get in here lads

Attached: anglopowers.png (975x900, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And do what? Stand around looking uncomfortable while the beer in our hand goes warm and flat?

done that a few times

These threads are gay as fuck. Nice redditballs

Attached: IMG_8518.png (1268x10000, 921K)

sure why not

potato niggers OUT

Attached: poke.png (800x1400, 62K)

The potato nigger makes an appearance

What do ANZACs think of Britain nowadays?

All colonies report in

Isle of Man reporting

be nice

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shut up
micks are fren

I happen to be Anglo. Oh imagine that a person of English descent in Ireland. Could you fucking imagine that, in Ireland right next to England. Almost like all your countries are full of potato niggers you faggot fucking niggerbrains

Attached: anunwantedjourney.jpg (4392x4252, 3.08M)

still love the poms, wish they'd get rid of the browns and take back London though desu

Attached: anglorangers.png (1018x576, 1.16M)

You shut the fuck up Jose Muhammad Martinez, they're niggers

are there any jobs there?

>H-honestly, I'm Anglo

Attached: 32f.png (501x677, 20K)

Pic related. Also, fuck off you swarthy wog, this is a white man’s thread.

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straya standing by

Attached: australianspaceprogramme.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

None of what you said precludes you from being nice.

Leaf's are shit tier

Attached: SavilleAndRoyals.jpg (660x553, 92K)


no micks are not niggers
i mean sure they have a drinking problem but so does scotland and a great deal of england
they are frens
brit fren do not bully the paddies

Don't forget out brothers that we lost along the way.
They were our dearest and our best.

Attached: Feelsdesia.png (433x478, 224K)

>I live in a garage therefore I’m a car
You’re not fooling anyone, Bono.

>We are not the baguettes

That’s pretty clever (for a black muslim).


we're watching you m8

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the anglo pride my name is Pierre, Pierre Dubois son's of bitches !!!

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lets have some choons

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hello frog fren

so say we manage to kick out all the browns and jews, would you boys be up for free movement between our once great nations?

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That looks fun as fuck. I wish I wasnt in a country that would never do such things.

>Leaf's are shit tier
better than being stacked to the hilt with police protected shit skins

Attached: ifonlywrn.png (1024x661, 1.31M)

Couldn't agree more thats why were always really friendly because internally we know were complete trash even for the anglosphere which isn't particularly impressive group of nation in and of itself.

Was expecting "what a time it was." or "cos we're all Rhodesian and we'll fight..."
Pleasantly surprised to listen to one I've not heard before.

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Attached: anglot.png (845x960, 681K)

That's what they want you to think
Reminder that the Irish "Republican" Army was socialist as fuck and the place was better off in the UK

As long as we can send back the flood of Māori filth that’s spewed westward from your disgusting nation’s dung-crusted anus.

sure, why the fuck not?

yes, all maori and abos will be dumped in France and the Netherlands

Attached: angra.jpg (2048x1980, 409K)

Fuck off we're full

you'll take our browns and like it you fucking toothpaste cunt

Attached: anglots.jpg (850x1276, 872K)

just give the abbos a small reserve in the middle of nowhere
same with the maori

No Anglo thread is complete without us.

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>texas and dixie are glorious
>the rest of the U.S isn't

poo poo in da loo ?

Attached: On+a+different+post+i+thought+i+was+to+tired+_2488c8485ed19b7f0ff09df0688c283e.jpg (991x902, 106K)


welcome pajeet, we need cannon fodder for the chink menace

Attached: oldlion.jpg (407x600, 52K)

It was probably made by an el goblino southerner in denial

AngloSwede Reporting for duty. Will kill anyone for capital gains.

I’m aboriginal, though.
I’m also an ex-serviceman, literate, intelligent and ferociously right-wing. I’m staying whether you like it or not.

Although it's a better pace than most, It's still too slow
I really want them to sing a version of "battle hymn of the Republic" at the same pace as "glory glory what a hell of a way to die."

Also, this is better than either
At the outposts of the world
The regiment lives on
In the land of the silver fern
Australia and Hong Kong
In Britain’s misty Isles
Beneath American skies
In Africa her birthplace
The spirit never dies

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How come his pants don' fit?

fine but you're quarantined in Melbourne

Attached: ave.png (2242x770, 314K)


I shall never forget Cawnpore Well.
I really hope you’re Sikh because every other form of Indian is human garbage.

would you be fine with living on a reservation
dixie is a pretty good song
but i like god save the south better

You’re about twenty minutes late for that joke, grenouille.

Jesus Christ no, anything but that.

Let's just form one big country and take over the world again.

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Are Guyana and Jamaica welcome in the Anglosphere?

not a country
maybe a union of some kind but not a single country, limeybro

a fate worse than death

Attached: backtomelbourne.png (1600x1200, 2.63M)

A very good one!
Not bad, but my brain keeps going into the "God save the Queen" gear and it's slight differences throw me

This is the greatest song the Anglosphere has ever made

Based thread, God bless all you motherfuckers.

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*mails package*
don't mind me ;^)

no sorry m8

Attached: qts.jpg (900x610, 224K)

>tfw there’s an alternate timeline universe where the Imperial Federation happened and we stayed out of Flanders but we’re trapped in this one forever.

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skip to 1:30

Cunt, you forgot the most important one

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Yes to all dominions. Hard no on America.

No. Only British Overseas Territories are honorary Anglos. We need them after all to launder the world's wealth that our glorious companies plunder and keep hidden the fact that Anglos are the richest in the world.
Inb4: Oil Niggers triggered.

the limey greed knows no bounds

If you help us kill M*slims you can come tassie bro
I have respect for darkies who go against their genetic coding and are functioning human beings.

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The former Yugoslav Republic of a northern part of a Greek Province?

You may not like it but this is what peak Anglo genetics looks like

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>Anglo thread is complete without us.
i hate to break this to you, but we're not really brothers; you were adopted

>5% European Jewish

Fight me, 10pm behind the McDonalds car park.

Jesus Christ that pic. Anglos are the worst. We're not taking in a homo erectus people. Australia is fucking huge, plenty of space for them there you sunburned emu rape baby.

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>European Jewish

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bro come on
anglosphere is multicultural

That's gold

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Nothing wrong with Anglo-Jews, just ask Cromwell

No, actually 'Anglo' is the culture. So there is one culture only.

>I’m aboriginal, though.


I’m guessing that image excludes New Zealand because the artist doesn’t know how to draw a sheep in a bikini.

>hand rubbing intensifies exponentially

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good afternoon kings

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My favourite factoid about Cromwell was that after the bastard died, they dug him up again to posthumously execute him. Freakin Based af.

put the cunts on cape baron island. They seem to like it there

Yes, fucking loads m8