Get ready for habbenings lads

>Due to the security situation, #Israel Prime Minister @netanyahu declared a "special situation" on the home front in the area adjacent to the #Gaza Strip within a 40 km radius from Gaza for 48 hours (extendable).

>It happened during major operations and Lebanon War 2 in 2006.


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You may be on to something for once, faggot OP

>the thing that happens literally every few months is somehow a "happening"

Am yisrael chai!

surf the honky tonk

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god i wish that were me

kys faggot glownigger

Why invade now? That might risk Irans overt involvement before the latest US sanctions have had their intended effect.

the US is heavily sanctioning iran for how long again?

Nice. I hope they level down entire gaza.

Nothing ever happens

triggered juvenile, how's the cow's ass taste? we're you jealous when your pinky finger holding best mate kissed it too??? Fuck off with your rhetoric

Why are you sucking off white man's money muslim leech?

>Fuck off with your rhetoric

you are nonsensical, take it and go! take it and go!

You tried being sophisticated but ended up looking like a brainlet. Just like rest of the pakistanis.

You mong. Ground invasion in gaza is not a "happening". It happens quite often. It's nice you've made a thread about it but it looks like some slide shit

your just full of hate and ignorance. must be true what they say about people with brown eyes: they're full of shit be careful it doesn't exuberate from your pores

Does any of your family have brown eyes?

Did this fact came from aisha while getting raped by your beloved prophet paki?

a deep dreamy blue that people get lost in when they gaze upon them... and no I'm not a bigot or racist... just cleverly proving a point

again you turn to sexual abuse like your previous pedophile claim.... got issues much? that's the best insult you can muster?

There is a difference between insult and a fact. Muhammed did raped 9 year old aisha.

different time and creeds. up to the Victorian era and still practice in some regions today, child brides were normal as such with arranged marriages and dowries

here is a fact for you, you're filthy ugly inbred street shittier curry nigger subhuman

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Why don't you go where you came from and die from an american airstrike raghead?

Hello rapebaby.

according to what poos say they are themselves rape babies, that's why all of them look like Abbos shitskins but it's okay cause you wuz aryan n shit 2000 years ago

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proves my point. triggered juvenile. grow up. get a proper education. learn to control your emotions better ' dip shit'

Jow Forums these days is like half muslim, so these things are popular here. Times are changing, man.

I am 100% dravidian with a shitskin just like most of the other indians below himachal. I do not expect a rapebaby to know that we see northern India as inferior and retarded.

You tried really hard to act like white.

Poos have the mind of a 12 years old child they think everyone around them is a Paki
the highest level of schizophrenia humanity can reach

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Nip has been around long enough to know the only truth.

can confirm, tanker here.
if it won't cool down soon, it is going to happen. last time we even had a name for the operation ready, but egypt calmed both sides down.

at least you're proud of being a shitskin i give you that
but what about the street shitting is it something to proud of?

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Two Israelis just got killed by a Hamas rocket in Ashkelon. Expect escalation.

>INB4 source

Funny thing is my state has 100% toilet coverage and zero street shitting.


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>100% toilet coverage

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>inb4 source

Why is Wang from Vancouver fighting with Pajeet in this thread?


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Shoo shoo go poo in loo!

you need to be careful no one steals your toilet pajeet

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>Imagine a country where the government force their own people to poo in the loo

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Africa's population is growing real fast

>tel aviv hosting the eurovision song contest in a week
>gaza starts shit
really makes you think

here you go, but you don't know hebrew, so it doesn't really matter

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Overall I doubt a ground operation, but given the relatively high amount of causalities on our side it's a possibility.
The biggest indicator for me is whether Hamas fires at central Israel which they haven't.

You need to turn those terrorists into charred corpses bro. Those good for nothing muslims deserve nothing but death.

Gas yourself, shlomoloving faggot

hey Shlomo can you aid your best ally India in building toilet?

What started this attack from Gaza?

