ITT: express your feelings towards worst country on planet Earth.
USA hate thread
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Capitalist pig dogs
C’mon Russia after all this collusion you’re just gonna flip on us?
They're fine.
The only reason they can be hated for is spreading of degeneracy.
>t. triggered poorfag
Viva havana faggot
Jealous blyat?
It’s not even us 90% of the time, it’s the Elite that own Hollywood, Banking system, and Media. Your average American doesn’t like that shit either. The people who do this play psychological mind games on an unprecedented level
It's funny that there are so many americans just turning a blind eye to how shit their country actually is and get butthurt over someone telling them.
"Freedom of religion" is the problem. Ban Judaism.
Why are we the Capital of degeneracy? God I want to move, where the Jews pet.
>OP is Russian
you communist niggers can go eat a horsecock and fuck off
You are the most influential country in the world right now, and that is a bad thing. Most of the degenerate gay and SJW stuff was exported by the US
Yeah, but isn't it your society that made the literal hooker mutt cardi b a worldwide star?
Are americans so simple minded?
All those white american kids weren't forced to follow this nigger shit right?
Now I have to fuck with all your dumb niggers like that on a daily basis because the whole internet is filled with them. I live in fucking siberia.
I don't blame you personally or someone else. It was more about what your country represent these days.
that's awesome.
Nothing to hate here. Journey of JM is pure kino.
Russia has terrain and being more than happy to kill themselves as weapons.
USA has niggers, queers and lesbians making up their military. You fucking retards.
The most hated does not equal to the worst
Just give Jow Forums a visit they have tons of fat people hate threads.
what constitutes worst? Ive never seen a more depressed looking group of people then russian citizens, i cant imagine things are going great over there.
lmao jealous of what? multiculturalism, hedonism, hyperindividualism, niggers, homosex, liberal faggotry?
USA is the source of degeneracy in Western Europe since WWII, good thing it is croaking
Thank you best friend USA. With no USA there would be no salt for european and russia people that I can enjoy.
Lmao i love that we're "fat retards" and yet:
>best economy in the world
>most white people in the world
>literally influenced the entire world last 100+ years with capitalism and invention
>first country on moon, europe doesnt even try
>best military
>most olympic medals
I mean, if we're fat retards, how bad are you guys for being this bad? Just saying
Meh, You know better, and Russia especially has a lot to learn from a country like the USA
Eurotrash does nothing but sit around in their faggoty cafes and talk about the US. Their obsessed.
ITT: arab countries SEETHING at the fact they are not american
why not move here? ill always accept more whites into this country, we are LITERALLY the last hope for white conservatives.
These european fags right now.
Sorry guys, you enjoy becoming africa tier and not allowed to post memes because of the non elected EU. Ill enjoy being in a superpower.
Also lmao kike
>more depressed looking group of people then russian
You do know that you guys are seen as soulless replicants with empty eyes to us right?
So what is better?
America is a super comfortable country, there is nothing to argue about, but when it comes to society it's not that obvious.
I would say there are normal sane people and fucked up idiots in both countries. But people don't usualy see this because because they're blinded with stereotypes.
I too, refer to books only by their ISBN. It's quite efreshing to see someone of such cultural enrichment around these parts of the world wide interconnected computer network.
>we are LITERALLY the last hope for white conservatives
Imagine being arab, having a savage pedophile as a prophet and being killed for trying to leave
America is a country based on individuals and Europeans often forget this. They look at America like they look at other homogeneous European countries. Only socialists and other leftist want to destroy this virtue and replace it with a monolithic block of people like in Europe. Americans must embrace our individualism so we can preserve our distinct cultures and bold ideas.
Orange man bad
Jesus christ, you goblins are fucking retards.
Actually believing this shit
they pay kike doctors to mutilate their children. They meme themselves and others into doing it via shilled 'studies' and arguments proven time and time again patently false. Foreskin is literally nature's pocket pussy and lubricates itself. I get the same please mutilated mutts do when I wank when they fuck. Also my dick is bigger. And before you go on about muh smegma it actually lubricates and helps clean the cock of bacteria and dead skin.
Literally 9x the economy size. If we're retards how are you guys so far behind? Are you guys mega retards or something?
raza cosmica nation
Your ancestors or family came here to escape oppressive economic conditions in Europe because of an increasing tax state. They also came to escape war and suppression of thought. You turn around and are ungrateful for this freedom they gave to you.
Who fucking cares if we chopped off our foreskin.
Enjoy your cold wet island where you can fuck your ugly girls with your non mutilated cock.
Germany is the worst follow closely by Turkey
They bomb shitholes so they can make more rapefugees for europe
Not me faggot. You got kike branded. Foreskin is an important part. Youre actually giving your manhood to kikes. Its a big deal. Fucks sake man dont embarass us
British girls look inbred. There is something off about there no chin warted faces.
