Pussy Gives You Cancer


or actually gives you immuno weakening viruses that cause a severe depletion in B-17 uses that allows cancer to form

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have sex sweaty

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HPV is oncogenic, it literally contains gene segments that directly cause cancer. Oral sex is absolutely degenerate.

>mfw I wanna eat pussy but I don't wanna die

Just eat a roast beef sandwich instead idiot.


>ex girlfriend is an absolute slut
>Went down on her on multiple occasions
She got the pleasure and I got the death sentence.

hey it's helionexciter, what's up kid

Everything gives you cancer. Getting it from pussy is the best way to get it.

I believe it.

HIV is also fake. It's caused by gay sex/drugs.



I meant to say AIDS is caused by gay sex/drugs. Also malnutrition.

HIV is fake.

life is the main carcinogen

Put saran wrap on the pussy before you eat it. Also there is a vaccine for the main cancer causing types of HPV, not that it provides foolproof protection but it's something.

So does masturbating


HIV is not fake but that HIV causes AIDS is.

Only fags eat pussy anyway

Why? HIV infects immune cells, and AIDS is defined by immune cell titer. What would be causing AIDS in an HIV infected person if it wasn't HIV.

>eating a females ax wound

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Don't fucking do this, Saran wrap is not safe to use for sex. Use a dental dam.

women are walking biohazard bank account drainers.

shitposts to /b/ where are the mods jesus christ

My gf is african american and I LOVE eating her pussy

And eating the ass of a cute girl cures your autism
Also nagasaki's spam filter can eat my ass

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I've eaten a lot of ass and I'm still autistic.

I said girl, you retard

Ive eaten tons of ass and i am doing pretty fine. I still shake when im taking tests but im top of my class so who cares?


this guy doesn't sound like a kike at all!

remember not to reproduce goy.

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Eh. I have hiv my man and i went heavy unto the denial route. I did alternative stuff, i did ozone medicine, i was literally sucking the blood out of one arm, bubbling ozone through it and pumping it back in. 10 years later, aids my bud. Almost died. Its real, we don't understand it well but its not even a problem if you just take a pill daily. Apparently whoever is dying cant do that one simple thing.

Sorry, didn't realize your mom was actually a tranny. My bad.

I don't know, but if you had sisters and knew anything about how hygien and women works, you would know that there is zero based in eating a female out. I would rather suck a dick, and am not even gay. There are reasons why Jews consider women unclean half of a womens life span.

no u

It's fake, nigger.


>“HIV tests” have never been shown to detect “HIV”, namely an exogenous retrovirus 111,112,113,114,115,116. Therefore the term HIV denotes only whatever it is that produces a positive HIV test, and this should be indicated by always writing “HIV” or F(HIV) chapter 9 in 5 or something similar.

>3.1.1That a retrovirus could be found in AIDS patients had been inferred from the presence of reverse transcriptase 117,p. 1259 in 118, an enzyme used by retroviruses to infiltrate the DNA genomes of the cells they invade. But reverse transcriptase turned out to be present in all mammalian cells and is not a valid marker for the presence of “HIV” 119 or any other retrovirus.

>3.1.2The mistaken claim to have found a retrovirus in AIDS patients became a claim, announced at a press conference 120, that it was the probable 121,122,123 cause of AIDS, discovered by Robert Gallo. The articles later published by Gallo 49,124,125,126 did not establish that claim (see section 1.2.1).

>3.1.3“HIV” tests have never been validated against a gold standard 127,910, namely, authentic pure virions (virus particles).

> virions of “HIV” have never been isolated from an AIDS-1 patient nor from an “HIV-positive” individual

They have "markers" and proteins etc. that is supposedly "HIV", but it's not. HIV means "human immunodeficiency virus". If HIV is not the cause of AIDS, then the entire thing is bullshit. Pregnant women and people with flu test positive for HIV. Explain that. Why can't they isolate the actual virus?


since when does oral sex end with reproduction?

