Why do Americans do this?
Why do Americans do this?
because they are fat, ugly, dumb, inbred, brown, retarded, and in fact not human at all
We’ve got lots of roads.. duh
because we can and its easy. Our roads work unlike euroshits with their gay little woman cars.
We have a lot of traffic because our economy is one of the most succesful of all time.
This is what Alabama used to look like
>European buildings
>Tram tracks for public transport
>Whites living in the cities
Literally Europe 2.0
The answer is we don't know. We are carefully domesticated cattle.
Literally just a way to deal with high traffic volume. I wouldn't expect a Swede to understand, how many bike lanes do you have?
and degenerates
Are you retarded? It just looks like a highway intersection/exit that allows you to switch direction and get on the other highway without stopping your car. Very efficient. I think Hitler invented these. It’s built for function and not for looks if that’s what your getting at. Every modern country has these. There’s probably even a few of these in African countries for fucks sake. You probably still get around by horse & buggy in your poorfag shithole I guess?
They need to commute large distances.
Because nobody wants to live in the cities.
Because the cities are full of heavy traffic roads.
Hey don't offend my people! at least we arent drunk violent former commies like you slavshits.
Wait, niggers used to dress like THAT?
Dunno, go ask Mexico. Despite (((Hollywood’s))) clever use of CGI depicting otherwise, LA hasn’t been America for quite some time now.
to keep up with the japanese.
We have an invention called cars. You should try using them sometime.
This is efficiency...
They still have fucking toll booths instead of just wireless?
Big country, big roads. Your country is the size of a small state. You wouldn't understand the complexities of the US highway system.
At least we have infrastructure that doesn't consist of Soviet concrete and apathy
Italy's Milanofiori is exactly like that.
It's an excellent freeway interchange in an urban area. You wouldn't understand because your population is too fucking stupid to create innovations that develop an economy that would require such transportation needs you dumbass shitbag.
It is wireless fucking retard
He screamed from his soviet era 85 HP Lada.
Shut the fuck up Ivan, I don't thin your shit tier cars are even legal to drive on our highways.
A European motorway interchange looks like , not like the abomination in the OP.
Everyone used to dress like that, except for poorest of poor people on a farm in the middle of nowhere.
>abomination in the OP
It's multiple highways converging. Think of it like a 4d roundabout.
Looks like Nagumo's plan for the invasion of Midway
because people don't live in the cities anymore, only niggers and spics do, so they come from the livable suburbs into the cities to work, and don't have time to go through street traffic. Interstate Highways allow you to skip most of it just going from the nearest exit. Also it allows people to relocate across the country for a job. Without the freeways, you'd be stuck in whatever town you were born in or at best a nearby town.
Looks fun
>Atrocious when America does it
>Proof of societal "power" and "success" when chinks do it
Can't make me doublethink, Moshe.
This. Liberals will commute over 2 hours daily in my area to get away from the Negros they love.
Nigger the japs still use FAX MACHINES
and yes there are toll boothes fucking everywhere
Those little wooded areas inside the clover leafs are a great place to bury any bodies you might need to be rid of.
Capitalism. What you get when you let capitalism uncheked it will eventually destroy all the nature for more shekels
And faggots! You forgot to call us faggots!!!
They're being regularly taken care of as part of road infrastructure. You'd have better luck hiding the body parts in your own ass.
That has 2 highways merging. 2 highways dont fly in major cities here.
They still have to pass some retarded booth like it's the 1980's.
dead trees are removed, trash are going to be picked on the grass.
because they work
The op has two interstate intersections close to each other not just one.
>Why do Americans do this?
military purposes
ivan ivansky ivonovich's military here is 2 goats and an ak
this is obviously done by someone who loves his job
Many American cities developed along with the automobile and the industry lobbied a lot to develop car centric cities. At great cost.
>At great cost.
At what cost? Paving a road that was already there, but turned to mud everytime it rained because it was dirt? Breeding horses, feeding them, slow as fuck wagon, unreliable transportation. How is any of that better for the economy than modern roads and cars?
build civilization?
At great cost to the environment, the American waistline, communities, businesses etc. Basically the automobile industry shilled hard for personal cars as opposed to public transportation because cars are more profitable and our cities after that were built to accommodate most people owning a car. I didn't say shit about horses.
Because when we make a convoluted disaster it doesn't collapse. Compare that to Eurofags who can't build a flat fucking bridge without it falling apart.
