I will never drink Sprite again

I will never drink Sprite again


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>ever drinking the liquid jew
You fucking deserve it

Let me guess, you were getting two cases every shopping trip before seeing this ad

Thanks, another jew product i wont purchase!

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Why do you care? Polacks and niggers get along super well.

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Seven Up has always been superior.
I like to have a cup of Diet over ice with some Emergen-C added to spice it up a bit. Great and extremely healthy drink.

Also, 7-Up had THIS -
Despite the blatant product placement, it's a pretty good game.

why the fuck does that word make me kek?

>drinking stuff like Cola, Sprite and Fanta
you're fucking retarded from the start.

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You mean you will boycott all Coca-Cola company products?

Can some polacks translate this?

Moin moin, fellow Kamerad

>extremely healthy drink.

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It's true though. Dumps a shitload of antioxidants into the body, and hypercharges immunity.


Sprite is based

> You mean you will never drink a coca cola product again.

Good luck with that, and buy some local beverages my dude.

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It's got electrolytes?

THIS, it's Monster or nothing for the true Pol alpha chad

Dislike the video lads, and boycott this shit.

>hypercharges immunity
There is no evidence of that. Extremely dubious.
No offense tho. I'm supplement nigger myself.
Tumeric, d3, magnesium citrate, black pepper.

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No, that would be miracle gro. Makes your water taste like gunpowder though.

So progressive! I will never not suck black cock again! LET. THEM. IN.

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Hitler invented Surge in 1932

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I'll only drink sprite if it comes with the nigger to tend my crop fields.
Otherwise this is just false advertising......

All soft drinks are poison m8. You should only drink that shit once in a blue moon.

Like, out the toilet?


Poland bro, you must not know that Sprite is heavily associated with niggers. At least when I was growing up in the 90s-early 2000s they used to heavily market it to blacks and use basketball players and rappers.






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>trying to boycott the Coca-Cola company

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I wonder what Poland will look like in 30 years. this isn't the first race-mixing commercial i've seen from there. i remember another one last year with some black / white family all happy and shit.

> Two normal people
> Somehow this is bad

Wow why do you care what two consenting people do?

The only things white people should drink are water milk and protein shake the rest are shittier

> Being happy

How is this bad again?

Was thinking the same.

Only after cleansing by placing a pool shock tablet in your gravity tank.

Just drink water, tea and vodka like true slav
Poles generally don't respond well to this type of shit but who knows. Younger dudes tend to lean progressive left but it's been always like it, it tends to go away.

And germans have been considered to be too swarty to be proper americans from the mouth of their founding fathers. Leave, jew.

>no mention of mountain dew, literally the greatest thing mankind has ever invented

to be expected of a hebrew

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why anyone would drink artificially flavoured carbonated sugar-water is beyond me.

She has a jew nose.

Not Sure.

the jew is right

Boycott BNP Paribas as well.

Think about it.. Literally almost zero niggers in Poland, and yet they portray a race traitorous bitch as the average.. Not at all an (((agenda))) goy, move on. Buy our chemicals.

Reminds me of that Stonetoss comic

The one time a kike is right, some fucking amerimutt comes in to shill for his shitty (((junk food))). Kindly kys pal.

You really shouldn't drink sugary beverages at all. I used to be addicted to this shit. Now that I quit it for years it makes me sick if I try it.

>anything but tap

Funny with the brands and how they market them differently in different countries. In Denmark, it was called "Urge".

Is that shit still sold in the States? - Hasn't been sold here for around 20 years or so.

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>Hypercharges immunity

fresh tap?

mountain dew & whiskey, nectar of the gods.

I can sorta understand coalburning in America in the UK.

Don't understand it at all in Europe. The niggers Europe gets darker and dumber than your average African american.

It does. The vitamin-D does that. The vit-C scrubs out free radicals.

AHAHAHAHAH, they colonized Poland? Wtf?

you should boycott BNP Paribas for the shitty customer service.

look up The Hooton Plan and worry about your own country

hey OP, niggers also drink water.

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Why would you even drink something other than water, tea or whiskey? I don't understand these jew drinks at all.

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So some right wing bs propaganda is your argument, ok then.

She says she doesn't feel hurt about the fact that everyone everywhere from the streets to online tells her that a woman who fucks a black dude is no longer polish.

