Beauty Is The Key

To happiness and a life in accordance with logos and God.

Here we post beautiful cities and towns that were created in God's image.

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Is there any city in the world more beautiful than Edinburgh?

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Visby, Gotland.

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Stockholm, Sweden. Apparently some Jew decided to tear down a big chunk of the Old Town in the 60s and replace it with shopping malls and office buildings. Sad.

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Ålesund, Norway.

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Reine, home of Odin.

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This place would require many pictures to show exactly how beautiful it is. The lake, the mountains, the city, everything is God tier.

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It is one of the most beautiful place I have ever been to. As a Catholic, the best thing you can do is climb up to the Sanctuary and start climbing the Calvaire (calvary).

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Cities and towns are not created in God's image. Stop worshiping buildings.

I am ashamed to say I have not been to France outside of Paris. I will have to make travel arrangements this summer.

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Not (((Bulgarian))) architecture, you're right.

The French did some beautiful things over in Quebec as well.

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daily reminder that the anglo has robbed the world off half of their most beautiful cities

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> Ireland

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Hallstatt, Austria.

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Bruges, Belgium. "Venice of the North".

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Let it all burn. With a healthy european racial stock, cities can be rebuilt. Without the base of pure european stocks, you have museums, like France. Their most sacred and symbolic structure burned through an attack by subhumans or incompetent neglect by some shit skin worker. Damn the museums! damn it all! Revitalize and energize the people!

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York, England.

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Why burn it though? Better burn the invaders.

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You are clinging to a dead carcass and the remembrance of comfort. Comfort is the enemy. You should be filled eith anger and hate for what has been stolen from you. Let the rage begin.

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Look at how neatly trimmed that surrounding grass is ;(

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I am enraged already. Looking at pictures like these just helps fuel it further.

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The amerimutt seethes with rage when he realizes he will never be able to live in a village like this

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5 years ago I checked in in a hotel in Rouen and there was a tons of blacks celebratng some crazy voodoo ceremony

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surround a community with beauty and beautiful behaviour will proliferate

surround a community with ugliness and ugly behaviour will proliferate

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Was there just yesterday. 10 min drive from where i live. Feels good.

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ghent is such a great city.

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one of the biggest scams is the claim that beauty is expensive. it's not. when you're dealing with things like street lighting, railings, fences, benches, etc. it costs no more to shape the steel into a more ornate form

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The European rages when he realizes he is literally little more than a caged animal.

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The people living there unfortunately arent. Leftist shithole

Yeah, but the lefties are letting in the goatfuckers by busloads and recently i have heard about lefties not feeling "safe" anymore in the city at night.
So next election will be interesting.

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Wait till we build our own city state in the karoo my friend

walled city is best city

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Huge ranch > small house in a backwards village

at least post one that is still intact

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When will that happen though?

ok, walled and moated city is better city than walled city

do you have any idea of how many people live inside the city walls?
i think it would be cool to build a new little town like that but people would need gardens and so it would be less dense, but having only the residents allowed to drive inside (plus deliveries) would make it very comfy to live there.

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Don't cry, Belgium is not even a real country

t.amerimutt living in SA

hou jou bek

uw vrouw wordt op dit moment waarschijnlijk verkracht door 10 negers, ga van het internet en red haar

>tfw born in mallshartistan
>everything built to be cheap and disposeable
>sprawling shithole of depression and nothingness
>full of fat niggerfucking consumer whores
This place isn't worth defending.

ten minste het ek 'n vrou, incel

Why don't some of the Christian/Catholics in the US create a beautiful european like town? You are the land of the free, find a couple hundred or thousand families with some personal wealth (I don't think you need a lot in fact) and build a new village somewhere on a mountain or river or anything, using hand carved stones.

Thank you for all the beautiful pictures.

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we have a mis-mobilized thymos (bluepills, marxism) and an atrophied eros (ubiquitous porn, freudianism)

logos is the least problem, it's the backbone of technology and science and is the most robust feature of civilization, may even continue during post-apocalyptic era. pre-moderns made a big deal out of logos because they weren't scientifically advanced enough, while their thymos and eros were thriving. now we have a dominating logos that inhibits all other life domains, including art.

I've been thinking about this for a while now. All our problems come from a total atrophy of the soul. Talking about economics, demographics, politics, etc. is all pointless and fruitless in the long term unless we can first have a spiritual foundation. Yes, it might take far longer, but the spiritual foundation will ensure its longevity. The basis for this ultimately doesn't matter, it just has to be transcendent.

Nothing says "comfort" like centuries of toil to produce wondrous creations. Modern day concrete and glass is far more an outcome of comfort than traditional buildings.

And even if it were true that it were more expensive, it would be an expense people would be happy to pay for, whether in extra work or extra money.

Ga terug naar reddit, met je "incel" beledigingen. Kankerhomo

they're too busy giving money to niggers and nigger-importation... ironically the people refurbishing cities are the hipster liberals who are atheist.

looks like Australia


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Yeah that place is amazing and each time I go there I feel like I traveled to an other continent.So many beautiful places around this lake.

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very nice place

så ska det låta.

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I'll take God's natural beauty any day

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Bella Gästis mannen

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rent free

>White Genocide almost finalized
>Guyz wets post pictuwrz owf pwetty buiwdingz

>White Genocide almost finalized
>Still shitpost as a useless leaf.

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take ur meds nigger schizz

>Beauty Is The Key this link to a documentary called "Why beauty matters?" it's produced by the BBC but really worth the watch.

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France is a truly beautiful country

Quebec City right?

Then you get some "ranger" showing up at 6pm telling you: "SIR! This beach is closing now, better get out of here before I issue you a ticket!".

I had been meaning to watch this. Thanks for the reminder.

So is England, Scotland and Wales. The beaches of Cornwall, the Lake District, the cliffs, hills and mountains in Scottish Highlands. And all the beautiful little small towns and cities across the UK.

Took this a while ago

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