>more profitable
You're a Constitutional Republic with a capitalist based economy, faggot. The whole point of USA is to be rich. Work for it, commie.
Me britain
Me build big circle road
Usa dum
??!! I don't care what the "point" of my degenerate country is. These profit motivated behaviors are ruining my country. And I'd rather be a commie than contribute to further decline just to get rich.
Why would you want public transportation? Are you a nigger or Cosmo? Real Americans understand the right of passage of owning your own car.
You mean the Jack in the Box near the freeway?
Why are they always depicted destroyed/fallen down in apocalyptic scenarios? Shouldn't they last quite some time without traffic on them?
Also fun fact. The first electric car was in the late 1800's actually before widespread gas cars. And an electric car held the speed record for a decade or so. Tesla cars are nothing new. So to speak. They were actually the first cars..
As for the road net.
Poor fucking city planning, combined with booming car industry. They just built these shitty roads everywhere for their cars. Instead of looking at how to build infrastructure sensibly. You also have to understand how new cars are, it´s from 1908 or so for public consumption. So in USA they fucked up massively and just tore down their normal infrastructure for trains etc. And built these shitty fucking roads in stupid fucking ways. And now they have massive logistical issues because of it. Due to now there are tons and tons of people. So an issue that wasn´t back then was now. Where cars are just stuck as fuck in traffic due to logistical congestion.
>Poor fucking city planning, combined with booming car industry. They just built these shitty roads everywhere for their cars.
The roads were already there. They just weren't used by cars. That's why roads on the East coast are all fucked up, while everything out West is gridded. Compare Atlanta to Los Angeles. Or D.C. with Seatle.
The real car boom in the USA happened after WWII, when USA had tons of manufacturing jobs available to build cars. The highway system was a government project for DoD to protect the USA in the future if another World War broke out.
>because we can and its easy. Our roads work unlike euroshits with their gay little woman cars.
From a logistical standpoint your road net are the work of a bumbling idiot who did not plan ahead even in the slightest. It is a complete failure from a logistical perspective. And it has massive congestion problems due to that if you stuff a lot of cars unto it. They get stuck waiting for eachother because it´s so HORRIBLY CONSTRUCTED.
And the only reason it happened is because america exploded with private owned cars. So everyone got cars, and so everyone need roads. Let´s build tons of roads fast and not think about how we do it in a way so we don´t have issues later.
>The answer is we don't know. We are carefully domesticated cattle.
It´s very easy to explain. public cars take over. Building roads without fortitude. Now you have logistical congestion problems. One look at US road net is clear it was designed by fucking morons who just went roads roads, we need roads everywhere. And little consideration for analyzing the logistical impact of it when you got massively increased population.
>Skopjefag OP being jealous of cities with actual infrastructure
Have fun stuck in traffic on Maвpoвкa
>Why are they always depicted destroyed/fallen down in apocalyptic scenarios? Shouldn't they last quite some time without traffic on them?
I guess it is because the US corp of engineers said that US infrastructure is literally in such a bad state that unless it is upgraded/repaired/maintained, lots of US infrastructure is just going to fall apart whilst people are using them.
So they were used for carriage and then they were used for cars later and just paved. And extra roads built in same way. No consideration of change of vehicle.. It´s similar thing. Piss poor planning.
>"This is what Alabama used to look like
>European buildings
>Tram tracks for public transport
>Whites living in the cities
>Literally Europe 2.0"
Yeah no wonder. USA was in every single way a european country. It was never this nation of non european immigrants.
>No consideration of change of vehicle..
Cars weren't invented yet. No one had used anything but horses for a thousand years. Trains were just evented, and they didn't work well for going a couple km away because of how long it took to start/stop with steam power. No one at the time could have planned for the automobile, and they weren't going to destroy the economy of their largest cities at the time to rebuild them with gridded infrastructure.
To ensure that traffic flows are grade separated, thus ensuring the maximum opportunities for free movement and transfer of opposing movement.
Also land prices are lower than in Europe...and new cities are able to forward plan infrastructure.
Building infrastructure but failing to maintain it?
Bad. Too much weaving. Hence cloverleaf interchanges are being replaced by 4 level stacks.
Why do cringe monkeydonaisn have to reply to me when they see the flag with their "jokes"? stfu faggot
>Cars weren't invented yet.
They paved the roads. And then made tons of new ones. For their cars. And exploded the car usage. And didn´t do logistical planning with regards to having so many cars.
