Georgia is the Land of Satan!!!

What is up with this little land?
They pretend to be humble wine merchants.
Tell me anons are they a based little land or are they the root of all evil?

Attached: georgia.png (1500x1000, 1.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait, why is Georgia land of Satan?

Why not is the bigger question.
Anyone who makes himself look that innocent has to be scheming something.

your reasoning is grounds for a second and better question:

I don't have any sauce and I tried to look for it. How can a tiny little country right between Russia, Turkey and Armenia even exist?

>are they the root of all evil?

So Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Russia and even iraq and egypt the roots of the devil?

Georgians are scum.

precisely what i mean on the outside look we are a country of happy little wine farmers. But if you look it seems fishy as fuck.

This is a westerners brain on "democracy"

So your vote is it is a based little country?

Can you be a bit more specific?

Genuinely interested


Pretty much yeah.
But to you guys every Orthodox county is "weird"

Georgia is one of the oldest Christian countries, and there are very kind and friendly people

Attached: image (9).jpg (583x740, 82K)

I can believe that.

It seems like one of the nicest places. Is the way of Georgia the way to be?

The thing that made me interested in Georgia is that it has some of the best preserved megalith structures. So I looked what I can find out about Georgia and all you can really find is they are nice.

Attached: Gokhnari-Village-Georgia-Church-Megalith-Georgien-New-Adventure-3256.jpg (1100x733, 324K)

This. Went for three weeks and wasn't even raped to death.

Attached: svaneti-caucasus-mountains.jpg (550x364, 62K)

oy vey

we've been found out!!

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your country is western and you have memeocracy

>are they the root of all evil?
Actually yes.

Attached: 1554675869576312.jpg (712x1008, 144K)

So what is going on in Georgia who do you hate you can't be as nice as the tourist videos make you look. What does Georgia stand for?

Attached: thrf.jpg (466x300, 33K)

I don't get it?

Attached: fren.png (700x700, 179K)

I still don't get the point of this thread

>t. GIDF

I want to know if Georgia is an awesome place. What they stand for fight for. What they think of their neighbors. It is my lack of knowledge and intrigue into Georgia that made me bake this Bread.

Nah,they're alright and based
And you're gingers without soul,you have no right to opinion

Always wanted to visit. Looks comfy and cool.

They're orthodox,
they kicked turkish ass,
they kicked armenian ass,
they beat up fags,
they piss russians off...
what's not to love, really?

Tanks to Romanian user, since you life closer to Georgia I rate your opinion higher.
Loved the Carpathian Mountains when I visited your country didn't like the potholes.

Smiling while kicking ass, that's how I see Georgia.

They have this guy.

I agree with some of the anons it's comfy as fuck.
There are some Georgians with jewish mindset but overall we are nice people.
The main problem with us is that everyone wants to be a leader everywheer, This creates a chaos and in the end we achieve shit as a community.

I'd change "everyone wants to be a leader" woth "everyone wants to dominate"

It looks pretty comfy I definitely want to travel there some day.
>The main problem with us is that everyone wants to dominate.
That is the blessing and curse of a small country.
What do you think of the Armenians?

Stalin was the greatest thing that ever happened to your country.

A lot in common i respect them.
The only thing i don't like about them is that they love money too much.


Based 25% Mingrelian genes= Hairy and 170cm tall.

Attached: 1488925499703.png (160x189, 69K)

You don't get to assert who is white here, neighbor. Unless you are 188cm and can trace your ancestry to a knight from the times of the crusade, your argument is hereby declared invalid.

Attached: WHiteTogether.png (658x1068, 771K)

Pretty based

Attached: _68407012_anti-gayafp.jpg (624x351, 38K)

Attached: ver.png (885x574, 456K)

Went there in 2017, they are super friendly and based as fuck. They literally laugh when they see nigger tourists. There's a FB group called "Georgian Wanderers" were black people usually complain about this.

All my respect Georgian bros

American mutt, please. Stalin is the worst ruler in the history of Russia.

Georgia is the only decent christian country in the region.

American puppet

>Nikolai the Second

I have Mingrelian genes, 185cm /green eyes/ not hairy/ light hair

and pretty based

This tells you all you need to know about (((Georgia)))

>Worst ruler
>Makes the USSR a superpower