Soyboy cousin

so i have a cousin who is a massive basedboy
fan of marvel, video games, lol, game of thrones, rick and morty, whatever all this gay stuff
how do i save him ? what can i do Jow Forums ? so far i think i succeeded to make him more racist at least but he is still into all the nerd interests
i wouldn't care usually but he is family and family is important, he's not so dumb either

did you ever cure a basedboy and how ?

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I'd normally tell you to cut him out of that crap, but for once, try to get him interested in the DEEPER meanings and understandings of the series and movies he watches. You know how many people here got redpilled because they played MGS and dealt with Jow Forums tier topics early on?
You gotta dig him deep in the stories of the things he watches, and one day talk about the people behind these series too, then he's naturally gonna wind up here

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I just came here to vent a sec
I fucking hate LGBT
I fucking hate SJWs
I fucking hate them all and I wish they all got vaporized
Not because I care about the human race, they can fuck their 8 year old sons in a drag all day if they want, they can behead people in the streets in the name of Allah, I don't give a shit

But they ruined my entertainment, and they are making so that all new entertainment is filled with SJW garbage. They only promote stuff that is full of SJW garbage. I fucking hate them. Even books are not safe from this genderqueer faggotry. I have never hated a subculture this much in my entire life, I hope Muslims take over soon so that some normalcy is restored.

You can make him much more racist, you can probably get him to not act like a basedboy. But I doubt you could every get him to stop liking that stuff. The best you could do is make sure he’s preoccupied with other things so he doesn’t feel like he has the time for that stuff. At that point it’ll be like breaking a habit, you’ll still want to do it, but you won’t do it at every opportunity.

You’re flag.

It's a fucking rainbow, I love rainbows.
They will not take rainbows from me.

Amphetamine. A week awake on amphetamine, watching Jow Forums-tier stuff and listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival.

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That is unironically based and redpilled.

He has to be awakened fully to the role of the Jew in the world. This is how you ruin entertainment for him. He has to see it for what it truly is and to what purpose.

Ignore them and they'll disappear. Don't give them the attention they crave.

you sound extreme, but yes when Disney went full cuck on Star Wars that was it

Did you know at the end of every rainbow there is a cure for AIDS?

Maybe the triumivirat of manly movies?
>Rock 1

my brother in law is like this. We were all going out for dinner to celebrate his grandmother's 90th birthday but he got so worked up over her being pro-trump and pro-brexit(she's from Scotland he's not) that his wife had to drive him home. He was literally shaking, it was hilarious.

> have higher testosterone than meat eaters
> healthier than meat eaters
> higher sense of ethics than meat eaters
> considered more attractive than meat eaters
> more manly in every meaningful way
> follow a Libertarian philosophy, not Liberal, making them true Conservatives
> don’t feel the need to abuse animals just to feel like men
> all while meat eaters are the ones consuming 99% of the nation’s onions indirectly via animal feed

I would suggest starting by using memes that actually make sense, personally

Get him interested in the pussy. Perhaps hire a prostitute.

Don't put video games in the same category as all that Trash. Video games are art. Just dont play MOBAs and don't watch eSports.

I ignore everything they touch so now I'm forced to read manga and carefully read all the reviews of the books I read to see if there's any mention of identity politics in them.
They have been destroying entertainment methodically since the internet allowed them to raid and act as a collective, they are so incredibly vocal and active on the internet that they are managing to impose themselves and their fucking politics into everything. They are bullies, if you don't submit to their made up rules you get labeled as something-phobic and you instantly get a smear campaign against you by this entire chunk of the internet. If major companies can get away with just a little bit of tokenism, smaller companies have to go full retard so it's pretty much ensured that nothing new worth watching will ever come out. They don't care about quality as long as every character represented is a fat faggot transgender and some hamfisted message about being a fat faggot transgender is pushed through.

Why do they have to appropriate everything? Can't they just make new gay franchises instead of infesting the ones I like? Couldn't they make a new flag that actually represents them like pic related? It took me 2 minutes. Now I look at rainbows and I think of these people I hate. Fucking fascists.

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ok land redistribution now

I found a goyboy

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>Barney from The Andy Griffith Show
God that was a good American show.
Ngl, older stuff is usually better honestly.
Ever watched Macross? That was pretty good honestly.

Go the to gym with him. Lift together and redpill him smoothly. It might take 1-2 years.

My friend and I have slowly been trickling the red pill IV into our group of basedcucks. We started with geopolitical memes. Then we got them playing Europa Universalis 4. And now they are slowly becoming racist and more aware that everyone is horrible. Also we slowly trickle redpill memes in and they are starting to understand.