Do you have no heart for that baby's future?
I'm shaking with tears over here, especially at the end
btw 28 millions views in one week, we're winning
Do you have no heart for that baby's future?
I'm shaking with tears over here, especially at the end
btw 28 millions views in one week, we're winning
Fuck the eu
The only time that you'll see an ad with a non-interracial couple here is when (((they're))) trying to sell you something.
how dare you
pro eu bump
>Mfw i look at Latvia's GDP growth after joining the EU in 2004 and realise we don't have a reason to stay
Nah fuck the eu
Why should i care exactly?
do you really want this child to grow up in a far right apocalypse??
Now show one with euro chaning lat fuck eu only thing it made easy was moving to west to become local wage slaves
You can't escape that shit ad on Youtube.
>choose the Europe you want me to grow up in
Sure thing.
Not sure what you mean with that. I was being serious with what i said, we have seen the same amount of GDP growth after joining the EU and we had an economic collapse right after we joined. I agree that the only thing the EU has done is made it easier for us to go to other countries to clean their toilets and pick mushrooms. Hell my brother is working in Norway right now.
Obviously an American would say this seeing how the Union will replace these United States as the leading global world power.
You shouldn't, you are leaving and losing your "United" Kingdom to the Union.
Scots will leave you within a year and it's only a matter of time till all of Ireland is in the Union.
Don't bother replying, I won't check back on this thread lmao
Fuck the EU
>ditched the multiracial thing
>wants you to vote for the future of your (euro)babies
Is this commercial secretly redpilled?
>Choose the Europe you want me to grow up in
right o lads
Most of these pro eu parties are for aborting these babies they exploit to try and sway the vote, while they're still in the womb.
They can get fucked.
Whack how the only time the EU talks about only white people, not diversity and the future is when it comes to relection.
Christchurch 2: Berlin edition when?
Same shit in lithuania at least massive investments from sweden helps
>choose the Europe you want me to grow up in
did. voted far right.
memeflag means kikeflag
>we're winning
yet everybody is losing
do you want this child to grow up in niggerstan?
>Christchurch 2: Berlin edition when?
hopefully fucking never, you sick fuck
>how the only time the EU talks about only white people, not diversity and the future is when it comes to relection.
You think the eurocrats don't feel the temperature rising underneath their offices? The fire of continent wide rebellion? We're well behaved domesticated people. We won't go out and set fire to the parliament building. It'll go more cunningly than that. The 'rude' RW populists shift the overton window, so center-right parties can speak about things like immigration without being bullied into submission by globalist lefties. The globalist lefties, in turn, are being attacked by left wing populists that start to stand for the working man once again. There is a true paradigm shift going on in politics, and these 50 y/o grey nepotistic bureaucrats know full well what awaits them if they don't tone it down with the antinativism. Salvini is currently the biggest but certainly not the only one.
There will be multiple 'eurosceptic' parties in parliament after this election.
I wouldn't want my kid to grow up in New South Africa, New Rio or New Jersey. Not in Malmo, not in Paris, not in Berlin, certainly not in Molenbeek aka New Belgium.
I want my kid to grow up in a white Europe free of kikery.
Which is why I completely oppose the EU.
Keep burying your head in the sand sweetheart. Globalism has failed, everyone, thanks to Brexit sees the EU for what it is, the new European oligarchy and there's nothing you can do to stop it. :)
Jewtube is FLOODED with pro EU propaganda clips since two weeks because the EU elections are very soon. You can tell (((they))) are afraid, allprevious voting perios were also spammed with propaganda clips from (((ngo))) payed by the EU parliament but ever on such a scale.
Tho i wonder why do they even bother trying to convince citizens.
Each time we vote in the good direction for their agenda (which very rarely happened since the CEE in the 50's), then it's very good, voters are enlightened and progress and peace is at new heigh blablah.
Each time we vote against EU it's because we are retarded backwatered populists who only want war and dark ages so they must ignore democracy for our own good and cancel the results of the vote.
It happened with maastricht, with the 2005 referundum and Lisbon treaty, with the brexit, with so many more votes. And each time it was cancelled.
EU is an americano-jewish technocratic dictature and they barely are trying to hide it.
Think of everyone else's children, but whatever you do, never think of your own.
KYS and any EU supporters you might associate with. Seriously, fuck the lot of you.
That seems more of a bursted bubble to me if I have to be honest...
>Ban and censor all critical opinions
>flood the internet with pro-EU emotional appeals
The absolute state of it all... fuck the EU and everything it stands for.
