Does consuming hours and hours of unnatural scripted conversations a day cause people to start acting in unnatural ways in real life?
Effects of mass consumption of TV / movies
I must admit that after watching several series with too many f words, I tend to swear every single time I start a conversation with my friends
you're not immune either by browsing Jow Forums
Some activities like reading can be beneficial no matter what you're actually reading, because in the process you're rewiring your brain which allows you to focus better. TV at best is a neutral activity because its passive. This is why you never remember things as well when you watch it on TV as opposed to reading it. I think TV trains people to be unthinking.
no, watching state run media about your own country is perfectly fine. wouldnt want you thinking dolphin square is swimming with pedophiles, or not munching down on that xxl doner kebab and loving it.
always cracks me up when the bbc attacks rt.
Yes. That’s why when you come and spend time at a place like Jow Forums, where people don’t mince words and will call you a nigger even when you help them, when you back and watch a reality tv show with their fake smiles, fake applause and fake conversation, you feel disgusted that it’s allowed to exist and pity those who spend their lives stuck in that delusional bubble
It is retards without a life who do that. It's a symptom not the cause just like vidya and eating disorders.
Yeah and they will secretly resent anyone in their life who acts like a real person. Women who watch TV a lot think it’s the way people really act. TV programs people into being literal NPC’s.
yes, and its been that way for years and youtube does the same to zoomers. just listen to the way students talk to each other the next time you use public transport.
Yes. The mirror neurons cause us to emulate the kind of behaviour we witness. Since many people - the majority, i believe - lack a healthy and authentic social context, they find a surrogate in watching people on TV. The problem is that these people on TV are acting - they are simulating emotions instead of actually expressing what they authentically experience. Thus, heavy consumption of shows and movies causes people to act like actors. It's horrifyingly simple. We have forgotten how to express ourselves, and have become actors in our own real-life drama. Social interaction is no longer about a vivid individual connecting to one another, but rather artificial personalities putting on a show - since they know no other way.
I hate when people get all egalitarian with things like this. Let's say you take 100 hours of time, and look at how most people would be spending that time. Either watching shit television or movies, often times on repeat, or playing video games (repetitively as well). If you were to spend those 100 hours reading, for example, one of the books of the great world religions, you'd obviously benefit more from that even if you did it cover-to-cover over and over again until you made up the time. Reading The Bible, the Sayings of the Buddha, The Upanishads, even The Koran, is obviously better for you even though physically (sitting still looking at something) you're doing the same thing.
Fair points but I think the difference with Jow Forums / zoomer culture is that it's meant to be retarded and everyone who participates knows that.
If you're at work for example, no one here is going to go up to the intern and tell him he's a newfag and needs to lurk more. Similarly, no zoomer is going to start flossing in the middle of the office.
However, for a normie I think the situation of "I'm going to go and demand a payrise from my boss in the way that my favourite character from that TV show did!!!" is highly plausible.
i've definitely used newfag at work more than once. i havent said *sips* yet out loud, but i fear its coming eventually.
Yes. Most of my colleagues at my old job talked like they are in a sitcom. Especially the humor of those people ist absolutely fake/emulated. The NPC meme is very real.
On top of this , the movies themselves are created by directors who have lacked social context stacked on a few generations which removes all genuineness from their scripts and acting. How many times do i have to see the same faked emotions and acting tropes again and again, reactions in on screen conversations that i have never ever seen in real life, the feigned shock, the fake hyperbole.
Funny enough the most easy place to notice this is cooking shows. Same fucking reaction evertime they eat a delicious bite "mm so good" (fake muffled as if the food prevents the enuciation of words but instead gives the disgusting impression of a slob talking with their mouth full)
I witnessed this growing up, when reality tv drama hit hard the "NPCs" started to emulate the behaviour patterns.
This was also observable within the wiggers who collectivised in our small white town. They were mimicking black behaviour observed through tv portrayals
Everything in modernity is masked in falseness or at least trivialised. Everything seems -- whether by design or by 'accident' now is besides the point as its been going on so long it becomes the natural state -- to be geared and directed away from any genuine emotion or connection. Look at modern action movies where they'll be making awful jokes and quips in the midsts of a tense battle. It's strange how people used to give the Star Wars Prequels shit for this, but now every movie does it, it seems accepted. In fact, those movies are almost ground zero for everything wrong with cultural screen entertainment today.
