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Why are Germans so Evil?
Evan Parker
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Nathan Bell
So she's safe and speaks German now and does not use deodorant?
Ryder Baker
Jonathan Diaz
Because they're literally germs. That's why it took an Austrian to sort them out.
Jaxson Powell
Piss poor attempt at an anti kraut thread. Embarrassing actually. Do one loser
Alexander Butler
i saw a short docu about that dude years ago. as far as i know he was only into little boys.
Lincoln Ross
John Podesta?
Jace Cook
Damn, they are still searching for her? How long has this shit gone on? I was still in school when I first heard about this.
Benjamin Martin
If she was black, the police wouldn't even bother picking up the 911 call
Eli Cruz
nah his name is Martin Ney.
Charles King
Her parents killed her by accident, hid the body, then pulled strings with their mass media chums to obsfucate the matter. She died on the Sunday which gave them almost five full days to construct the kidnapping plot.
Meanwhile unknown to the McCanns there was an MI5 paedophile honeypot operating going on in the same area, and that's why the British Government leaped into action thinking one of their targets had wandered off the plantation. The subsequent arrest of Clement Freud was part of this, a well-know paedo who was probably running the MI5 operation.
That's why this case is so weird, it invovles spookery overlapping with criminal deception on the part of the parents. Corpse Doggos don't lie. Maddie died in that room on Sunday and was stashed in the cupboard until at least Tuesday, when she was transported to her grave in the boot of the McCann's hired car.
is a good place to start.
Juan Thomas
so they changed the e-fit? thats not the sketch that was done when she first disappeared...
Andrew Howard
>Not Tony Podesta
Fake and gay
Nicholas Butler
The good ones died in ww2 fighting for humanity
Matthew Cook
How do they know she's black if they don't answer?
Julian Price
we all know who actually did this crime
Fuck off and die you anglo scum
Nicholas Martinez
>hurr the dog told me
kys u retarded kool aid drinking LARPer
Alexander Gonzalez
I remember
Jack Bennett
Bongs trying to make Jack the Ripper a German. Lets see where this ride takes us.
Luis Scott
It’s possible they want to pin it on someone in an attorney put rumours to bed
Nicholas Peterson
>blame the Germans
Nathan Watson
This. Gotta say this seems way too fucking convenient and honks to me that the parents have decided they need a convincing suspect because their lies are starting to break down.
Daily reminder that Kate McCann washer the fucking key piece of forensic evidence in the washing machine before turning it over to police (cuddle cat, Maddy's favourite toy)
Why the fuck would you ever do that ffs.
Caleb Stewart
Are there actually boomers who believe this? Lmao
Elijah Long
Why does every news site use this picture of the little girl?
James Wilson
Are there really people still carrying about this little shit?
Austin Perez
Madelaine McCann died through the actions of her own parents, and the entire story ever since has been a wild goose chase.
Both parents are doctors. It's possible that they drugged Madelaine on the night of her death, so that they could leave her unattended and go to a party (which they did on the night of her death).
Regardless of the actual specific cause of death, the parents disposed of the body (although still a mystery how they did so), and reported her missing in order to cover up the death due to some form of negligence.
There are other clues pointing to this explanation (e.g. evidence from blood/cadaver detection dogs) for those who are willing to look.
Christopher Cooper
The UK police are still spending millions of pounds on it for god knows what reason
Elijah Hill
Totally agree - Glad to see that someone else is aware of this.
Adrian Cooper
>fighting for humanity
>kills millions
Hunter Parker
calls from the black hoods get redirected to a dead line. ez
Joshua Lee
>brits care about american girl that vanished decades ago but not about the thousands of little girls that get raped every day
William Lopez
Hey Sloty, whatcha doing in London? No loos to clean in Pooland?
Tyler Moore
lol both dogs didn't mark until they were called back to the specific spots by the handler. sniffer dogs are a dog and pony show. don't be the pony.
Chase Sanders
these sun reading brits are no better than the cnn watching rapedems. you're not stupid for your choice of media, you're stupid for accepting their wild speculation as abject truth
Landon Hernandez
Anthony Perez
Standard UK establishment MO - blame Germans for their crimes, their literal "We killed Maddie using our MI6 operatives the Podesta Brothers" level of literal.
Angel Ortiz
She was British, but otherwise you're correct.
