The debate is about giving government the right to inject you and your children with whatever it designates is for the "greater good".
There is a media campaign to smear people who resist the infringement of the right to body integrity.
The debate is about giving government the right to inject you and your children with whatever it designates is for the "greater good".
There is a media campaign to smear people who resist the infringement of the right to body integrity.
Other urls found in this thread:
That nigger mentality is why we having ducking measles again, fucking subhumans.
if you are worried about measles, you can get vaccinated.....voluntarily.
I'm sure that's what you tell yourself inbred; they really should put you all in a leper colony.
Maybe voluntarily omit yourself, your kids and your reckless self-righteous behaviour from society?
Maybe not put other kids at risk of the stupid shit you leave yourself open to?
If the other kids get the MMR vaccine then they are safe from anti vax right? The only other people who are hurt by anti vax are other anti vax. Your arguments suck.
all smears because I want to have my right of being able to choose what I get injected with to be respected.
here's something that will flip your lid. I am vaccinated and I think people should get vaccinated....voluntarily.
Not through compulsion, not through government mandate, not by the barrel of a gun.
Vaccines aren't effective on every single person, that's why it matters, if 10% of people decide not to get vaxxed it creates danger for those it was ineffective on due to lack of herd immunity.
You should have the liberty to not vaccinate your children, but you should not be able to have your children attend (((public school))) and the other parents in your neighborhood should be informed
>You should have the liberty to not vaccinate your children
small correction
I do have that liberty. I do have that right. I'll always have that right. Government and other individuals can only infringe upon rights. They can not grant them.
>you should not be able to have your children attend (((public school)))
I would say that sending your kids to public school is far more damaging than not getting them vaccinated.
We're not talking about the rights you think you have, we're talking about the rights you actually have
>we're talking about the rights you actually have
I'm aware and that's what I've been talking about.
Im stopping this shit real quick Niggers hang yourselves
This is true. The only people effected are other anti-vaxxing.
Until they get an old timey diseases that we cured because you shit for brains.
>you shit for brains.
>Until they get an old timey diseases
public school = 100% chance of getting fucked up
old timey diseases = less than 1% chance of getting fucked up.
Frame it however you want. Antivaxxers are retards who will kill their children. Problem solved I guess.
>Don't treat on me flag
>wants government to be able to use force and inject them with whatever they deem to be for the greater good
tread* not treat
Imagine your kid was bite by a rabid animal but letting your kid die. You don’t want to give the vaccine MUH mercury poison.
>other parents in your neighborhood should be informed
This is another level of authoritarian, and I like it.
Neighbors must be informed about everything that can harm them, like if you are or support gay rights and open borders, or if you are muslim or jew.
imagine your kid was bit by a rabid animal so you voluntarily take them to a hospital to get medical services and everything is fine.
It’s higher % because idiots like you don’t vaccinate kids. Old timey disease were brutal they can kill you, leave you retarded, blind or deaf or immobile. Seriously take a virology class at your local community college.
>here's something that will flip your lid. I am vaccinated and I think people should get vaccinated....voluntarily.
>Not through compulsion, not through government mandate, not by the barrel of a gun.
That’s the point. Vaccine were made for a reason to save lives. People who are anti-vaxxer are like those weird super religious freaks that don’t allow blood transfusion.
Reminder: Mercury deposits directly into the brain.
>The debate isn't about if vaccines are effective or not
>The debate is about giving government the right to inject you and your children with whatever it designates is for the "greater good".
>People who are anti-vaxxer are like those weird super religious freaks that don’t allow blood transfusion.
>There is a media campaign to smear people who resist the infringement of the right to body integrity.
>get MMR
>sick for 42 days
>still at risk for measles
>get second MMR
>sick for 42 days
>still at risk for measles
>pray and have faith in the magic medicine man's healing powers
>get measles anyways
>sick for 4-5 days
>fully immune for life
>blame anti-vaxxers
>Upper respiratory and gastrointestinal infections were reported in about 55% and 40% of vaccinees respectively.
>If the government doesn't force people to do something then it won't get done!
Absolutely disgusting. You nanny-state retards are going to cost us every freedom we have.
It should be mandated because then we are fucking up with the group immunity. Sickly people can’t get vaccinated. If people who have normal immune system don’t get the disease it won’t spread the disease to people who have low immune, cancer patients, small kids that haven’t gotten their shots yet...etc. If we allow people to choose for themselves we will have idiots that create conspiracies around vaccines and cause other idiots to not get vaccinated and get people sick.
You have a superiority complex and are trying to dictate what should happen to me through force while I am minding my own business.
That is something I would shoot at you with a rifle for.
If the government can force people to take vaccines, then the government can force people to get implanted / chipped. Then, any wrong think you have against SJWs will land you in prison.
Ugh it’s not about you. It’s about all of us. Anyway enjoy stupid medical bills for your stupidity.
Again, I am vaccinated and I think others should voluntarily get vaccinated.
