computers yet. that was the 90s.

Banjo 2 sucked. The first is perfection.

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banjo sucked entirely. conker was also gay as fuck. RARE sucks in general.

>We had the internet in the 90's you retard. The whole internet was either niche web forums, or chatrooms that were essentially proto-Jow Forums, discussion wise.
>Things got real weird after 2005ish...
ya but it took a while for the internet to compile enough data to break the MSM narrative.
Most people thought NWO was a totalitarian police state ala Half-Life 2, not turning every western nation into a brown shit hold with jewish elites and a white guilt tripped apologist class.

>rare sucks in general
take it back you double nigger

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We had prodigy.
Simply communicating with other people online was novel as fuck back then.

Whoa man! Totally rad contrarian opinion!

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Yet more Silicon Valley and Wall Street millionaires were made from 1990-2006 than in any other time period.

Canada is lax on child porn? :D


We will win.

They can't hide the truth for much longer.

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In all honesty, the 90s were shit too but at least we were optimistic about the future. The technology had so much promise and commies seemed to be on the way out.
Mostly I just wish I could stay up all night playing Earthbound and eating pizza with my best friend again, like we did in the mid 90s. He killed himself a few years ago.

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>that was the 90s
That was a big part of the 90's. No one knew who you were, and you didn't put your name on the internet at all.