Sebastian Collins
"German" is a really flexible term by now
Dominic Ward
shes fine in his Basement now
Ryder Fisher
from day one they were the prime suspects because the police saw they had faked (extremely badly) a break in.
now, rather than them being arrested and charged, they refused to answer over 50 police questions in a row (but still want to help the police in an abduction case?) and had expensive legal aid direct from the uk govt, including the labour govts main spokeperson working for them.
obviously they did it, but what else did they do to get such help from high places?
Matthew Gray
The police released the full videos of both doggos exploring the apartment m8, try again. You can watch the McCann's bullshit evaporate in real time if you like. 28 positive hits isn't being lead by any measure of the term. 23 verified by both doggos, no less. The McCann's story is nonsense, Maddie died on Sunday, they moved her body probably Tuesday, waited another day and then went for it.
Far more interesting is the MI5 blackmail honeypot aspect coincident with all this. By what legal right does British intelligence have to ship paedophiles to Portugal to film them fucking little kids? None, obviously.
Landon Williams
Based and Guiltpilled Monsieur!
Nathan Brooks
>I trust lying kikes over a loyal specialised dog
Colton Nelson
Came here to post this.
Justin Adams
She was always intended to be a sex slave for high ranking masons/elites, they couldn't just have her disappear randomly without explanation so came up with the kidnapping story and consented to having the press milk it so they could become celebrities and rake in millions. They knew they would never be prosecuted due to friends in high places.
Alexander Brown
>rape children
>set up known pedos to hide your tracks
Nice job, elite.
Levi Jenkins
> jolly old paedouphile
Why can't bongs into English without all the extra shit?
Joshua Williams
>the parents disposed of the body
Brainlet theory. The professionals swooped in and took her, they were never wandering around with her body on display. They wanted press attention so they could become celebrities and rake in millions. All the men on the trip bar one were masons.
Jayden Powell
>what else did they do to get such help from high places?
good question
and I get the impression (maybe wrong) most uk media have never really accused or questioned them even though they are the most obvious suspects and fled portugal and lawyered up when police started looking into them
why are they so protected?
Chase Hall
>tfw John Podesta invented boomerposting
Hunter Howard
The dad is a freemason.
Isaac Rogers
Jace Morgan
Its the official image of the find Maddie™ campaign, one of the most recent pictures of her. The parents didn't take any pictures after they killed her.
Wyatt Mitchell
Anything to avoid solving crime that's relevant in the present. That's why they trawl through Twitter looking for polite dissent against Islam instead of arresting Muslim rape gangs with a proclivity towards prepubescent English puss.
Mason Price
It's one extra letter in modern linguistics and it comes from the Old English Latin alphabet you culture allergic tub of fucking lard.
Tyler Clark
Jaxon White
>drugged Madelaine on the night of her death, so that they could leave her unattended and go to a party
Stupidest shit I've ever heard.
Hudson Sanders
What the fuck is an e-fit?
Adrian Gray
The 911 operator tells the police the parents are axing for their help.
Christopher Stewart
it is true, all their kids were drugged that night. and they are doctors
Dylan Ramirez
McCann's offered prescription drugs to their friends to put their kids to sleep in the past. They were regularly drugging their kids to put them to sleep.
A generic picture that looks like 50% of a racial population so it can match anyone and the police can do wtf they like.
Grayson Perry
an electronic fit
Eli Gray
>I trust lying kikes not to trick a loyal specialised dog
wewlad, incredible analysis
Nicholas Green
Its the job culture
Elijah Richardson
hahahahah I used that girl's picture for a fake Facebook account where I pretended to be my teacher as a teen cause it looked like my teacher could have looked as a child. My teacher specifically told us we all had to add her from this Facebook group so she could update us about homework and projects. I thought that was bullshit so I made the fake account of hers with an email that sounded legit, made the account look legit by adding lots of other fake accounts, and made a group for my own class with the fake account. Then I Facebook messaged my whole class from the account saying that the Project deadline was extended or some shit.
Good memories whenever i see that picture.
Nicholas Martinez
Makes no sense that they would harm their only daughters safety and their profession as well. They could have easily have found a minder.
