So, in the last 24 hours firefox accidentally and shoahed all the good addon's. If you want to get them back, you have to enable "Studies" to get the proper updates.
How much of this is to get access to your information file from the past and have it uploaded to studies?
How much of this is pressure from jewgle to see how widespread ad-blockers are?
Are they just big enough that they don't care anymore and are spending their earned position of trust like currency to get a market share to make money off of?
Also, Whats your browser/addon list?
WaterFox 56(just installed): Adblock Plus Adblock PLus Pop-up addon Classic add-ons archive Download Status Bar Element hiding helper for Adblock plus hooktubify image search options MEGA Nano Adblocker NoRedirect Noscript Text Link uBlock Origin Unwanted Twitch Video Downloadhelper
If you use Firefox you're a fucking faggot. Firefox went to shit a long time ago and this bs is bound to happen again and again because the dev team cares more about "diversity" and "inclusion" than actual technical competence. You should have jumped ship at least 3 years ago.
If you want a FF-compatible browser without the bullshit, use Waterfox. If you want Chrome without the spyware and telemetry, use Iridium. If you want a decent browser that does its own thing and has a +20-year dev history, use Opera.
I'd been using FF for over 10 years now, this was the last straw.
Just mad that I didn't do this earlier.
Rebuilding my noscript allowed list and getting the captcha to auto--allow me are going to be the most annoying things, Also sad that the old stumbleupon toolbar is dead.
>and getting the captcha to auto--allow me Please enlighten me how to do this.
Justin Price
Isaac Flores
The Gab browser is out but as near as I can tell they didn't think to announce it on their website or at the Dissenter site, only on their stupid Twitter account. Note that if you're using Windows you may need to turn off SmartScreen to install this.
You must have studies enabled. The bug was only fixed for people who did. You must manually allow otherwise and then it'll be "fixed," you can even disallow it right after.
I just said screw it and installed waterfox. Not giving them access to my however long file. They just want permission to access it.
Just have to fill out enough on enough different pages
Anons, you can disable Studies once the addons work. I think it took all of 5 minutes for this to happen and it very well may be that it took less and I was just reading about the fix and didn't know the problem was solved. Importantly, I have always run Firefox without any of the privacy options enabled which is non-default I believe.
Joseph Baker
>accidentally Yeah sure. Just accidentally inconvenience your entire user base then instead of rolling back the update, ask them to allow you to install spyware. What a coincidence
Jaxson Morales
>Anons, you can disable Studies once the addons work. Are you the same retard from the last thread? It's too late by then you long, you've already given them all your data once you enable that.
Samuel White
It took me 10 minutes to google and enable all my addons back once I noticed they were gone. Also your addons are shit.
Noah Gomez
>about:config >xpinstall.signatures.required >change to False
honestly though, they are inept, and i only use it because it's a habit, and chrome is worse, and palemoon is some furry shit, and brave is fucking gay too, cant find a simple fucking browser, i swear this shit was easier with netscape navigator back in the day (old fag here)
Thomas Mitchell
I stopped giving a fuck. Literally on an iPad now.
Henry Smith
/"g/ has stopped discussing browsers because all of them are shit
Matthew Hill
OK, genius, tell me exactly what data and what files are transmitted to Mozilla after a Studies enable. I'll wait. Also, tell me what data survives after closing a session when all history is deleted on that close. Also, tell me what data survives after running a Bleachbit clean that you seem so sure is sent. I'll wait, Einstein.
Leo Allen
there is already a hotfix
but i think it only works for version 66.0.3
Wyatt Edwards
>t. low level mozilla employee who isn't told what data ff is collecting go away faggot if an organisation is requesting the usage of any data, they are effectively demanding access to all data.
Charles Diaz
Those were the good days. Back in 94 was pre www and no GUIs. You got dumped to a Unix "$" prompt and ran "tin" and "pine". Usenet ruled. About 6 months ago I updated my rev of Forte's Agent which I've been using since the 90s. It sucks dick on nzbs but an awesomely clean and great tool for the text groups. Glad some other oldfags hang out here as well. Enjoy your Sunday, grandpa.
Caleb Campbell
>enable "Studies" Why do people keep saying this? It works, but a better option until they fix it is to set xpinstall.signatures.required to FALSE in about:config....
Jose Hall
shame, I'm pretty much done with firefox been using it for years too
Levi Long
thank you user
I also have K-Meleon installed, its simple but I just always use ff anyway
>durr let me enable a corporation to install "studies" on my browser after a suspicious takedown of functionality they still haven't fixed in 2 days! >if u can't tell me exactly what they want from this, ur wrong! On the bright side user, when they tell you it's just a shower, you'll believe it.
Logan Baker
cool story, but i used a ppp/slip connection to dial into my isp and use links browser from a shell, didn't really care of usenet because i was on fidonet as i ran a bbs before the internets
Because even if that works, we're trying to figure out what they want here. The underlying truth of the matter is they disabled functionality and then told users to give them their data and let them install spyware
Nathan Jackson
Where do you get the hotfix? I've tried updates but nothing is updating.
Also where is this "studies" setting? I've never heard of it and I don't see it in settings
Ayden Nelson
Here's the definitive article on the fix and it's being updated quite regularly so the "solutions" are fluid depending on many variables. It's changed even since last night around 9PM which is the last time I read it:
The """hotfix""" is letting them install something to monitor your activity
Jack Butler
>Still using (((firefox))) in 2019
Nathaniel Collins
It does work. But considering that Firefox phoned home enough to retroactively disable my addons without my permission was enough to get me to switch on mobile (I don't use it on desktop). Icecat seems to work fine and comes with with all the functionality that I want and had to use addons on Firefox to get (js blocker etc). The fact that they disabled addons that I approved when I downloaded them is what really pissed me off.
