What are your ACTUAL political views pol

What are your ACTUAL political views pol.

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Did your dog just throw up?

If I tell you Jihadi Justin will send the Chinese Mafia after me

Reptilians must die. Get off our fucking plane or there will be hell to pay

check flag, he's not canadian

Strong mixture of libertarianism and communism is the only thing that can save this world.


fuck the enlightenment

free market socialism

I believe in the Bible. Nothing else. Not the constitution, not my liberal pastor, not my parents. Nothing. Only Jesus saves. Nobody else does. Not Hitler, not new age religions, not racism, not Islam, not atheism. Only Jesus and Jesus alone, saves.

I want to turn England into a concentration camp. It would be perfect.

Hang every fucking politician, start over.

Cuba & Australia too.

Jesus couldn't even save himself on the fucking cross. He was crucified like a cuck. Enjoy being scared of Hell faggot.


Economic commodity fascism (energy production/development). I don't give a shit about the rest. Type 1 Civilization or bust. Ghetto culture can die, though.

The world would be better off if all but one randomly chosen ethnic group were to drop dead.

Sounds homo

Prove you're not a fag

I don't care, I just want to be around to get one last laugh at all the degenerates when it ends.


What if the wheel turns up aborginals? They're pretty much apes.



There's probably enough time for some other species to gain sapience before the sun goes asplode.

Everybody who did something lame or annoyed me would be shipped off to an island country and be forced into a Lord of the Flies scenario.

He was meant to be sacrificed, he had to fulfill the prophecy, you’ll remember what you said when you’re burning but it’ll be too late, you can scoff all you want now but you’ll remember these words.

Ideally a capitalistic fascist state which then reforms into a constitutional libertarian starship troopers esque republic where to vote or hold public office you need to show your willingness to sacrifice time, effort and possibly your life by joining the armed forces ala ancient greece.

Just a pipe dream though.

Jesus is pissed

Basically revert to the 50s before this cucked UN / corporate / jewish migration thing started.

Esoteric Hoppean Anarcho-Monarchism (no niggerkikes). It took a while to fully understand what exactly it is, but now I like it.

Mine is more of a yellow colour not white.

Fuck that. I'm not fighting scary aliens to fucking vote. It's not worth it.

I'd rather fight people & skip voting.

Then you simply do not vote, you are more than welcome to make a life for yourself in the private sector, I wish you all the best.

Collectives only exist in your head.

Nashville Socialist.

I actually don't really care about politics

Only communism has a future. Capitalism will fail, and nationalism would destroy the world because nuclear war. We need internationalism, anarchism and communism.

National Bolshevism.

Liberal Zionist

>saying this with a UN memeflag

Your trolling makes no sense.

>he had to fulfill the prophecy
If God is so powerful why wouldn't he just save all humans without a stupid prophecy? Oh right it's because he's a fucking drama queen who gets off at the thought of human suffering.
>Inb4 Atheist
I believe God is real but I fucking hate him. Jesus Christ can suck my dick. I will overthrow God and become like the most high. I will become God. I will save all humans and let them bask in my glory. No more suffering, no more decay, no more sin. I will destroy Earth and make the heavens my dwelling place. The only one not allowed will be God. I will be your God. I am a God. You will bow before God. I will bow before you. I will serve you. I will protect you. I will love you.
>Inb4 schizo
Fuck God, Fuck Jesus, Fuck Christcucks. One day you'll see and know that I am God, when I bow before you and let you enter my kingdom and all of your offspring. That day is coming soon. You’ll remember these words.

In the books the Federation was at peace for centuries in the spacefaring community. They colonized many planets and traded goods on an galactic level but kept all alien civilizations at an arms length not integrating or interbreeding with them. Only when the bugs attacked without warning was the Federation at war with anyone within living memory outside of small territory and border disputes akin to operation desert storm in the 90's.

I think people who by risking their lives have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they are idiots without a trace of critical thinking shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

general apathy


Well, I'm a Jew so basically my political opinion is basically just to make niggers gang bang white women and subvert any and all European nations by any means possible.

"It's a clowns world" has unironically become my irl ideology

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Slay all lichtensteinians. Cancer of the planet.



I would argue that you see the world through an idealist lense same as me. Where we differ is that I believe force is the only way to resolve conflict, by voting you are using force. I know its a scene from a movie but its message hits home for me.