I bought a 1937 copy of Mein Kampf

I bought a 1937 copy of Mein Kampf.
What am I in for?

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It's all in gothic font lmao.

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Stupidity because you actually got memed into being a Nazi by pol. Enjoy your lack of being able to think for yourself.

That's really beautiful. Nice to read.

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Why don't you put it on your blog, and tell your audience who cares.

Oh wait you don't have one because you are a useless nobody
Fuck off.

Store it and let your grandkids sell it for millions in the future.

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Alright newfag, this board isn't one big larp.

Use gloves because the oils on your hand are bad for the book

that's the best font, you modernist sans serif nigger.

NOOO poor raccoon


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Wipe your ass after you take a shit with it.

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Lol what a Jew.

>1 post by this ID

Fuck.. that's depressing

>What am I in for
six months in the slammer

Fuck the coons. Wish they'd all get crushed by a dumpster.

The truth

Holy fuck that book is worth more than a textbook.
This and semi unironically keep it in a humidity controlled glass case when you're done with it.

Jews detected.

Attached: Schrifterlass_Antiqua1941.gif (795x1270, 31K)

What is amazing is how Hitler, who probably did not anticipate a global readership, wrote in a style that a non-native German speaker can read without native translation while reading. It speaks to his command of the subject, and efficient style.

eh not sure, but I do know that listening to the audiobook version of mein kampf puts me to sleep in under one hour. Try it.

gloves are WORSE for books than the oils on your hands are. If you wash your hands anyhow.
Gloves make it more likely you will rip/tear the pages. Oils from your hands can be cleaned.



So what is Antiqua-schift. Post an example.

Hitler was an Antiqua man

it will change your life

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I find it hilarious how the very party logo in the header of this decree is in blackletter

Maybe he wanted to study the original book?

>live for the thrash, die from the trash

dumb american

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Who could be behind this post?

Its kinda like getting braapd to death, you know your dying from it, but you cannot stop.

Normal letters

Attached: Antiqua.png (2560x1243, 49K)

It's a good read. What did you pay for this moldy ass example? Hopefully not more than 50 €?

a fucking disease by the looks of it

A bunch of boring horseshit. Think german emo.

Antiqua is what you are typing in right now. To be exact it is an Antiqua sans serif. The standard "Nazi font" of that later period was a DIN font similar to Arial.

Wish i knew german, i try to learn rn but its not easy.

every single time

>D-dont read it go... guy...

At least clean the mold off it.


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everyone makes mistakes

are you perfect, mutt?

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Read this book instead.

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Is that album worth buying? I've seen it on flea markets from time to time but I am normally not into those albums.

This is quality bait.


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Seeing the initial crushing of the racoon was disheartening but so soon as the bag of garbage rolled into his face i busted a good chuckle.

Then fix the mistake.

How much did you pay?

probably a muslim due to the whole putting it in his ass thing.
>light it on fire
>put in toilet
>use it as a plate for bacon and egg sandwiches
no, no, by allah i must put it in my ass

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Redpill: the vast majority of people don't think for themselves and borrow ideas from other people
If you're going to be a follower might as well follow the good guys

A lot of german language
That looks beautiful

>1 post by this id
>burgerland flag
>obsession with fecal matter
It's obviously Ron Perlman

The old style really had some class.

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Want to come to America?

>t le 95% 7.5/10 Chad

Can't even read German but I'm jealous.

Based wife material. My wife was the same, even back then 10 years ago when I thought 'not all jews'. My wife would say 'no user, all jews are evil'.
Hope you have many wonderful German children, even though they have to grow up in a country and world that hates them.

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>solo un comentario por esta identificacion

I think that's one of the copies given to soldiers, I've got an original civilian 1936 copy, the one with the two separate volumes and the red and white text with Hitler on the front, yours looks like its been through some shit, metaphorically or literally, keep it safe

Who is this beauty?

Pic related was a smear piece by Wykes about Hitler having syphilis, but has a lot of good photos.

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Why is she so fucking fat?

Thanks for the advice Juden Peterstein

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yeah right. and that tattoo. and the make up. disgusting to look at.

Imo its not intresting if youre not german. Becouse its almost only about Germany and some idiotic stories about personal live of hitler, boring af for me. Better read Julius Evola, he is quite intresting unlike this

dont remember

yes i love the thick old school make up

>Hope you have many wonderful German children, even though they have to grow up in a country and world that hates them.

im 24 and not ready for children yet. and i dont want them in germany.

forced vaccination, forced school etc.
i need to move to france or norway

not fat

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>Besonders diese [unsere Kinder] sind aber das traurige Elendserzeugnis der unaufhaltsam fortschreitenden Verpestung unseres Sexuallebens, in den Krankheiten der Kinder offenbaren sich die Laster der Eltern
Luckily these days we can feed our children anti-depressants and stimulants, so we don't have to deal with this anymore

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Ughh, tattos are so fucking disgusting

yes we saw your fucking post-it.

Show your dick

Way too fat for me. But nice eyes

Idk. Why are Poles such fucking crypto kikes? The world may never know

>forced vaccination, forced school etc.

Wut? I know that schools are brainwashing factories but vaccination?

Found the another fatass


I find tattoos degen but no one was born a monk

There is no good option except for the eastern bloc. Even here in Australia things are ready to explode into Germany/Sweden/UK tier. No forced school here though at least, my wife wants to homeschool our 2 boys. Fuck having that marxist programming.

you can stay in gercuck you fucking nazi

We have those things in America.

>Truant officers arrest studenta not appearing for compulsory education

And now, at least in some localities, people unable to prove their vaccination status are fined, and potentially face jail time. Also child abuse charges and, following that, an expensive battle against the state to get your parental rights back.

>Land of the free

Is that a fucking mustache on your face you attention grabbing filthy whore?

>>Besonders diese [unsere Kinder] sind aber das traurige Elendserzeugnis der unaufhaltsam fortschreitenden Verpestung unseres Sexuallebens, in den Krankheiten der Kinder offenbaren sich die Laster der Eltern



People. It's right there. 1937

oy vey, remove this book!!
laws against hating us, now !!!!!

get their guns !!!!!!!

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Hopefully you will be bred by a black bull

Wanting to have readable fonts isn't being a nigger, nigger.

hopefully you'll try to rush a cop

Reacable is a very flexible term if you just spend a few minutes with a ceasar ciphered text and try to read it in a language you know you'd be amazed how quickly your brain adapts.
It's always like this, you can read your language when in a text every symbol is replaced with another with 26 11 relations.

Like other (((manifestoes)))

>m 24 and not ready for children yet. and i dont want them in germany.
>forced vaccination, forced school etc.
>i need to move to france or norway
"Wer etwas will sucht sich Wege, wer etwas nicht will sucht nach Gründen." From that post alone it is obvious you won't have children for a very long time, lel.

I think you'll notice distinct differences between this book and the one available for purchase in book stores. Why make it illegal to own for decades, until anyone who could have had one is dead, and then suddenly it's okay to sell them?

>frizzy hair that needs to be curled
>lips so thin that the lipstick goes way over into her skin
>big nose
>big tits but narrow hips

You do know that you’re going to be overrun by niggers don’t you?

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No land stays free forever.
Eventually the government bloat will infect every microcosm of life.
Then either the public overthrows the government, or they submit.
Guess what is going to happen in the US?

Yeah it's cringe.

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Owning Mein Kampf doesn't necessarily make you a nazi

>not getting the edition of Der Schelm Verlag

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