Pour some boiling water on the cunt, it will kill all of the bacteria and then wait a minute for it to cool down.

Change your tampon.

Who the fuck eats pussy that they don't fuck immediately afterwards?

Oh vey, shut it down!

I am assuming you’re a virgin?


Your antiviral drugs are likely causing your AIDS symptoms, if you aren't a butt pumping drug abusing faggot, which I suspect you are.


Aw man, that is Val Kilmer? That tears my heart.

Couple of those are semantic arguements.

Hiv tests are antibody tests. Several tests are like this, ie hepatitis c, b and a, as well as varicella and cmv. Taking titers is not unusual in medicine.

Ive seen the rushed science, it was done poorly. Admittedly i dont think we know what is going. Whether it is a multiplicity of virii piggy packing, or a single, or something entirely different the point is ultimately that people with x y z markers die of immune collapse in 10 years max. Not all, but most. Drugs that target rev transcriptase and integrase are critical for treatment and when given those indicators go down.

Other things that have happened: theory changed repeatedly during the course of the disease to explain new findings. Kitchen sink hypothesis and what not.

Na. I never took the drugs. I got sick after. New generation drugs are extremely low toxicity compared to the old ones. Admittedly i was afraid of them so i held off and im glad i did. Today im more healthy than I have ever been. All of those markers hace have dropped, no viral load, normal t cells. Up from literally 2 cd4 cells per ml.

>If you have HIV and are not treated, there is a 1 in 4 risk that your baby will have HIV. If you are treated, the risk drops to about 1 in 100. Most babies born to HIV-positive mothers will NOT get HIV if mothers are treated during pregnancy and delivery, and if babies are treated in the first few weeks after birth. Treatment will also improve your health.


Antiviral AIDS drugs cause the death/symptoms of patients, moron:


Explain aids related complex?

Literally explain how pregnant women can test positive for HIV, just from being pregnant? What about people with flu? I could go on and on.

Watch "House of Numbers" on youtube, and stop spreading lies for schlomo.

Have gay sex.

You're a nasty fucker if you ever engaged in oral sex anyways.
Never saw the appeal. Is disgusting.
Once again God and nature punishing sodomites lmao. When will they ever learn? Nasty bastards.

Christ bud. Dont believe everything you read. Ive seen house of numbers, ive battled people on the internet and fought for the dissidents, ive been following henry bauer nearly ten years you stupid faggot. The man is poking holes at a theory that is admittedly absolute garbage but that doesn't mean he knows anything more about what's going on. Im also in stem and support thrier right to do it to thats what science is supposed to be about. I sent him a message a long time ago because i was dying. The answers i got back was laughable. I lost nearly 60 pounds, almost died of pcp pneumonia. I cried as i took that first pill, still. Im alive today and i can breath, its no thanks to that information none of it was useful when i couldn't breath. Its all very theoretical and i dont doubt the situation is very complicated. But to say it doesnt exist just makes you poorly informed and gullible.

Ps almost all of the hiv positive dissonants are dead today all of them died of aids or something that looks suspiciously like it.

A woman can say no at any time of intercourse. Why should she want anything after an oral orgasm? And if you say to expiriance penetration, then a vibrator is much ebtter then anything a man can do.


That's only 8, 11, 16, 19. I think those are the ones. But it's only about 4 of them that cause cancer. The ones that cause cancer don't make visible watts, but they'll kill you. And they're pretty common. So even if you can't see them, they could be there. Also, condoms don't really offer full protection, and they can be transmitted without sex. If a girl sucked hpv dick, and has the oral, cancer causing strains, and you kiss, like make out kiss, obviously, but if you kiss her you can get it that way.

I once licked my girlfriends ass after she took a fat shit. Even though she wiped and used hot water + soup to get all the kaka out I could still smell the feint scent of shit permeating around her ass.