Why do they Always claimright wing parties play on emotions, and bring up how nazi's used kids for their own agenda. But then use children preferably a shade of brown, children withtheir mothers and girls. I thought they Always toldme woman were so strong, why then use woman in imagery to garner sympathy? Could it be that they play rulesfor thee not for me. But to get back about the video, none of those people will die for the E.U. they will only demonstrate in the streets to protect their status quo points.
Where's the Sub-Saharan Doctor?
It's the global economic crisis of 2007-2010 that did that. A similar colapse happened is Switzerland but it was a lot less damaging
There should be national socialism at an european level. Strong independent but allied nations, free from the degeneracy of infinite competition, debt slavery and liberalism that are making millions in Europe poor today.
Someone upload a version with ALLUHOO SNAKBARR and the sound of an explosion edited in at the end.
Not to be a dick but right now you're comparing things that gives you faulty conclusion. You're comparing yearly % growth of stable economy and emerging market, that's why the dip of Latvia is higher than that of Switzerland. Latvia had such high growth precisely due to riskier investments that result in steeper falls if shit hits the fan. You have to look at the things from different perspective, more wholesome approach, if you will.
Why is Ireland part of the eu? Why not some pact with britain?
>28 million views
>only 13.2k likes/dislikes
Botted views or what's going on?
This, and why is it only the colonies (australia, U.S.) who care about white death?
I wasn't really comparing Switzerland to Latvia to blame the EU for our tougher economical crisis i just showed that to to explain that the crisis was a global ocurance that happened in most countries
We all know what they really mean
There are "new Europeans" in the video too, and it talks about global issues not European ones.
There are.
people are dumb
None of that growth is really ours.
it's an ad
Yeah, honestly, I am still not entirely sold on whole fuck EU sentiment. There are things that disgust me but on the other hand there are genuinely wholesome things we Europeans get with unparalleled potential.
I managed to get to 1h30 without raging.
This is "won't someone think of the children", the ad.
I refuse to believe any western man could greenlight this.
I get what you mean. There are nice things that come with being in the EU like easy traveling and economic growth(possibly?) but if it means that they push imigration on you and destroy your people i would rather live without those nice things and at least have a country for my people no matter how wealthy it is
Using children to evoke emotional responses in your propaganda again?
Imagine actually watching this 3 minute clip of propaganda.
Hi Angola! RARE FLAG
Do everything you can to develop your continent and stop the flow of africans to Europe, where they'll find only misery and suffering (and medical health concerns too cause of lack of vitamine D).
it's emotional propaganda, especially targeting women
I'm disgusted "make the borders safe".
For whom?
Europeans or Immigrants?
they had enough time to do something about this and the only action that was taken was on a national level. and now they come and tell us this bullshit.
Fuck off
Buying views, won't save this massive trainwreck that the EU has become...
A lot of people mistake immigration problem for what it truly is. If you want stable, yearly % growth you need low paid, unskilled labor. That's just it. It has nothing to do with muh children and compassion. Eventually EU will be forced to deal with all the bad apples by forcefully cracking down on it simply because it will start threatening stable yearly % growth. Another reason why they import unskilled labor is because raising own population is harder than ever, first it takes 24-25 years before they start fully engaging in the economy, and the birthrates are declining for the past 30 years so we will eventually run out of own people.
I was speaking more of potential to GTFO from NATO, create own EU army, no strings attached to US that will usher in the new age of prosperity with Eurasian continent connected through supply networks along with access to African resources.
But surprisingly no mixed race families
Agree. Based.
You gotta be shitting me. Only thing this has is oil.
Unless you adopt a more stern position, get ready for infinity niggers up your way.
Unfortunately our leaders are cucked as hell... damn it... but there's something coming in these elections, people are starting to get annoyed seeing piles of shit in their streets, beggars, rapes, arson, fanatic islamists and other stuff that's coming from south.
we are not so easily swayed by obvious propaganda
you simply have to go on facebook and look in the comment sections of national news, people become more and more anti-immigration, they become more rude and vulgar in their language addressing those topics, you can feel the rage and anger.
They also become more and more anti LGBTQ, or atleast rejecting those LGBTGQ hardliners and their Ideas, people see the change every day as you say their streets are full, they are confronted by the effects of immigration in their everyday life, and they slowly become red pilled.
Why isn't the baby black?
t. furfag who eats poop
>28 million views
>Only 10K likes
i shoot them both up fuck yourself