Chase Ortiz
I still belive the parents killed or sold her
Robert Powell
They really wanted to party
Xavier Johnson
>I still belive the parents killed or sold her
Connor Perry
Because of how weird the whole thing is
Why is it so important after all these years, when thousands of kids go missing every year?
Why has the investigation cost 12 million pounds of taxpayer money?
Why are the Mccanns milking it big time with their books and their talks and 'appearances'?
Why did the Chief Inspector of the Police in the town and head of the inquiry at the time of the disappeance, Goncalo Amaral, publicly come out blaming the parents?
I dont think they sold her, they were doctors and they probably just fucked up and gave her too many sleeping pills when they wanted to go out to party, and came back home to find her dead, before hiding the body and initiating all this bullshit
Caleb Edwards
>false flag shills, shilling this thread
pizzagate confirmed.
Christian Evans
She was a dumb blonde.
And you know how women are with their emotions, she was hysterical but probably thought they were going to find their daughter the same night she disappeared. The crime scene was trampled over multiple times by a lot of people looking for Madeline.
But still, what a stupid bitch.
Andrew Wood
LMAO aww poor Hans, I dont mean to laugh but you made me giggle.
Thomas Richardson
try hard cover up for Hillary announcing her run!
Jace Jones
Damn those Germans... How could they do something like this?
Jaxon Long
ok so the local police missed every piece of evidence for several weeks until the parents hired a car which they used to move the body. not a stretch.
Noah Brooks
Yes that is because niggers are worthless, what is your point?
Bentley Young
Sorry bro. Germany is gonna have so many rape babies it’ll start looking like some greasy med country
Blake Murphy
The real question is how rich the McCanns are that they can keep bribing the cops to keep attention away from them.
Thomas Williams
>chav scum parents sell their Child on the black market
>oy vey the Germans did it
Tyler Powell
It’s the father. He gave her sleeping pills and they killed her. He panicked because they would lose everything and dumped the body.
Samuel Howard
Didn’t the Portugese corpse-dogs bark at the parents and different places around their rentet home?
Cameron Parker
yeah, but isnt that that to be expected?
Lincoln Cook
The McCann's were quite well off. Certainly not your stereotypical lower class chavs.
Alexander Clark
Correct they had a lot to lose
Owen Collins
I have heard this. Blood in rental car also. Dumped
Eli Evans
how exactly have these fuckers not been sentenced with child neglect in the least?
Daniel Cooper
Now this is an interesting question. Leave your kids alone to be taken and not so much as a slap on the wrist
Nolan Moore
this is interesting.
why? because in the older days if you or your group or your 1000000 guns done a vile act vs a child you would get erased by peasents, let alone whatever you thin that can bring a skit wearing man down. erased from the face of the existance. forever.
yet this sick act is attributed to fair few in western europe, and doumented, and confirmed to be so today and in a recent past. almost every single western european country.
except germany.
must be a coincidence. or germans are really reallly really pure as snow.
p.s. you scum tard bongs don't sponsor cultists, provide them shelter when they fail.
it backfires
Nicholas Parker
Real killers, (((they))) found a pasty, how lame
David Sanders
the large media profile could mean anything, why is sandy hook still such an issue?
>Chief Inspector of the Police
where's his evidence if its so incriminating why no charges, user?
Luke Sanchez
>Podesta brothers original suspects as seen from the drawings
>suddenly this snowjob
>the eternal hatred and mistreatment of the Germanic by the kikes continue
Cameron Parker
What's Tony Podesta doing on this board? Oh yeah! Coloboma is a symptom/side effect of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.
Michael Powell
Mom and Dad slipped too many sleeping pills to the kid cause they didn't want to be disturbed while they had their dinner with friends, she died, they disposed of the body.
They then started a foundation which racks in millions of dollars a year and has little oversight. They hire sham detective agencies to go over the case to keep the cash cow alive.
Liam Butler
If it was not illegal he would not have to kill them.
William Hughes
The podesta brothers were there when she was kidnapped
Andrew Allen
Top $ paid for her
Jayden Gutierrez
I believe McCann's sold her to pedophiles, but accidentally killed her before handing her over
Grayson Powell
The Freud's and the Podestas both invested in pizza/ping pong places. Clement Freud and Freud's communications did PR for the McCann case with Sara Latham. They're all connected. They have these Jack the Ripper suspects ready in case one of us gets too close.
Benjamin Sanchez
we are evler