When and how did you come to realise that Hitler was actually the good guy?

When and how did you come to realise that Hitler was actually the good guy?

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He didn't make the holocaust happen, shit guy

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he wasnt a good guy, he was a pawn, somehow not a single Rothschild died during the war

cant fault the guy for something that didnt exist.

never did because hitler was a fucking idiot.

Well I am since he should of did it

When he destroyed germany.

Age 20 after watching the greatest story never told. Me and my best friend didn't talk for a year after I called him a racist nazi for believing that. Then I browsed pol, initially liked Trump (now he is Zion Don) and me and my friend made up. Now I am keen to Jewish tricks and see them like I had the They Live sunglasses.

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Why couldn't you just give the Germans Danzig? It was German land. Tens of millions of Europeans died because of Polish greed.

during the 2016 US election, after it was obvious how fabricated the polls were and how completely insane the left is

Europa: The Last Battle


>Jow Forums:"He killed a lot of Jews; Jews are bad; ergo Hitler was good."
>also Jow Forums:"The Jews faked the holocaust; Hitler dindu nuffin; Hitler just wanted to make buildings; Hitler was a good guy."

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>Jow Forums is one person

Honestly for me it was a few things

1) reading more about the Soviets and their attempts to destroy christianity and murdering millions in the east - of course someone had to stand up for white christians

2) realising how feminism rots civilsiation - hitler was very red pilled on women

3) seeing how Jews have often caused destruction of nations, see 1965 immigraiton in america. I am in favour of getting jews to move to israel and not mass murder but they really do provoke people - also remember lots of soviets were jews and murdered millions of christians

4) the way we aren't allowed to talk about any of the above

To then this Hitler speech
Why is Putin not killing Jews.
Why is he not slaughtering them en masse, children and all.
He just said he believes that Jews enslaved and slaughtered tens of millions of Russians
Nothing, he instead defends Jews yet the Chechens instead get their country invaded and a million killed for "supposedly" behind behind a building bombing in Russia.

finally someone who isn't a brain dead Nazi or anti-Nazi.

If I mentioned how Spaniards, Italians, or w/e race isn't White, I'd get a ton of comments arguing with me. But those 2 above comments can somehow coexist simultaneously on this board without ever conflicting or being challenged (or rarely being challenged); so yes, when it comes to bootlicking Hitler, Jow Forums is one person.

Yet he hunted down and killed Freemasons and Jews alike. All the while saying to the top of his lungs that there is an International Jewish conspiracy with Freemasonry as its tool that instigates wars.
Just because he failed to kill some Rothschild's, at least that's whats said, doesn't mean he was a puppet.

>Why couldn't you just give the Germans Danzig?
>why cant you just accept the migrants
fuck off potatonigger

Italians are white, spanish are white
Spics aren't white though

See what I mean:

After seeing pic related for the hundredth

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Today, watching The Greatest Story Never Told

>led to the destruction of historical European buildings
>looted tons of artworks which have not been found
>millions of Europeans killed on European soil
>made nationalism an eternal taboo subject
>all those anti-jew redpills but absolutely no changes in Jew global population
>good guy

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link? Ultimately his policy of killing off the Poles makes him a traitor in my book

>Fought against the entire world to save us
>He's the bad goy for trying
Fuck off anglo kike
It's you cunts who fucked it up from the start

why did he have to lose?

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the holocaust was fake. hitler was fighting for peace and independence. some jews did die, but there was no plan, or attempt at, mass extermination

also watch Europa: Last Battle

>When and how did you come to realise that Hitler was actually the good guy?

Oh it was a gradual process, but I don't think I ever fully swallowed the bluepill in the first place. When I was younger I had the viewpoint of war that no one thinks they are the bad guy when they are fighting in one. North v South in Civil War, US vs Al-Qaeda during my childhood, etc. And to be sure the allied soldiers thought they were fighting the good fight due to the propaganda. The boomers were raised with post-war propaganda that rendered the axis as saturday morning cartoon villains.
Saying "Hitler wasn't evil" to a boomer is the same thing as saying "The emperor from star wars" wasn't evil to a soiboy star wars fan.
Then when I got older, read mein kampf, read a bunch of other non-fiction political theory books from the late 1800s, early 1900s, I realized what exactly was being fought over, and then I see the results after world war 2 and come to the conclusion that Hitler was 100% in the right for what he wanted and the allies were fighting to institute a globalized world and to create a culture-less, heritage-less, root-less world of mutt-cattle for the sake of jewish finance and jewish controlled hegemony.
So to the international jewish elite, of course hitler was evil. To every single person on earth who would benefit from a nation-state whose sole purpose was the protection and promotion of their own people, Hitler was their greatest champion.

