Is fascism the only solution?

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fascism is for dumbasses.
the only solution is a monarchy.

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>the only solution is a monarchy

I’ve been very interested in ethno-monarchies.

Some would say that the collapse of the Russia Empire is proof that monarchies are outdated, how would you reply to that?

the collapse of the russian empire was due to treason.

Short answer: Yes.
Longer answer: Fascism demands the pursuit of perfection in every aspect of your life. To be the best you that you can be. Its principles can easily be translated into work ethic, how to treat your friends and family, working out etc.
Fascism is the only ideology that is in line with Nature's Law.

The fundamental problem is how to select the leader.
Until you solve this problem there can be no real government.

Trial by combat? Test of loyalty? Some kind of election?
The old form of "election" used to be civil war, whichever side could marshal the strongest army

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The collapse of the Russian Empire had nothing to do with direct funding of Lenin and Trotsky by jew bankers in NYC.

It's the problem.

Being a fascist is the highest form of being a cuck


problem is its basically an autocracy so one the guy becomes head of state, there is no guarantee he would keep his promises. He might become corrupt and only be concerned about his own wealth and power like in Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Causescu Romania, etc

if they didn't enter WWII then they wouldn't have collapsed

No, it isn't a solution, it is redneck collective masturbation disguised as a political system.


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Yes, Nazi Germany thrived economically/army wise/infrastructure/science/tech, the opposition will say anything to dispute that because they're scared of the inevitable.

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Zimbabwe, and Venezuela were socialist you fucking idiot.

I know you brainlet, that was not my point. Im saying it could become like that since there is no guarantee that the fascist leader will keep his promises and not become corrupted like those 2 shithole leaders once he gets into power.

I'm starting to believe so
Totalitarianism is starting to look like the only way to change things for good.

>russian empire had no internal problems
This is what US education dose to you

Only if it is amoral and rationalist fascism.