Nigger hate thread
Nigger hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are White piglets so weak?
White piglet being treated like the scum it is
White piglets being replaced for good. The future of America.
Can someone translate what he said?
This is not going to be the country of white people!
Yes my Slovakian brother. 'IT' is a movie based on a demonic clown which kills children from a certain town, which in turn is based on a horror novel by Stephen king. The name of that clown is Pennywise. This is basically a smart quip and play on words by the negro who claims while people are watching this movie, he's busy making money.
wow white boys, you sure are winning with those Nigger hate thread lmao
I just wanted ya'll to know that tonight i'm going to pay a white girl $75 to take my load in her ass. After I cum in her ass, I'm gonna tell her that her pathetic white daddy didnt love her. I do this to every white whore I fuck. meanwhile, you white boys will sit at your computers and do nothing as always. LMAO.
Nice touch that LOVE poster in the background
>the absolut state of the United shitholes of america!
Make way for the SUPERIOR BLACK babies. Whites should know their place, am I right my brothers?
Big List of Nigger Facts w/Sources:
Top 10 Reasons There Will Never Be A Black Ethnostate
The Lesson of Haiti
Philadelphia and Uganda
Why do little chimps cry so much?
Fuck off Jow Forums is a board of peace !
Is this a contributing factor to nigger ignorance? In between crack smoking and trips to the welfare office, the negro mother beats on her niglets? Making sure to secure that low iq?
>paying to fuck a whore
I'm ashamed of you Tyrone.
Have some self respect.
>1 post by OP
Nigger comes out of nowhere to stir up shit. Fuck off kike
What a poor starving thing... He can be happy that someone throw him a nigger for food
what's there to hate about them white boy?
What a sad thread
What the fuck is wrong with these animals?
I mean really how can people be so feral?
Even animals aren't so wild.
>imagine for a second you were born a nigger
>every race on earth thinks you're stupid
>you stink like funk and people constantly move away from you
>every day you look at your women and feel disgust
>you can't even get aroused when you see naked black women
>you watch BLACKED porn all day to help you cope with your 4 inch cock
>your backyard has a nice collection of stolen bikes that you can't sell, because you're retarded
>police automatically stop you on sight because you look like an easy arrest
>not a single person in your fatherless family ever graduated from highschool
>you can't hold a job because intelligent people frighten you and so you hate being around anyone that's not black
>you're terrified of going in banks because you have to speak with people in a language you are too dumb to fully comprehend
>you dream about fried chicken, watermelon and grape drank, every night
>the only white pussy you will ever get is through rape
Man, being black must be God's ultimate punishment on Earth.
No one actually hates black people or any minority race for that matter.
It was funny for a certain period of time to make Magnus Hirschfield-derived bullshit 1938 "racism" jokes. Subsequently, the script was flipped by way of false-flag shootings including the New Zealand incident which no intellectually-honest person (whether you're inhaling anti-depressants or not) believes happened the way it was reported.
>mfw the entirety of Jow Forums summarized in one post and glowniggers all but 404
>mfw no VPN cause 'Murica faggot
>no one actually
Boy, you have so much to learn.
You're clearly a faggot
Paranoid nigger.
memes aside are they ok? what the fuck is the context?
Found out my ex was gangbanged by blacks one week after we broke up..
Arabic mother, angry and vengeful is harming her children with a nigger because he left her.
Usual vermin behavior. Brown people are all subhuman.
>Negros, just do not touch the Slavs in America, Slavs you have not done anything wrong, and we have nothing to do with Western white pigs, we defeated Nazism, give us credit, we help Africa.
Don't feel bad about it. 100% chance she contracted multiple STDs. She ruined herself for life as punishment, unbeknownst to her.
what the fff happened there
groid was attempting to steal precious metal from the transformer and got his nigger ass crispy cooked in the process.
Ok Ted Bundy
ahhh thanks, in that case KEK
Please, one does not necessarily have to be some sociopathic mass murderer to be aware of racial inequality, or to accept such as a truth.
Spend more time around subhumans, you will quickly come to terms.
>paying a nigger to take care of your baby
Whoever these parents are they got what they deserved.
The toll must be paid in all cases. No exceptions.
Massmurder Hussein Obunga Boulevard ...... will done !
Enjoy your lynching, nigger.