Only white people rape. Allah chose Muhammad (PBUH), and created his w for this specific purpose.

The isr*eli scum will get what they deserve if they try to invade Gaza

There is no such thing as Palestine.

Jews marry kids still, by your babylevel deduction logic, Muhammed was a jew. You can Try to spin anything, but until you stop worshipping cows, shitting in the street, and being gay for the chosenites, no one Will like you pajeet

They should aid you for finding your real father in france.

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fuck off kike, you're so obvious even a blind men can see through you

they can blackmail us because of next week's eurovision, they have the power to embarrass us on live television if they want by launching a single missile at tel aviv

some israeli bro start a /fgg/ fuck gaza general pls
im at a lecture

if this happens why not? am sure they have toilets and clean water in France

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Death to america, death to Israel and a curse om the jew!

Houthi bro?

The timeline from what I know is a sniper attack two days ago near the Gaza border, injuring two IDF soldiers
probably Islamic Jihad rather than Hamas, but who knows, from what I read Hamas were supposed to get aid (food cupons/stamps) from Qatar tomorrow.

Christcuck stream. Go and say hello.



>Israel has participated in the Eurovision Song Contest 41 times since making its debut in 1973. Israel was able to enter the contest as the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) is a member organisation of the European Broadcasting Union, which is responsible for the event. Israel has won the contest four times, and has hosted the contest twice, in 1979 and 1999, both times in Jerusalem. Israel will host the contest for the third time in Tel Aviv in 2019.

Houthis Are awesome, and their slogan is catchy

they often let australia in for some reason too. even letting in Azerbaijani is pushing it.

This is my backyard and my field behind that. Lovely climate and a beautiful evening.

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It will be funny when they get repelled by hajis with rocks

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Ok? So the balfour declaration and establishing a Homeland for the jews om palestine is invalid then? I agree with you for the wrong reasons

so that's your toilet? nice, it even comes with fresh and clean air

'with favor the establishment in PALESTINE a national home for' but the state of Palestine never existed...

Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour Declaration
Speaking ahead of the 67-word letter's centenary, Jacob Rothschild describes the historic declaration which paved the way for Israel's existence...

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cool. clobber hamas for good, israel. i give you all a bunch of shit but am pulling for you just the same.

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Poor rapebaby. I don't feel offended over insults that do not apply to me.

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nothin' B
just chillin'

cool, cool

Nice land you got there lad

Australia also participates

are there monkeys around there?

based and poopilled

palestine is the name of the region ever since we rebelled against the romans

what's gonna to the citizens of gaza once they get their land taken? will they become slaves to the jews?

i hope for their own sake that they know how to swim

pretty nice. looks like a good place to do some grillin.

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Wow that's even a bigger toilet, you can even use your poop in fertilizing the land to grow up Pootato

maybe the jews learned how to make people into soap and lamp shades from the germans.

that is the lamest rebuttal/denial of.... hahaha hahaha fuck you're brainwashed... haha haha

Hey Dookie ?

Yo, where's Dookie ??


No, but we have king cobra and peacocks here. There are plenty of them around when the rain starts, but now it is just foxes.


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you also have hand-rubbed charas


>king cobra
be honest, did you ever get bitten by one while shitting in your garde..i mean your toilet


Yes. Especially during winter. Temperature here never goes below 20 or above 32.

wiki is not the most reliable source but since you brought it up explain why the Jerusalem or Palestine Talmud was written 100 years before the babylonian Talmud

Yes, Mr. Poo.

You also have a lot of conflict going on. Kalistan, terrorists, muslims, communists.

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Hamas will be sperging out momentarily, as one of their top dogs was splattified.

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because they translated ארץ ישראל (land of Israel) to Palestine

Northies are niggerlike and dumb. The only problem we have here are the communists. But since they keep creating unions and shut down big industries, they became a blessing in disguise for us. We don't have to worry about getting our land polluted or having a huge inflow of retarded bhaiyaas here.

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can the foxes eat the snakes?