He was not the good guy. He will never be the good guy.

>Kike flag
Opinion discarded

libertarianism can never work

>drug addict megalomaniac
>fucked his niece to suicide
>brainwashed an entire generation into socialism
>had an inner council of mythic larpers, satanists and psychopaths
>took credit for things he didn't do
>ignored his allies and started a war of bloody rampage
>fucked up his own military logistics because he thought he knew better
>lost his own war and ruined his nation for generations
What a fucking genius.

He wasnt a "Good guy" all The shit that is happening is coz of him
He Had right ideas

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we just dont care with that fucking post
it is posted here 24/7
at some Point you just dont respond anymore
has it right on the money

dumbest post on this thread

>jews who work in media disseminating propaganda are "average people."

just look at the absolute state of the western world with all the degeneracy of lgbtq , low IQ shit skins and so on...
clearly the bad guys won.
Look at the depiction of germany in the man in the high castle as well s the depiction of new york, it’s like an eden garden, paradise.

im not disagreeing with a lot of the Posts, but you guys are really autistic about this shit
Germany had 65 Million People pre WW2
We lost 9 Million till 1945
1960-70, thats 15-25 years after Hitler and his Party were annihilated we had the biggest Baby boom in our history, swelling the numbers of ethnic Germans up to 76 Million the most Germans ever in history
Our Birthrates plummeted around 1999, not 1945, thats over 50 years after the guy bit the dust and 9 years after we got reunited

and now someone in here tell me how the fuck the shit Happening today can be blamed on shit that is over 60 years away by now

You know you've truly matured when you go full circle and realize Hitler was still a bad thing for his people just for different reasons.

Go suck Churchill's cock,anglo swine.

except hitler didn't kill jewish journalists by the thousands he killed peasant jews in the slav lands. this accomplished nothing but give the jews justification for isreal.

I see him more as a motivational speaker than anything else. His biggest fault was trusting the anglo.

>except hitler didn't kill jewish journalists by the thousands he killed peasant jews in the slav lands
how would it even make sense to do this
are you sure it happened

he didnt "kill jews." he put them in camps and some of them died. the same as every other country did with their enemies at the time.

yeah, that's me.

we developed your little shit island you ungrateful fuck

Let's look at facts:
Starts a world war
Get 23,000,000 germans killed
80,000,000 in total died during ww2
He stole 600 tonnes of gold (19 billion in todays money) 300 tonnes still missing. Which was stolen from neighbouring white countries
Bombed white civilians and their cities
Berlin was also turned to rubble
He put jews in comfy camps far from the front lines. He didn't exterminate any of them
His generals took the blame and where hung in public for the lies they killed all these jews at comfy camp
His body was never found. Some say he snuck off to Argentina

>He alone who controls the youth, owns the future

jews used all the stolen gold to buy :
news media
social media
tv industry
music industry
many positions in US and Eu government

He's half jewish.

He kike as fuck.

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When I was 14 and googled "why did Hitler hate the Jews?" 10 years ago, I went as Dr.Mengele for Halloween the next year lmao I made the costume myself it was great. I took that goofy gynecologist costume and scratched out the cross and replaced it with a swastika and wrote DR.MENGELE on the name tag. Sprayed the coat with tons of fake blood and put a big swastika on the back and j even made an armband. All the bitches loved it, my friend went as an Islamic terrorist with hotdogs strapped to his chest lmao we got so fucking wasted I shat my pants like a true American.

Does jewtube still have the greatest story never told? Looking for a legit copy of it


You have it wrong. Germany had 100 million people at the beginning of world war ii. Almost exactly. by January of 1945 the number had dropped to 95 million.

The total deaths was higher but the birthrate had been high. During 1945-1947 the population dropped to about 70 million.

I wish I could provide the sources, but a lot of good sources online, including some pages of wikipedia have disappeared in recent years.

>Our Birthrates plummeted around 1999

Birthrates have been below replacement since the 1970s.

He didn't start a war. Most of those 80 million were killed by the Allies. Cossacks and other troops that defected to the Axis or sometimes troops that had simply surrendered. These were killed en masse by the Allies at the end of the war.

watch it on the official website

Yeah, good job ending European colonial domination of Africa, Asia, India etc. Thanks, Hitler we really needed 4 billion more people on Earth, most of them now planning on emigrating to Europe and US. Destroying European armies and economies worked out really well, thanks.

If Hitler was killing Poles, for being Poles, why would he pick a Pole to be his personal chauffeur and most trusted body guard?

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Hitler was an overly successful politician. He is the reason ambition is suspicious.

2017 was when I realised or 2016 after watching TGSNT but now I believe the Holocaust and believe it was 100% justified.

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