
>John McDonnell: No trust left in PM over Brexit talks

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everything was made for you and me

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all of it was made for you and me

>Gavin Williamson attacked May over diabetes, china and africa

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cheeky little number for a young family, spacious at 4m^2, only £400,000

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cause it just belongs to you and me

it's a deanohangar

Secret Government report warns over 48 British Islamic schools are teaching intolerance and misogyny to future imams
Imams are trained in schools accused of promoting intolerance, report warns
Secret Government report claims emerging preachers hold extreme views
Mail on Sunday has identified 48 Darul Ulooms that follow strict syllabus

that is a very narcissistic tweet

massive luxury detatched property, a steal at £800,000

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What do local councilors even do?

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They choose the worst spots to build deanoboxes

>sign says purple bricks
>bricks aren't purple

waste your money and encourage rot

can anyone here say they're happy with any aspect of their councils whatsoever?

so let's take a ride and see what's mine

mostly just arguing about how often the bins get emptied.

>waste your money
but your money pays for my heroin???

i always thought it was the architectural equivalent of purple prose

Plenty of space for a few leased Audi A3s and white BMW 1 series!

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There's loads of shit they usually do which keeps them very well.

I don't know about the USA but you can essentially survive in England and be "important" by having a load of voluntary shit on the go. My mother in law is a Magistrate, former councillor, coordinator for two charities (dogs and lifeboats), school governor, university exam invigilator and something else like that.

Has never had an actual job, but is extremely good at living off expenses.

Why do they want to expell her? In case sargoy gets his rape on?

Literally begging to a marxist.

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my council gave us these talismans that ward away bigotry

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this woman is a human embodiment of everything that is wrong with UK politics; superficial, narcissistic, attention seeking, arrogant, loud and opinionated but simultaneously as thick as a castle wall.

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Who wants her expelled from Labour? I certainly don't. She's a cunt, and with Labour they're birds of a feather. Thanks to cunts like her, I'm not even considering voting for Labour and I don't want that certainty taken away from me.
Let her stay!

a flat above a garage



Never understood that. Is it for schizos or siamese twins or what?

Cant conservatives hold a no confidence vote on her?

it's for people who can't decide whether they are a he or a she, i.e. mentalists

They had one, she won as there are too many cowardly careerists in the Tory party.
Also, as there are too many cowardly careerists in the Tory party, they rejected changing the rules to make another no confidence vote with one year legal.

she's already had more than any other PM in history, and yet here she is.

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I was a hard Brexiter, but I don’t mind a Custom Union now and lets review in a years time, as long as we get our sovereignty back, better than the current shit show.

Well yeah, but theres still only one of the cunts. 'Them' implies plural.

Does anyone have any idea why there are still Conservative party voters?

The last thread that is still up was created over 14 hours ago. Do you think the spammers are going to let this one live when they are so close to demoralising you 100%.
Most lads have given up now and moved to other boards and other chans.
Good luck lads.

Usually when the only alternative is labour.

i don't think they care about grammar

Almost certainly labour would move for a NC vote on the govt.

if there's any doubt in anyone's mind that the tories are trash, May will be forever the proof of that
the tories should have opted to change the rules and kick May out
I get changing the rules isn't procedure, but it's popular and in this instance it could have saved the tory party
but they chose their careers over the country and so fuck them
let them crash, burn, and rot
never trust or respect them, and never ever give them the time of day

Will the royal baby be black? Or will Harry's inferior, white genes prevail?

Boomers who love the gibs.

