Why are educated, young, attractive white women coalburning with deadbeat, loser, violent nigs?

Why are educated, young, attractive white women coalburning with deadbeat, loser, violent nigs?

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I'm so angry that I'll never be able to get a woman like this, so I use /pol as a way to feel more masculine and powerful. This is why I love /pol.

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they want dick

White women have been nigger lovers for longer than that.

Because the current generation of white women of today grew up getting memed on by Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks that black men aren't actually violent killers that will turn on their white women at a moment's notice during a chimpout.

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a lot of shitskins posting tonight

White women want shitskins, so that means that shitskins are superior, because a man can never determine superiority if the source of his anger and rage and purpose chooses men other than him.

When you can get any woman you want you start to see very disturbing repeating patterns in their behavior that begins to make you question how "human" they actually are. That is undeniable. I started noticing it really early and eventually getting women was like watching the same movie again and again. They all were attracted to the same thing and relationships with them all unfolded in broad strokes identically. Women are a lot more like dolphins, chimpanzees, intelligent birds, or well scripted basic A.I. than they are what we traditionally believe to be "human." You shouldn't hate them though because at the end of the day you didn't design them, killing them won't fix them, and you're not an all-seeing all-knowing God so deciding that they need to be fixed in the first place isn't your call to make. You just accept that a lot of what you were told about romantic love and women being equals is just bullshit and you treat them like exotic pets. You wouldn't have a conversation with your dog and expect it to provide you with meaningful and life affirming insight that you can trust and the same is true for women.

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This has to be fake.

She is American white, but not European white.
That is a sandnigger

White women are fucking trash, they burn coal because white men don't want them.

It makes me so fucking angry that all I have is /pol to post words on, while niggers are getting the sex and relationships with beautiful white women. Niggers are clearly inferior to me, so why do white women choose them? White women seem to believe that niggers are superior to me.

That's not true, I want these white women so badly, but they seem to pick niggers over me. To be honest, the fact that I can't get these women made me racist. I hope that /pol can rise up and bring back the 1950's so women are forced to like us white men again.

I knew this was a memeflaggot before I even clicked. Probably some street shitter.

UK paki changing tactics

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White guilt/ jewish brainwashing

So if we post enough of our incel rage on /pol, do you think that we can make the world better for us white incels?

Yaaas discord tranny

They always pay the price for it. Unfortunately, they will never learn and keep paying the price, because society will reject them if they don't keep putting their hand back on a hot stove after getting burned over and over.

yes, they have a receipt for 4 years of indoctrination.
have you seen the hambeast & nog ratio?

It's because you bitch like a limp wrist. Get good at something other than tong out your feelings- take what you want...
especially if it's your own life.

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you're not fooling anyone leftoid cuck

>a lot of shitskins posting tonight
Shitskins are the majority of the online population

What's a viable plan for making white women want us white men again?

Is posting online on pol a good place for restoring the white race?

Superior is relative. The only thing that establishes that superiority is the majority of the world advocating for them and encouraging white women to shack up with them. When most of the world is on your side, you will come out on top. Just ask the Jews.

Go date some black girls. You sound sad. White girls are the easiest to talk to, unless you’re only going after 8s and above. You can land a 5 or 6 out of 10 white girl with little effort, unless you’re super unattractive.

your shilling is so fucking lame

Big black cock

cultural marxist propaganda, mixed with rap music brainwashing. oh and liberalism.

To be honest, the reason I'm racist is because I have early male pattern balding like most white men, so this makes white women hate me. I turned to /pol as a way to express my sexual frustration by devising elaborate plans for fixing white countries and forcing white women to be financially dependent on me.

yes, as a failed white male, I can only hope to slobber on nigger toes like the pope
fucking kill yourself loser

My plan is that if I post enough racism on /pol, and master the use of esoteric lingo like "shill," "sage," "Juden," that white women will be impressed by my strength and courage and giv me their hand in marriage like the knight templar that I am.

Actually say what you want about blacks but they see women for what they truly are.
They even endlessy redpill us about women in rap music but white men are so cucked they still believe in romance and true love and courtesy and all those bullshit that are a man projection, women were never ever like that it's all in the white man cucked mind.

You should listen more about what black say about women in music, it's actually a redpill, and you should treat your relationship accordingly. Stop putting women on a pedestral, stop thinking about your romantic, ever lasting bullshit love.