We dont bomb all 3rd world shitholes.... Italy hasnt been bombed in a while
Yeah, refugees from the african country italy are illegally entering europe at a rapid rate, its really disheartening
Why should I care what bongs think of my dick?
It's a common meme but it really depends on the girl. My mother has blue eyes and blonde hair, but she is adopted and apparently her mother had a 'foreign' name so I don't know if she is even ethnically english. Most girls have brown,blonde,or red hair and are light eyed, although many look more like meds and a lot are getting fatter these days. Also they lather on makeup like it's shampoo, disgusting.
Nigaly is blaming the africans in his country on america
We should have helped Russia cure itself of the communist plague instead of steamrolling Germany in ww2.
massive cope here moshe, we had temperatures high than athens in the last 2 weeks.
It’s not just America. It’s the west in general. We’ve been headed down this path for a long time
Jewish puppet country, not to mention their president is the biggest Zionist ever existed
Yes ethnically British women are rarely 8-10's
you're right, a lot of typical Americans are complicit. That said, I don't think you can expect much independent thought from average people of any country, whether they're "le based and redpilled" is almost entirely circumstantial. The overwhelming majority of people are just sheep who follow what's trendy or socially acceptable. It's just our misfortune to be the focus of the subversives since we are the political and economic center of the world at the moment. Thanks for the reasonable take, I'm sorry for what my country has become. Trust me, I'm doing as much as I can irl to change that
Because amerimutts always claim american superiority, and here is one topic in which you constantly fail.
Will be divided soon, comrade.
California fags will split America in two and there will be much rejoicing.
Except for America who will be violently fighting killer robots made by the degenerate cityfags.
>This is what is used by bongs to claim superiority
wow! holy shit you are right!
I hate it.
Left and Right have been at a standstill for 50 fuckin years now and we are falling behind every god damned minute with this bickering bullshit political theater.
They spotlight bullshit like fags and darkies so they can avoid doing anything about the actually challenging issues, like infrastructure, education, and the military.
We're right fucked if one of the two doesn't win out in the next 20 years and go about finding some workable way to keep this country from collapsing.
And millions dead that came with it. Directly and indirectly. Causing so much misfortune and illegal immigration which ironically, our politicians welcomed with the arms open. Like clockwork.
>Americans must embrace our nationalism so we can preserve our distinct cultures and bold ideas.*
Yeah I am actually mate.
Thanks desu. The American spirit must be preserved. People who claim America is not something valuable are shivering leftist who want to destroy culture.
image too small. Basically they MRI scanned a kid and found he had a lower pain tolerance and also basically PTSD after the mutilation.
>be American
get circumcised
get shot
But you did destroy all value when you helped the jews in ww2
without us you all would be speaking german
>best economy in the world
$22 trillion in debt
>most """white""" people in the world
>literally influenced the entire world last 100+ years
Yeah, thanks for all the niggers and kikes and degenerate media
>first country on the moon
Beaten by Russia in all other importants firsts in the space race
>best military
loses against rice farmers
>most olympic medals
Is that important?
>The joo's
Jews have done harmful things but your essentially the same thing as a leftist screaming about wyte pepo
To be fair thats the entire point of Jow Forums.
Were else would you screetch that into peoples ears?
The Russian Empire helped to become the US independent country from England. A couple of years later, the United States, together with England, invaded northern Russia in the city of Arkhangelsk, although they fell under the propaganda of the Bolsheviks and killed each other.
That's a good thing, when I listen to german marching songs I want to understand the lyrics better.
Your a living cringe meme
Wrong. Soviets would have won anyways
I don't care about your opinion. Thanks for the (You) though.
>although they fell under the propaganda of the Bolsheviks and killed each other
You should care because you look like a massive faggot
nice ad hominem there, you certainly are projecting. Do you think if I was a gay trannyman lib-lover I would listen to german and nazi military marches? Even when I play war games?
Jeez you look like bigger faggot than the black tea bag slurper
I love America . Not the worst place to live , especially in the mountain states . And rednecks not such bad , as local muricans say
New rule, if your country has been:
1) Beaten in a war by the United States
2) Liberated in a war by the United States
3) Recieves US foreign aid
Then you have to shut the fuck up forever, goodnight.
New rule, if your country has:
1) Supported Israel
2) Sent soldiers to die for Israel
3) Set 38 billion dollars to Israel
Then you have to shut the fuck up forever, goodnight.
USA needs to stop niggers and kikes from being able to create culture.
It's not only ruining the youth of the USA, but the youth of other countries too.
You're letting your ghetto niggers taint the isolated and otherwise salvagable niggers with a cultural gestalt of entitlement, thuggery and general niggerness. That gestalt is not bounded by national borders.
Boy I sure do hate niggers.
Nah we need Jews to cuck out the Muslims and teach them to play nice with each other
Rather speak German than Swahili.