If women are naturally submissive, why are so many women love seeing a Mary Sue on screen...

If women are naturally submissive, why are so many women love seeing a Mary Sue on screen, buy into the strong woman meme, and marry betas?

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why do you love dressing up in your moms dresses and taking black cock in your ass??

riddles and secrets bro, riddles and secrets

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what the fuck is that contraption

what is that?

It's a hands-free vibrator, you tards. This site is for 18+. Go to fucking bed or I tell your moms and after she whoops your ass she'll suck my cock.

Let’s say this is true. It’s because by the time they “settle” for a man making 40k or less those good looking funny men are already dating/knocking up a younger girl and the girl has to settle for a beta male. Especially if she already got knocked up when she was younger

based hands-free vibrator customer

How was anyone supposed to know it's a vibrator you fucking creep? Leave my dudes alone faggot

just because a woman wants to be choked out and spit on, doesn't mean she also doesn't want to be alpha queen bitch fuck, to dominate all the other women around her and make them submit.

What did she do wrong exactly? I have barely ever seen her shit.

the degeneracy just gets worse mate :(

They're only submissive to Chad. Women want betas as their own personal slaves. The endgame of feminism is the gradual transition of 80% of the male populace into eunuch labor drones, while women share the top 20% of men in harems. This is the Orwellian future your male descendents will suffer.


There's an actual vibrator in the picture, it kind of gives it away

"Submissive" just means that they want you to do the work.

If they're getting really vocal and they want you to choke them during sex, it's not submission, it's masochism. Although, I would liken it more to sadism, because they're mostly getting off to their own brutalization in the third person.

metacognition pilled

You seem to have come to this realization as well. For a beautiful woman to enjoy her own abuse, she has to be OK with other women being abused as well. The stimuli in this case isn't the physical pain inflicted upon oneself but the psychological pain of a beautiful woman being abused.

I would say it extends beyond other women, but for this sadistic satisfaction to be derived from men, the man would have to be handsome. And women consider few men to be handsome. Even then, there's the barrier of who the perpetrator of this abuse will be. The woman? Women are wonderful and not capable of abuse. And men are disposable cockroaches, who cares if they're abused?

A woman such as the one we describe would kill 10 average men just to have the opportunity to torture a beautiful woman (if given the ability to do so anonymously without any repercussions).

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that was me btw. Check this one out.

Attached: 1549493145641.png (875x1765, 274K)

Game of Thrones and most of the trash on Netflix. It has mostly to do with antagonizing genuine fans. Illiterate people are instinctively jealous of literate people. yaass kweeen is a means of dumbing down what could be too difficult to understand. Sort of a Justin Beiber marketing for high-fantasy or SciFi.

Part of it is just that most women are on the pill and they have unnatural hormone levels as a consequence.

I'm a woman, this is actually wrong on so many levels, we are actually submissive, just not to beta males, we want a strong, handsome alpha with a huge cock to tie us down and rape us, because his genes are the best genes.

>I'm a woman

>we want a strong, handsome alpha with a huge cock
Then what are you doing in Korea of all places

because they cum harder from having that facade ruined

>women aren't submissive that's why they marry betas
>women are so submissive, they marry betas.

Because women don't know what they want.

That's why they shilled so hard for "female liberation", they make perfect consumers for (((global capitalists))).