>Robert Leroy Mercer (born July 11, 1946)[2] is an American computer scientist, who was a developer in early artificial intelligence and co-CEO of Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund.[2][3][4]
>Mercer played a key role in the Brexit campaign by donating data analytics services to Nigel Farage.
>He is also a major funder of organizations supporting right-wing political causes in the United States, such as Breitbart News and Donald Trump's 2016 campaign for president.
>He is the principal benefactor of the Make America Number 1 super PAC.
pure cringe

????? I wear to fucking god if these guy U-turns on wanting to be PM

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This guy**

then it woulf be a dumb name since that isnt good

Anyone fancy a gay pride sandwich?
>Pissed off there's no sausage in it

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Wtf did he mean by this

I’ve heard them claim that “they” has been used as a singular when gender is unknown for centuries. The alternative would be “it” which I suppose isn’t very friendly. E.g. when talking about an unborn baby. You’ve probably done it yourself in that context.

He got the coin to fight a full GE campaign?

>we'll kvetch harder

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Them are identifying as a multi-cellular animal.

tbf Brexit Party should run for the GE and not just posture that they might
we need an end to the two party system and this is our only fucking chance


Fair enough. Having said that, its usually where the gender is unclear to the speaker, not the person themselves. God knows where this is going to end up. In a 100 years theyll look back on this time and think we were insane, or it will be galactic clown empire.

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The Police no longer do what it says on the tin. It's as if the Post Office stopped delivering letters - but carried on calling itself the Post Office. Time they were replaced by a body that does what the public want and need.

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*curb your enthusiasm music plays*

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Posters on Jow Forums are often wrong, well I never

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Redpill me on Gavin Williamson.

Was he the leaker?

If so, why did he do it? Nobly trying to save our country from China? Or is he an American or Israeli asset? (Could that also be why if he was the leaker, May doesn't want to go any further than to sack him, because of he were to be legally punished then Washington/Tel Aviv would relate?)

Or if he didn't do it...
... who is framing him and why?

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He did the rart


nah the police are great

i heard if things get really bad -- say, multiple people grievously harmed -- the police station may, if you are lucky, send two bearded, tattooed twats in clown outfits to turn up in a clown car and spend 50 minutes hopelessly trying to subdue & arrest the gary, bazzer, or ngubu who did it

There's more logic in it being the Chinese themselves than it is this knobhead

NO, he has been set up because he has been saying nasty things about Mrs May, and others (eg Gove) see him as a threat; or
YES, but he has got himself sacked on purpose in order to position himself as an outsider for the forthcoming leadership election. He has certainly played the media very well since it happened.

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but has he done the rart

The whole situation is very Govesque, this is exactly the sort of thing Gove would do.

Groundwork for a leadership fight. It looks like he did it, but it isn’t confirmed he did it. So he gets to skirt the sweet, sweet line where he was either unjustly fired by the most hated conservative in modern memory - or justly fired for putting national security before his career. If not for the whole ‘Russia should shut up and go away’ thing (shitty weak bants) he’d be a strong contender against Boris.

Gove has been running a smear campaign against Gav in the Murdoch press for ages, pic related

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Looks like shitpol is pretending this didn’t happen again lol

>Russia should shut up and go away
I think this was a misguided attempt at Trump-style banter, just as his Instagram is his version of Trump's Twitter. He understands that nowadays, people want their leaders to entertain them.

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>looks like shitpol is ignoring me again
There there lad, I'll give you a (you)

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Why are you so mad that expose you mongs for ignoring facts that’s disagree with your feelings?

>people are wrong on Jow Forums
This isn't news to anybody

I've got a couple of friends in the army that met him a few times and they were very impressed, said he made a genuine effort to speak to everyone.

Apparently he was well liked across all ranks and people were sad to see him go.

Will you faggots actually do something once Tommy is martyred or will you continue to get replaced and root for ngubu?

>defence don is responsible for ensuring security.
>NSC votes on 5g
>Gavin, Javid, Hunt, Mordaunt, Fox vote against china
>memo leaks
>Council in hot water with 5i's
>Gavin fired
>Mordant takes over

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He got another billion for defence from the Treasury as well, that will have got a few people's backs up. He's actually come out of this very well. The whole incident has raised his public profile and put distance between him and May.

Replaced by what? Vigilantes? Robots?


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What a self hating cuck

does she have an enchanted mirror?