Another aspect is the role of observer rather than participator in regards to even their own lives. That people now watch people watching/playing things is just another aspect of this.
>Does consuming hours and hours of unnatural scripted conversations a day cause people to start acting in unnatural ways in real life?
Of course it does.
Authentic human behavior is all but destroyed.
I casually use the phrase "tipped" when a friend of mine IRL says something particularly fedorasque. I give no fucks that they don't get what I'm tipping and why.
The laughing tracks in sitcoms are an interesting thing. Perhaps it is to condition people to cultivate a certain kind of humour - in the very least, to externally react as if something unfunny is actually funny.
>people now watch people watching/playing things
How far we have strayed. I remember first stumbling upon "reaction videos" on Youtube. I couldn't figure it out, and still can't. Are we so unable to feel that we need someone else to simulate feelings for us? These modern day "friend for hire"-services come to mind; people being paid to take a walk with someone, or to sit on a park bench and talk about the weather....
>Funny enough the most easy place to notice this is cooking shows. Same fucking reaction evertime they eat a delicious bite "mm so good" (fake muffled as if the food prevents the enuciation of words but instead gives the disgusting impression of a slob talking with their mouth full)
Man I can't stand this. MAkes me want to puke. The whole le amateur food critic culture is revolting in itself, just fucking shut up and eat when we sit at the table. I don't mind you saying it is good once, but these poeple act like eating is their whole life.
>tfw my friends also browse Jow Forums
Maybe I actually appear retarded outside my social circle.
You are black
television is a device to numb the masses. even "woke" shows like Alex jones have advertisements to target the pea brains
No shit. Media as a whole these days is geared at raping the family unit and corrupting our daughters.
And if you think TV is bad just wait til you start looking into modern music.
Kikes get them early with music. Girls have a harder time saying no to peer pressure and are nastier to unpopular people so public school further fucks with their brains. Porn then becomes a curiosity since every song and popular media personality oozes sexuality and that fucks them up even more still. Since most families now avoid going to church every Sunday they lack any real moral compunction that would otherwise prevent this behavior. It doesn't help that parents in general are getting worse.
What you'll notice is that you can look to each of these things and find the Jew. The Jew runs the music industry, the Jew runs Hollywood, the Jew runs pornography, the Jew lobbies our schools, the Jew imports the immigrant... Sorry, did I neglect that last point?
Because that's what it's ultimately about. Weakening the native races and destroying their ability to resist and breed. It reduces votes and resistance in general while importing shitskins and pumping them full of welfare strengthens their power base. They are setting up the West for an economic mega crisis and bankruptcy by 2030, at which point a global kikedollar will be introduced.
And for that, one of the first things they need is a broken white population.
true. Moreso if you actually amputate every bridge with normie culture and walk the "completely alien" path, completely divergent from the normalfag programming.
>physically the same
I follow you, but if you do brain scans, the same thing is NOT physically happening at all when comparing reading to passively ingesting tv. We agree, just elaborating.
Eating is the sole function of about 90% of people.
Don't know. I dont watch it in what, 6 years?
do people still watch tv
Stop right there criminal scum
It has turned men into creepy, needy stalkers. It has really fucked up society.
Yes, just look at woman. They all become real life characters of netflix series. They change their whole personality to fit the new serie netflix launched.
Men are more resistent to that, but exposure overtime got us too
You could also be actually retarded.
This. Women live in fairy tales
Sorry that I was unclear. What I meant is more that it is outwardly physically the same. The argument a lot of people use is that in both cases (reading a book and watching a movie or playing a video game) you're doing "nothing" so there's no difference between them.
The same also applies with re-viewing a great book or a movie or series. Re-reading some of the works I highlighted, or even just a great piece of literature is obviously better for you at both a spiritual and intellectual level than watching a movie multiple times or playing a video game multiple times.