Jow Forums why the black african brain couldnt invent writing ?

why the black african brain couldnt invent writing ?

Ok I am not 100% sure, but it seems like they never developped a writing system.
(I know about the hieroglyphs, but this is we wuz kangz)
(i also know about ethiopian, but this is semitic and doesnt come from africa originally)

has the black man developped a writing system ?

why hasnt the brain of the blacks thought of inventing this ? yellow man did it, white man did it, brown man did it, so why not the black man ?

Attached: lip-plate-cutie.png (765x1024, 1.51M)

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>why the black african brain couldnt invent writing ?
Why the yuropoor can't understand ?

well, living in africa, as protohumans? before the human race spread out and developed in separate groups? While in the original africa it was warm year round, year round fruiting plants in the jungle areas, year round animals, lots of rainfall.
THIS means there was no NEED for digging water wells (engineeering, etc) domesticated animal keeping (counting, storage) aghriculture (records keeping, date minding).
There was no need for winter homes, so, lack of engineering that would have necessitated math and engineering needs that would have slowly developed writing as a by product.
What was not useful? was not developed.

Hot take: niggers are an offshoot of humans and much younger and less developed than other species


Niggers can't read even after you try to teach them.

He kinda look like a Druillet illustration here.

Attached: 68-69 lone sloane 2.jpg (2560x1655, 769K)

They never needed to plan anything so their memory was never tested which means they never forgot anything important and thus eternally lacked the incentive to record information in any form.

I remember some pictograms.

Attached: 1B2F3871-4916-4D09-BC13-82A08D2A5FCB.jpg (499x275, 34K)

They wuz to busy building and inventing every thing else around the world.

what did you ever invent?

Liberals like to make excuses such as disease and the Flora/Fauna on the continent. But that's bullshit because whites/arabs have domesticated African animals and farming there is fuckeasy if not ideal.
Centrists will say the Sahara was a giant wall preventing cross cultural exchange. I will say there is some trutg to this but A) other isolated cultures faired better and B) It was almost a full continent of mixed groups and non of them had a kick off moment.
Conservatives will say blacks are inferior genetically. This one I believe to be right because they have received a fuck ton of help and are still failures. Yes there are outliers in every group and there are some very intelligent blacks, there just isn't enough to create a successful nation though. They're a burden in my eyes, sitting on a land full of valuable resources they're too dumb to use. Even if you paid them well for it hey would end up like the Saudis, just a bunch of retards with a lot of money who still need whites to function.

Human race didn't "spread out" from Africa
Europeans and nogs are different species

they were busy integrating plate holders into their bodies

trve, don't succumb to the "we all came from Africa" myth

Attached: 1557058589145.png (909x515, 136K)


This explains the IQ discrepancy.

Well when you prioritize stretching your lips to the size of a basketball so that your enemies can easily rip your face off over communicating or basic agriculture? It's a sign of overall stupidity.

Oldie but a goodie

Attached: 1551413207543.png (697x8275, 1.99M)

Guns, germs and steel is bullshit.

Because the continent is north/south with many natural barriers and few good harbors.

Attached: casket.webm (480x480, 2.92M)