You can find it occasionally in gas stations. Not common like it used to be. I prefer it greatly to the other citrus style drinks.

Didn't think it was a documentary.

well there are different types of left. ton of national socialists runing around poland.

I mean if Princi Polo can end up as a hacken kreutz, everything is possible.

What kind of jew are jew?

It isn't that hard, at least in Poland to avoid coca cola products.

And she shouldn't be. If the black is normal then it is okay. It is like there are no scummy polish guys out there who are worse than blacks.

Based Poland. She deserves it

>I heard that "she's whoring with black" that I am easy etc
>Tweet: Polish woman with black isn't a real polish woman
>but hate will never win with love
>I think that we are together and love cheers up us... I am going to get emotional

Fucking Polish son's of bitches suck my fucking cock this country is a mistake seriosuly polish mudshark worst than american whore

Milk, manlet, milk.

never fresh tap. You pour it in to a bucket/bottle, preferable not metal and not plastic. Wait 24hours for all the heavy metals and toxic stuff to fall down to the bottom, then filter it. cook it, and it is ready to drink. if your under 21 your probably not doing the cooking part.

>15 subs

She should.

>mfw I have been drinking only water, black coffee or tea without sugar for years
>mfw people fall for the sugary jew

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So much hate here.

multiculture doesn't work, especially in this radical scale that the West keeps trying. This type of advertising is better known as propaganda. That's all it is. It's trying to push Poland into further integration of EU via destruction of our sovereignty. Poles are still largely in control of their heritage and tradition, although our Leftists are severely trying to undermine that by pushing rampant consumerism and materialism. Our old generation are also communist boomer burnouts. We Poles are in a straight position. Yes, there are scumbags here like anywhere but the solution is not to import foreigners.

Fuck off

>polish mudshark
>worse than american whore
France is famous for your "romance" and blacked cities.

Hate is a valid emotion like all the others.

well there are sefardis, and ashekanzis, the ethiopian jews that are black and the brow jews in india.

There are american jews, which if it wasn't for the money, and the need for protection from the US, no one in their right mind would consider real jews in their majority. Not saying there are no based jews from the US, but the majority of them are meh. I mean the fuckers eat shrimps.

*Except sprite cranberry

nique ta mère la pute fucking low testosteron bitch german lick my butt wtf shame on you you ancestor fight for a free world a better world know .. lmao germany
Ahahaha ! where did you see this in your dream maybe ? everyone hate nig in France master superior race

Glorious digits of wisdom and truth

> this
Same thing. The sweetest drink I'll have is pineapple orange juice.

You shouldn't be drinking soda anyway.

Are you asking me where I saw american jews eating shrimps? well I a McDonalds in Ontario.

Or are you asking about the Cochin jews. They wandered in to besarabia from Persia and then settled in then the great mogol empire was a thing in India. after that they just never came back. same way jews in Iran or Iraq lived happily till the 60-70s.

>Imagine drinking sprite in the first place
7-up is, and always has been, better.

I just don't get how this actually SELLS Sprite? If anything it would sell less?

Poland will become France 2.0. in less than 10 years

Good idea, i mostly drink water.
I rarely drink coca cola products.

it's all fucked

stop supporting their generarated racist crap in total, buy local.. if you still have locla people

Most likely it won't, but as you can see they are most certainly trying. Well, we won't go down so easily like the French did. They will have to fight us street by street like the invader has always had too.

Wow France colonized so many African countries, it is about time that you finally pay up to your sins

Yes, Poland has plenty of alternative options. To be honest, I think the most consumer Coca Cola product here is probably this energy drink called "Burn", and to be honest it's really a cringey thing to drink in my opinion. Mostly Poles drink tea anyways.

look at ur country shitskin France is ok and you ? ahaha this is litteraly bagdad in Italy

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Oh yeah, colonisation must've been just terrible. Clean drinking water, hospitals, schools, police, sewers, electricity....just plain torture.

Drink slavic drinks: compote, kissel, kvas etc

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There’s another sprite commercial where a Swedish chick is sucking off a negroid


We are superior and we will fight for ever, Germany girl open their pink ass to ahmed mouloud abbu akbar, and ooga booga, and german boy ? little blond bitch 1m65 50kg pro LGBT

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