Eli Jenkins
I go back to the BBS days as well. I still have people in my life that I met there. We are older than dirt.
Adam Gomez
Every. Fucking. Time.
Sebastian Sanchez
they call it system add-on
website is german, but if you want to give it a try...
Turning off signatures is the DEFINITE solution because it stops Firefox from phoning home in the first place. Mozilla would never recommend that, tho.
Julian Foster
What's your technical source for this statement? I really would like to know.
Colton Thomas
my died man, got a virus that wiped my hdd, was like 14 years old, i fucking cried because i didnt have a backup, i never ever made that mistake ever again
Tyler Thompson
Doesn't effect ublock origin m8. Still returns "fuck you, we're turning geolocation on m8 and there's nothing you can do about it". It won't allow a fresh reinstall, either.
Have you considered using Brave user? It's really good.
Zachary Sanchez
Literally right there. To enable the fix first you have to to approve of Mozilla reading your data. Then you have to approve the use of "studies" which is then installing something to monitor all future data. You can turn it off after, but it's too late, you already approved the installation of the spyware. Un-approving it won't undo it it.
Christian Davis
Firefox hijacks my camera and films me masturbating. Do those other browsers do that? I think not. Firefox ties me to the world in unimagined ways.
Dominic Watson
What's uBlock got to do with geolocation settings?
Dylan Morgan
That may be true but the ramifications of doing this as a proper fix sucks. If you're disabling the method of verifying addons via a cert you're potentially opening up a can of worms that would make Firefox vulnerable to malicious code buried in an add on/extension.
Owen Perez
>Mozilla Joins Nazi Officer George Soros's Efforts In Launching A Strike Against "Fake News"
Seems the right thing to do.
Who The Fuck Capitalize Everything, God Fucking Dammit.
Leo Reyes
Yeah, I hear ya. I run various methods for backups now including Acronis BA and dumps to the cloud. PITA but like you say, losing everything is a lousy alternative.
Gabriel Nguyen
Sir browser very good sir.very fast sir. Please don not uninstall. I work very hard sir on this browser. Please do needful and wait for update sir. Dear regards.
kek this kind of shit is why these companies get to spy on everyone: people believe this kind of shit. If you download it from Mozilla, it should already be verified. If you don't do stupid shit, no problem. If Firefox is so insecure that it is possible to modify an add-on from a webpage then nobody should be using that POS in the first place.
Dominic Cox
It fucks up attempts by pages to track you. Well, it did before it got fucked "by accident". It also tallied the number of bullshit requests, and I was quite surprised to find out that YT is a total off the scale cunt for this sort of thing.
Adrian Nguyen
I asked for a technical source, not your interpretation of what I've already read. I'll also ask you to cite specific data files that uploaded to Mozilla's site that would include historical data that would need to survive history being erased on a Firefox close and also running the usual tools like CC and Bleachbit which are fairly well built tools that are designed specifically to prevent what you suggest is happening.
Nathan Moore
>Turning off signatures is the DEFINITE solution Did not help me (unblocked only one addon out of 8-9). FF 65.x
I'm thinking about boiling out of that sinking shit.
Anons, could you recommend me a browser that knows what the privacy is and has an addon to change user-agent string. Chrome UA switcher extensions change UA string for everything except WebSockets. So websockets help sites to get your real user-agent. I guess all chrome like browsers (chromium and its offsprings) have the same problem. Firefox changes UA strings for websocket requests too, but now FF is not useable at all.
Caleb Nelson
Addons aren't downloaded from Firefox any more than apps are pulled from an Apple site to install on your phone. Are you even fucking serious with this reply? The entire world and systems in general rely on certs for verification and authenticity.
Cooper Wood
>"how do you know Mozilla is taking and monitoring your data" >they say they are right there >"SHOW ME THE EXACT FILES THEY USE AND WHAT THEY WANT IT FOR" You're an actual tard
Carter Myers
I don't know much about browsers, but I saw pic related on the big firefox Jow Forums thread
Well it worked 100% for me before I switched to Icecat. Maybe you all have something else going on. I only used FF on Android...
They are download from are you saying Mozilla doesn't securely store their addons on their own servers that they control?
Kevin Kelly
im using iceweasel and the trannies turned it all gay on me where do i get waterfox? im not supporting mental patients that chop their cocks off
Connor Cruz
I installed waterfox and was getting getting an error when trying to download extensions. I had to do about:config and disable the signature requirement and I still couldn't download through Firefox but I could download separately and drag them onto the browser.
>FireFox tries to force us to send data to them >back-up FF profile folder >delete original FF profile folder >restart FF, letting it create a new folder >data-collecting is automatically enabled >install adblock >itworks.jpg >disable data-collecting I think it's fixed now. They have 0 data and my add-ons work. Only downside is that I have to reinstall my add-ons and import my bookmarks.
Daniel Gutierrez
Opera... Really... Mac fag...
Charles Flores
>"Studies" I wonder what it is?
Luke Rogers
Here's the fix dipshit. Suck me later Why not just post a link to the fix that can be installed WITHOUT enabling Studies? This sounds like a clever plan to get more people to share their data via Studies…
The fix in question can be installed by clicking this link [1]. It’s signed by Mozilla.
Thanks to user gpm at Hacker News, who posted this tip [2].
On Wetterfox Might try opera but any Chrome-based browser irks me the fuck out with the jittery scrolling.
Hudson Cox
>use Opera Isn't this one basically owned by the Chinese government now? >"What’s a browser with 10 percent of the mobile market worth? $600 million, apparently. A consortium of Chinese companies led by Qihoo 360 purchased the browser and several other Opera assets, including the company’s name. Qihoo 360 is known in China for its mobile app store and anti-virus software."