I come here to just scream about the brown people too, but deep down?

I'm catastrophically addicted to BBC.

I've been beating off to exclusively to BBC porn since I was 14. I'm 33 now.

Almost 20 years of my white brain being helplessly rewired to get pleasure from watching niggerdick fuck our women.

I'm a high strung success at work but fat as fuck and married a 2/10 I can't stand.

I'm already on the road to full Cuckoldry with her.

Spent a sexless honeymoon with the bitch doing - what else? - jizzing in my own hand to BBC porn.

It's only a matter of time before she figures out my real fetishes. She has already said she wants to swing and she leads this relationship like a charging bull.

I have no balls as a married man and I know I'll see my wife fuck BBC in front of me sometime in the next year or two.

It's so inevitable it's driving me insane.

And once I cross the Rubicon to real life BBC, there's no going back. My faggot mouth will be trained for niggerdick and my fat, loud wife will use it to clean nigger seed from her cunt.

BBC is going to KILL me and I'm kind of okay with it.

So, what I intent to do, is once I have posted enough on /pol, patting myself on the back every time I feel like I win a victory over another silence stranger in his bedroom on the internet, I will build up the confidence to be seen in the same light as niggers or white Chad. Hopefully, enough racism and inside knowledge of white history, will make white women overlook my twig wrists, my bald head, my pink skin, and my weak jaw.

Lol. This one made me laugh. Thanks user

BBC is life. BBC is happiness

you can easily get women like this if you offer them drugs or money. they're literally bottom feeders

>The state of American men on tap water estrogen

Why do American white men worship nigger genitals so much?

In France, French women love being split open by ugly, animalistic beastial negroes. You should be ashamed that you cheese eating bastards allow your women to be blacked even more than us strong American men are.

>Why are educated, young, attractive white women
youre forgetting the mental illness, it is in the eyes

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lol this is what porn does to kids. by the time we realize it the damage will have been done.

you should have been honest with yourself and never gotten married dude. you can get help though, there are a lot of people who take porn addiction seriously, but it's going to be very embarrassing on your part. once the ice is broken though, you'll be liberated. this isn't what's destroying you, you abuse it for underlying psychological reasons. porn addiction is the surface manifestation of this deeper issue you need to face and confront. also, practice laughing at yourself and break down the dichotomy between your addictive acting out personality and your sober self. The problem will become less shameful and easier to deal with honestly.

They are easily brainwhased by media, women are mostly like children.

Guys, so if I post enough theories and esoteric plans to fight back against Jewish plans, will white women overlook my short height, balding, and genetic defects?

Stop getting your worldview on Jow Forums there is far more racemixing in the USA.
We do not have an unhealthy fascination for black people genitals, here in Europe.
And women all around the world are whores anyway, they even fuck dogs.
Stop thinking you are a noble knight saving an innocent maiden. Women would throw you in a pit of fire to get the man she wants.
This is how they work but you don't want to admit it because it's too hard of a reality and you prefer to believe in your beautiful fairytales about pure women and bullshits.
Women are animals. Offering their holes to obliteration to a black, a white, a smelly rich poo, a dog, it's make no difference for them.

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For your information there are only a few kinds of people who say "BBC". 1) Someone who sexually objectifies black men. 2) Someone who thinks only certain kinds of racist stereotypes are acceptable and "progressive" etc.

In reality, the majority of men aren't well endowed, just like the majority of women don't have slim bodies with very large natural breasts. Irony is lost on the liberals who (proudly) promote this stuff and believe they aren't racist themselves.

“It was around then that I started hating blacks. There weren’t many of them in the school — most of them went to the technical high school, Lycee Pierre-de-Doubertin, where the eminent Defiance did his philosophical striptease and propounded his pro-youth ass-kissing. I only had one, in my premiere A class, a big, stocky guy who called himself Ben. He always wore a baseball cap and Nikes; I was convinced he had a huge dick. All the girls threw themselves at this big baboon and here I was trying to teach them about Mallarme — what the fuck was the point? This is the way Western civilization would end, I thought bitterly, people worshiping in front of big dicks, like hamadryas baboons… We envy the Negro because we long to regress, like him, to our animal selves; to be animals with big cocks and small reptilian brains which are no more than appendices to their pricks.”

t. french author

that's pretty much what happened to me. I'm not balding but I'm 5'5

A nice redpill about women. And also about white men of nowadays who are weak so they don't attract women and wonder why.
Women don't want a skinny faggots reading them about a dead author speaking about useless convolution, women are animals as I said and want to be fucked hard by a strong athletic male, black or white.
You fuckin cucks, start to hit the gym and stop to daydream about romance and bullshits.
This extract is not about black male it's about how white men are clueless due to decades of brainwashing, they project their bullshits on women like muh literature. Women DON'T CARE they are animals stip treating them like your male peers, they just want to get their nasty holes pounded, stop giving them education and jobs with responsabilities you fuckin cucks!!

