There will be 4 billion Africans in 2100. Only way to stop the rise of darkness and savagery is to create a Eurasian ethnostate.
Unification of East Asians and Europeans only way to save civilization
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A modest proposal: Extensive use of NBC-weapon systems all over Africa and a concerted genocidal effort in the human parts of the world could potentially solve the issue.
or we could create a virus that make people with black skin infertile
Or a virus that ruins their immune system.
Unless some idiot sends them medication that slows the process down, it should work fairly well.
You're from America.
Europe is closer to the Middle East than Asia.
Europeans don't like each other.
A separate place for every race.
Only Japanese are White, Chinese and other yellows are niggers
>A separate place for every race.
This is prudent.
>A separate place for every race.
Yeah above ground for whites and beneight dirt for non-whites
How about a worm like virus that kills within a week and hope it mutates to be airborn
To anyone curious what the image says.
It looks like they're interviewing a girl named Asuka who's father is german and mother is japanese on various topics over whether she prefers Japanese culture or her motherland. In the screenshot, they're asking which food she prefers.
I meant sakura. fuck
Could work if the continent of Africa could be sealed off, lest they swarm out of their war-torn hell hole and spread the infaction, as they are wont to do, given the slightest opportunity.
Infertile mosquitoes are the first step
She's just mentioning food as a reason, that's not the question. She's saying literally "the food etc, is delicious etc"
They are asking hapas if they like Japan or the other country their dad/mom is from
the girl is saying Japan because food is good
Sounds like Asuka
I'll tell you how to make sure you don't make Elliot Rodger and make girls instead. I'm a doc so trust me.
Making half bred girls 101:
The most important factor is timing. The baby’s sex is determined by the chromosome carrying sperm. Y swim faster, but survive for shorter periods of time than their female producing counterparts. You should have sex TWO to FOUR days before ovulation if you are hoping to conceive a girl. By the time ovulation occurs, only the X should be left to fertilise the egg.
To conceive a girl, shallow penetration during sex is the key, but for a boy, the opposite is true. I advise missionary position or a small dick LMAO.
>don't make the girl orgasm/go for ACIDIC vaginas
Don't fret - my racetraitor brothers - it's science. The female orgasm releases an alkaline secretion which may help Y to survive longer, by creating a less hostile environment.
An acidic vaginal environment is more conducive to a girl. An acidic pH will negatively affect the Y, which is weaker and less resilient than the X.
>avoid nofap/have more sex, but with a different partner
MASTURBATE like a teen on heat. This will reduce sperm count, and mean there are less fast-swimming boy sperm available to join the race for fertilisation.
>don't fall for the coffeine meme
Don't drink coffee/stimultants if you want a girl and do if you want a boy. Apparently, the caffeine is detrimental to female sperm.
>drink milk/GOMAD
For a girl, eat milk products, drink milk, eat yogurt and cheese. A diet low in sodium and potassium and high in calcium and magnesium helps produce a girl.
>yes goys
>you don't want strong sons
>have daughters instead
It would need to detect the SLC24A5 gene and trigger a deleterious genetic effect for those that don't have the threonine allele which is what causes white skin.
Asians already had civilizations though, until Europeans came and forced open our borders.
No thanks. We are not uniting to create mutts.
the Koreans are working on it