Add bleach for non white pussy

Those documentaries say that HIV doesn't cause aids. The virus is real, obviously, but they say AIDS is caused by poppers and stuff like that.
But the woman who was the leader of that whole thing, a woman who got HIV in some weird way, wound up giving her kid HIV, and she died of AIDS anyway. She refused to take meds, and breastfed her kids HIV milk.
Anyway, if you're a straight guy catching HIV is almost impossible. People get it from receiving end anal sex or hypodermic needles.

So what are you going to do, avoid all of sex? The reality is something is going to kill you. Very few make it past 90

God has designed this world in such a way that you get your turn at the wheel, but only a little while. Then its someone elses turn. So dont do stupid things to grossly endanger your life, but also dont get paranoid - something WILL get you.

eating pussy/ass is literally the most demeaning pathetic thing a man can do

it's pretty disgusting how hard it's blown up in the past few years
men on facebook and twitter talking about eating ass

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A friend of mine did porno for the firs time last year and he said he was infected immediately after shooting the first gangbang scene. Turns out 8 out of the 12 keys in the scene had the bug. He is still alive but he lost like 90 lbs it’s fucking sad.

damn losing so many gains must hurt. I pray for your friend to get better, andbe able to go to gym soon.

Incel C O P E, all you mgtow losers are fags, closeted fags or soon to be fags. Have sex and take your meds.

Change your dildo.

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man idgaf if its the right woman i cannot be stopped

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if it looks like a sandwich why not?

Titbro here dirty vagies btfo

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>not getting your gf to use you as a toilet

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that's why you don't eat a pussy you don't get tested first.

if she has HPV, means there was a dick without a condom in there, and you're basically a cuck for licking a whole that has had raw dick in it.

Virgin here mfw
Wew medfags based blowing sexual kidless morons out of the fucking gene pool literally

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What if it was her dad's dick?

Cald down dear.

Feel free to go suck his dick if you so desire, you sick fuck.

Are you always this heartless?

Fag, so you won't eat pussy but eating your fellow MGTOW faggots ass is A (hole) Ok?

ok, i am sorry.

If you want to suck your gf's dad's dick, who am I to stop you? DO IT HUNGARYBRO.

Everyone has HPV. It’s on every doorknob and all over your skin. Actual infection is just a sign of lack of immunocompetency.


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>Everyone has HPV. It’s on every doorknob and all over your skin.
Yep fucking doorknobs
>HPV is pretty much impossible to kill or disinfect

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you have HPV type 1, and in your system in general, not in your crotch.

the type of HPV that causes throat cancer and crotch rot in general, is different to the one on doorknobs....

Did you get lost on your way to mombook?

Good God! That's what happened to Val Kilmer since Batman Forever?
Obvious triggered roastie is obvious. Your insinuation doesn't even make sense.

My point is that non-sexual transmission of papillomavirus is more frequent than you think. The oncogenic variants are similarly resistant to alcohol based disinfectants and can be transmitted from shared utensils or medical tools unless autoclaved.

Iirc, the HPV virus resembles the Israeli/Rothschild star too.

>utensils medical tools etc.
So, not tested vaginas.

Look, I get the point, "don't lick vaginas,don't suck dicks" but, if I get the girl tested and she's not clean, I wouldn't want to be with her anyway because to get an STD you have to basically be a slut,and a dumb slut at that.

>eat ass goy

He's not saying that the drugs prescribed for HIV aren't working today. But that there is no HIV virus. Its probably a ratking of many different virii who have become symbiotic, maybe an effect of global travel, maybe the preeffect of total societal collapse. Maybe thats why there are such large extinction events on the planet, not that a natural disaster wipes them out, but an end times superdisease. It's also probably why all animals show evidence of gene injection by ancient sicknesses.

>but an end times superdisease because organic mass and ecosystem connectivity reach critical mass*

>It's also probably why all animals show evidence of gene injection by ancient sicknesses.
Isn’t that just strong evidence of speciation?

Upvote for Virii top kek my lad