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This is the reason I hate blacks, because women view them as sexually superior to me.

This is not the case for the majority of white women. Those who are genetic defects love "chocolate children.

Do you even confidence bro? Do you even lift? Do you even practice assertiveness ?

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If i were you id murder suicide

all women in their 20s are banking on marrying some beta in their 30s who will financially support them like daddy, so they are whoring up while they can, and even after getting married they know that can divorce beta and get child support. what's your plan to deal with it?... you can't make a ho into a housewife

niggers are the eternal chads, they treat women like shit because its in their savage nature, and its a womans nature to crave being treated like shit. White men have evolved to the point that they are generally good people but women just want to be dominated

The things is to realize all women are hoes at core. Black know that and bank on this

I mean, if your women prefer nigs over you that means that you are less atractive and stonger than niggers, and niggers are nothing less than animals, white race is diying out because this weak generation, it's natural selection, imagine being a worst mate than a nigger, thats low.

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I 6'4 white and grew up in a 'banlieu' along with blacks and I can confirm, I treat women the same way and it works, it's not about skin color it's about how to treat women according to what they truly are.

Nice b8 M8

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I've been with 38 women.
I have come to the conclusion that women are collective animals, forever subservient to confrontation aversion, groupthink, group cohesion, peer pressure, propaganda.

Start demeaning, hitting and abusing women. You either remember how to be men again or you submit your women to homicidal niggers that never forgot how to express masculinity.
Ideally, at some point, you will be able to do away with the bad aspects of masculinity again. But that's neither here or there. You need to start controlling women, unapologetically.

THank you

isten, we all have the capacity to be feral, meaning to be animalistic, such as allowing our daily needs to be reduced to: what am I going to eat today, who am I going to fuck, and how am I going to have a good time today. that's what criminals do, they can't think past today and plan for their future. that's what rap does, it brainwashes you to fuck tomorrow, all I gave shyt is today! and that is what makes us different than animals, we have the ability to make plans and work for tomorrow. cuz if you don't, tomorrow is really going to suck for you. soon, very soon, like in 10-20years, we will see so many underemployed, fat hoes, baby mommas who never married and tyrone didn't give a shyt about them. then the shaming will be obvious, feminism will have produced women who are disgusting, disgraceful, and embarrassing to even look at, like who would want to marry garbage like that?

based nigger

> That bitterness
Are you a roastie or a nigger, OP?

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I agree with you, I think you have to plan your life with logic but when it comes to women, pull the switch, white men should act more like blacks in this field.
There are a lot to learn from blacks desu.

>How do we fix Caucasian masculinity?

We white men made up the rules that masculinity is measured in penis size, dominance in sports, and aggressive, violent behavior. So is it any wonder our women are choosing blacks? In a way, black men are better at being white men than we are.

The threads about what women want to fuck and all that bullshit have de objective of undermining this site as a place for alternative political dialogue.

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> my pink skin
Oh god that's a nigger.
I knew of angry currycel but never saw an actual blackcel.

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Because niggers act alpha af. White men have been programmed into being betacucks

I wish I was that nigger. Sounds better than any hentai manga plot.

Moreover it's not true they are lazy, you should see how they practice sport and self care, they lift and lookmaxx. They always present the best version of themselves in term of style. This also is a huge factor who attract women.
Meanwhile whites walk around with their beer bellies and saggy jeans.

Women love fashion and stuff and having fashionable bf.

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How do I, a white supremacist, reconcile my understanding of natural selection, versus my desire to maintain white supremacy? Is posting on Jow Forums a good way to make myself feel as if I'm part of something bigger?

I cant figure out your point. But I bet your voice sounds like shit. Post up a clip you sad fucking piece of shit