It´s like they were doing something sensible at first with having electric cars in cities. The very first city cars were electric! Then they went full fuel cars. Which is bad for the city because of exhaust. And then they just get ridiculous amount of cars on top of it. So more roads and more cars. I get they were for horse and carriage at first, but those roads look like a fucking idiot just paved the carriage roads with no consideration for that they were dealing with a new vehicle. It's not like you pave a road for horses. It´s bad for horses to walk on asfalt.
See if the roadnet wasn´t paved it would be far easier to fix for obvious reasons.
they have places to go, women to fuck, niggers to kill and jews to serve.
no they need constant maintenance because during winter the concrete and asphalt contract and during the summer they expand, causing weaknesses in the structures that if not constantly fixed on a yearly basis, will start breaking down.
Same reason a concrete border wall will be expensive as fuck.
So why did they turn US into factory. You place components in different places, to get the product the society of "freedom"?
>Also land prices are lower than in Europe...and new cities are able to forward plan infrastructure.
Oh wow amazing. It´s almost like since USA was a frontier of basically empty land and 1-2 million indians. That it was pretty easy to get land ownership compared to in the countries of europe where the nobility had essentially cornered that till more recent political movements that made it easier for everyone to purchase land.
Where are the trees
>Same reason a concrete border wall will be expensive as fuck.
You could easily put another material over the concrete buddy!
But as for the wall, it simply means a barrier. Trump just liked the idea of a concrete wall. Because he knows you can buy these gigantic concrete slabs preformed. So you can just slam them all down on top of eachother across the border. And you could do that incredibly fast. That´s why he initially proposed it. But the whole thing is to have a barrier that works so they can´t just easily climb over or something like this. Nobody really gives a shit what it looks like as long as it works. He just used concrete slabs as example because you could built it so incredibly fast if you used those massive premade concrete slabs. Because he wanted it built fast!
At least get the spoilers right...
USA is more than 100 years old lol. The electric car you speak of was not mass produced. Majority of roads in the world at the time were for horses. Electricity wasn't even that common everywhere.
USA road infrastructure, the Interstate Highway System, was after WWII.
Your timeline seems to skip two world wars where the USA made a huge profit.
shit like this looks like hell to drive in but it's not different from any other road when you are actually in it and are using a phone map or know where to go.
>Where are the trees
Obviously not in that picture. You also have to understand USA has different ecology and climate than europe. They had to plant a SHITTON of trees through USA history to cultivate the nature there.
based and greenpilled
Why do big highways scare the eurocucks in the same way as skyscrapers do?
We should always be on the forefront of engineering and advancing while pushing the boundaries.
Build roads? First world countries kind of need them.
These damages should be minimal in a properly constructed roadway. It's the constant traffic that makes them problematic.
>USA is more than 100 years old lol. The electric car you speak of was not mass produced.
I am well aware of that. But the pavement of the roads that lead to the current USA roadnet is a bumbling idiotic venture from a civil engineer perspective. The motor car was chosen in favour of electric car. I was just pointing out the first consumer cars were actually electric! That was the first choice. no exhaust and shit like that, low maintenance. No sound nuisances etc. But ofcourse motor vehicles took off instead.
>USA road infrastructure, the Interstate Highway System, was after WWII.
I am not so much talking about the us highway system in general. But just the roadnet in general. Killer congestion where people are just stuck in traffic because it´s so pisspoorly designed. And ofcourse europeans never counted on there being so many people in USA, it´s only cause these other ethnic groups come in that there are so many in USA now. Because these people can´t live with balance.
>They had to plant a SHITTON of trees through USA history to cultivate the nature there.
>I was just pointing out the first consumer cars were actually electric!
Yeah, and had no range, and most people didn't even have electricity.
not really, they're sought after by hobos too
>Why do big highways scare the eurocucks in the same way as skyscrapers do?
Why don´t you stop speaking for us singaporian? i have no fear of these things whatsoever.
>we should always be on forefront.
As if it´s hard to do. Fucking ants do better logistics than some of these things. And they barely even have a fucking brain.
Yeah how terrible you get your own personalized car styled to your liking instead of being packed like a sardine in a gook gropefest train car.
Damn I really wish I could get getting sandwiches by two seaty fat fucks on a NY subway instead of listening to music and audiobooks blasting the air conditioning going EXACTLY where I need to.
Fuck its awful here dont come here anyone.
Do what? Interstate highway? To get from a to b of course you silly macedonian
Niggers werent a problem before the Jews brainwashed them. Many of the assimilated just fine to white culture.