I hate the wealth inequality, the lack of true separation of church and State (seriously...

I hate the wealth inequality, the lack of true separation of church and State (seriously, why were all of my readings in public high school christian in nature!?), I hate how anti-intellectual movements such as flat-earthers, anti-vaccers, and conspiracy theorists are growing, and being given credibility. I hate how society idolizes people for their looks, wealth, etc., rather than real contributions to society. I hate how unions are dead, how I will never be able to afford a house, how I've had to resign myself to not having children because I won't be able to afford them, not to mention how the world left to them will have been destroyed. I hate how people want to remove women's bodily autonomy and force them to have an unwanted child, but refuse to adopt. I hate how, in 2019, there are still anti-LGBTQ+ movements, how abstinence-only sex-education is more widespread than true sex-ed, how zero tolerance policies are rampant for things such as drugs, and yet rapists get a pass. I hate how healthcare, education, and the sciences are all underfunded and how reform is denied based on how it might negatively impact rich corporate cunts or take budget away from the overinflated military. I hate how the media acts as a terrorist organization, scaring citizens to get clicks or views. I hate how I grew up in shitty school situations full of zero tolerance policies, no ability to leave campus for lunch, no ability to use the courtyard to go between classes (my school was shaped like a horseshoe, and was 1.2 miles wide from one end to the other walking through the school), etc., because, after Columbine, rock music and video games were blamed, rather than mental health issues, or weapons.

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I hate how similar shit happened after Sandy Hook. I hate how America became an authoritarian, surveillance state, piece of shit with an off-brand hidden social credit system based on race, political views, etc., after 9/11. I hate how my school didn't have the money to give me the help I, and other ADHD, Tourette's, etc students needed, so I was forced to take meds which eventually made me grow mammary glands (as a guy), gave me pancreatitis, and caused such horrible hormone and brain imbalances that stopped growing prematurely, gained weight despite an exceedingly healthy lifestyle, and caused my body to treat Vitamin D as a waste product (I take 2000% the daily recommended amount, as perscribed, but can never get above the "critically low" level). I hate how the prison system is used for punishment and revenge, rather than rehabilitation and separation. I hate the blatant corruption in the police and all levels and sides of government, etc.

The list goes on, for hours, and I could debate each topic for just as long.

I hate the republican party and everything they do and stand for, and think the democrats are only slightly better, but that people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is moving the country in the right direction, albeit too slowly to fucking matter. I also believe that Trump should have been arrested and tried as the traitor he is, then given the same punishment "normal" people get (Not a small fine or imprisonment, the other one), and that anybody who still tries to say he is innocent is either complicit, stupid, or too naive, racist, or otherwise unfit to have their opinion taken seriously.

It should be obvious WHAT I'm angry about now, but no matter how hard I try, I can't just stop being angry. I try to avoid politics, but whenever I try to view news about things I DO like (science, mostly), I see something like "The James Webb Telescope will have it's launch postponed to 2021 (after already being postponed 2 fucking times) due to lack of budget" and I get set off. After that, my day is done. I get angry, and can't stop thinking about it.

For a while, I was thinking about getting my Ph.D at Delft, and then just staying there. But on the other hand, I like this country, sometimes. Also leaving wouldn't improve anything. America's toxic, nationalistic, shitty motherfucking attitude and ideals are like a pathogen, and are spreading to Europe, and even if it wasn't, I postulate that America will cause a third world war if things don't change. I hate it all, and have a lot more to fucking say, but I couldn't give less of a shit right now.

If you're still here, thanks for reading this ramble, if you're going to try to insult me, call me a "crazy liberal" or any of that shit, don't because I don't care. Have a good night.

Christianity is for low IQ cu cks that can't think for themselves.

>I hate the wealth inequality
In other words....
>wahhh I hate that I'm poor and someone else is wealthy! This is so unfair!
A Democrat stomping its (I know you're a tranny) feet because of hurt feefees? Who could have seen this coming?!?!?!
Kek go swan dive off your roof

Some butthurt democrat actually posted this on r*ddit lmfao. I thought this was some epin pasta.

Jow ForumsTrueOffMyChest/comments/bktfso/im_angry_as_shit_and_cant_get_it_to_stop/

You sincerely seem like a good person. You should try to pass on your genes and values (have kids) even if it is difficult. Don't let the christcucks and reactionaries be the only ones to reproduce.

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>flat earth movement increased from 0.00001% to 0.00002% of the population
The horror!
Seriously though why do redditors obsess over this almost non-existent issue?

What the fuck have you done to have such moral authority faggot?

fuck you, life is tough, do something about it instead of whining like a woman.

Damn you've got more hate built up than the average Jow Forumslack. Besides, people here don't "hate", they just understand the realities, and people interpret reality as hateful. Like calling niggers fucking stupid and violent and wanting to adopt policy which minimizes interaction with those kinds of demographics.

Kill all leftists , communists , ANTIFA.

Because its literally all they hear about all day. By now they are basically addicted to their daily dose of muh alt right type drama. Also and most importantly, depressed failures love to be told that some thing is responsible for all their problems. For all the shit Jow Forums gets about blaming joos for everything, the lefties are doing the exact same shit about anyone they deem "alt right".

So... Got that out of your system?

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>I thought this was some epin pasta.
That was my first thought. It kind of is now.

Fucking didums, imagine feeling the need to whine on like a pathetic weak willed loser like you have here , i almost feel embarrassed for you , emphasis on the almost.

WAAAH, It's not fair that other people have more moneh than me

People holding heterodox views, of any sort, is a threat to the rightthink establishment. Believing in time cube is practically the same as thinking that blacks are by and large dumber than whites

I disagree.

Weak and effeminate

Nice post. Upvoted!

I hate how democrats neo liberal scum are given rights and arent murdered with wanton pleasure but you dont see me writing essays about it