Imagine if humans found an animal in the wild that was kind of smart and we said
>Hey let's integrate them into society!
That's niggers. It's like a dog driving a car.
Basically America is in a "dog mom" phase right now
>Look at the nigger with his little uniform on he has a job awww!
I imagine they'll get over it soon. I was a nu-metal kid, I was raised to believe nigs are our friends. They aren't. Most of them desperately desperately want to take you down if you're white. If I could figure that out, I think everyone else will soon too.
This is what I don't get about Jow Forumstards now, you people don't realize that the longer a bad person stands in the spotlight, eventually people will boo them off the stage.
The more kikes, fags, and niggers keep showing their ass in the spotlight? Well, you do the math.
Lmao I'll simply toggle the flight mode and be back in a few seconds
She lives in Saudi Arabia but she was Somalian, the father was an Arab from Yemen. So the children are Afro-Arab.
Something occurs to me suddenly what with seeing all these various migrating ethnic groups in the world today. For over 150 years if niggers didn’t want to live with white people they didn’t need to build boats that were technologically and economically beyond their means. All they had to do is WALK to Mexico and they could have lived in a place with very few white people. Yet over 150 years and hardly a goddam one did this? If they hated white people as much as they claim why the fuck they still here?
What’s this from????
Goodbye Uncle Tom
Nigger talk is amusing to read. Ya'll.
S-shes ok... right guise?
What a gigantic faggot
Who cares, honestly? Less filth
Do you even really care? I sure as fuck don't
I genuinely feel bad for this kid. No child should have this happen to them
Disproportionate child abuse among blacks in the US is a well known phenomenon.
pewsocialtrends org/2015/12/17/parenting-in-america/st_2015-12-17_parenting-09/
And since child abuse has a negative effect on cognitive development
www.ncbi.nlm.nih gov/pmc/articles/PMC5605269/
This is likely a contributing factor indeed.
I’m convinced there are hardly any actual black people that read Jow Forums.
It’s mostly white dudes acting black to piss off other white dudes.
Most black people are pretty decent but Jow Forums loves highlighting the bad ones and acting like it’s all black people.
Mexicans straight up killed their negro slaves when America ended slavery. They didn't want niggers and still don't.
Kek speaks.
I mean, just a little bit overkill
I can't handle this man
asians are not close to whites at all lmao
I feel bad for that niglet. It's not right. I wonder how much this explains the modern African American
Christ I hate niggers
These are absolutely fascinating to read; still in the process of getting through them.
Have you got any more of these, by chance?
Enough guys. Just enjoy a wholesome nigger hate thread with the rest of us.
>I’m convinced there are hardly any actual black people that read
How did you figure that out?
in a few thousand more years when chimps/gorillas evolve they will be the great replacement to the nigger question.
t. faggit from maine
Is... Is this something bad? You should keep doing that.
They can't even cut a head off properly... apparently niggers are good only in two things, chimping out and making babies
>imagine the smell
This. How is this supposed to be an insult?
watch this listening to the Shakira song.
Waka waka hey hey!
Expecting the niggers to have some honor and solidarity, just shows that people believe what they see in the movies and that if you grow up in a white world you will think everyone is like you.
I’m black, and I come on here to laugh at you guys mostly bc I know a lot of you are extremely ignorant to the real world. Your world views and political views make no sense. Some of the stuff I find eye opening and it makes me think. Some of the guys here who say niggers this niggers that and nigger to everything I know for sure you guys aren’t getting laid. You’re not living a promising life. You’re just bored and lonely and looking for someone to blame. I’m enclosing a picture of myself to troll you little white fucks who have nothing going for yourself. P.s. I don’t fuck white women I don’t like them I think there the lowest and easiest ass available look at the picture of course I can fuck white women.
Don't you dare call them animals, that's an insult to them because animals know what a family is and protect their members, and they don't kill for pleasure
Why would you hate them? Just keep 'em in their place.
It's not our fault that you're doing a shitty job controlling them.
How would you like it if I did that to your baby you faggot?
>boasting about spending $75 on a hooker
The absolute state of poorfags
I'm seeing this pasta more and more. 2 sheckles have been deposited in your account.
Are you looking for a white man to show you how to upload an image file?
he lined up af tbf
Typical nigger women
Still better than the wet dog, spoiled milk and dried semen smell whites put out.