Anti-vaxers are brainlets but if the official line is that a woman can commit infanticide because the government can't tell you what to do with your body then I'll be damned if the state is gonna tell me I have to get needles stuck in me.
>Anti-vaxers are brainlets
just so you know, those labelled as anti-vaxxers are not the caricature that the media presents them as. Many hold the exact same argument are you
>if the official line is that a woman can commit infanticide because the government can't tell you what to do with your body then I'll be damned if the state is gonna tell me I have to get needles stuck in me
or simply do not trust giving the power to government to force any medical procedure upon them.
The media presents their enemies weakest arguments
>vaccines cause autism
>vaccines aren't effective
so then they can destroy those arguments while completely ignoring the debate about individual rights and governmental power.
And yet circumsision is still a thing in your country, championed even.
Agreed, many here acknowldege ZOG is actively taking steps to dumb down the populace and replace whitey with mystery meat citizens who can't think for themselves, but when it comes to vaccines the same people will line up just like cattle to get filled with ZOG's latest medical miracle "for the good of the community" enjoy your mercury derivatives and blind faith in doctors.
Please leave reddit.
How about importing a shit ton of third world niggers being the reason we have third world diseases?
why do pro-vaxers result to insulting rather showing us how trustworthy big pharm has been over the years
No kidding, a lot of unvaccinated and sick/carrier central asians are spreading diseases here. It’s a known fact, as anti-vax movement is almost not a thing there, besides a couple of mums on forums.
No one has a right to force medical treatment on anyone; that's malpractice.
Keep it up you're doing god's work
Stanley Plotkin admitted they use aborted fetus tissue in vaccines. So many fags on here think they have taken the red pill but screech when people are anti vax. The fact is these"out breaks" are false flags to scare everyone to getting vaccines. You don't know what you're putting into your body and who the fuck really trusts big pharma and typical diagnoses. The health industry is corrupt as fuck and y'all know it. Vid related. Now fuck off and stop trusting the tv morons.
They can't very well show their successes in Israel can they?
A population that should have herd immunity thanks to 95%+ vaccination having outbreaks.
BUNCH of things wrong with vaccines at the moment, here's a short summarized list:
1. NO liabilities for Vaccine manufacturers. Slip some glass in a vaccine by accident? No problem!
2. Vaccines are a vehicle of profit, thus they fall under the rules of FIDUCIARY DUTY. That means executives of pharma companies MUST make the most profitable decisions or else they are held legally liable to their share holders.
3. Non-standardized schedules for different 1st world countries. If they were truly all safe and there's no reason to not take them all, why do other first world countries like Iceland, Japan, etc. Have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT schedules for their children. Why have their governments decided to omit certain shots when we have not??
4. BAD Science. Vaccine studies (which are funded by pharma, or pharma back universities) only study 1 vaxx administration at a time. Also, they do not use TRUE inert placebos in their studies. No studies done on unvaxx children because ((unethical)) lol.
while those might be important in the personal decision to get vaccinated, it is not important for the underlining political debate.
Even if vaccines were 100% effective and 100% safe, the government still does not have the right to force people to get vaccinated.
Idgaf about the herd
Goddamn right.
Not in new york. Forced. Or jail/fines.
This. Unironically check out Del Bigtree's highwire on youtube. There's a lot more science to back up the "anti-vaxxers" than the media lets on. Valid safety studies for vaccines have never been done. Also look into the CDC whistle blower for their study on vaccines and autism.
Kill with measles? Lololol
new yorkers still have the right to body integrity. They also have the right to self defense. They are fully in the right to resist the enforcers of tyranny. They'll most likely be killed, but they will be killed by an unjust tyrannical government for defending their individual rights. It's not that they don't have the right. It is that the government has infringed upon their rights.
5. No consideration for genetic mutations. If you have a mutation in your MTHFR gene then you cannot detox your body from heavy metals properly. Vaccinating this population of people is not only unethical but negligent and dangerous. Why ignore gene science?
6. No contraindications for administration. This is absolutely bonkers. EVERY medication has contraindications. If you go into the doctors with a fever and terrible cough, no problem, here's the vaccine! Terrible terrible standards here, anyone in the medical field should understand.
7. We humans in the past have poisoned ourselves terribly, look no further than : Lead Paint, Asbestos, Round Up, Ciggarettes as medicine. I mean the list goes on. How many countless people had to get Asbestos, without a shadow of a doubt, before we finally gave in and agreed to do something about it.
8. Doctor's lose their license for speaking out, or get in trouble with insurance companies for not complying with the standard. They also get large bonuses for how many of their patients are completely vaccinated. That's kind of fucked up ($$$$$)
9. Absolutely Zero standards of manufacturing. Your shot could have been manufactured in China by a German company (a company like MERCK which lost a lawsuit for knowingly putting out a drug responsible for killing ~200,000 people.) Absolutely zero standards in transportatoin and storage. So many things can go wrong from the nurse not shaking the shot properly to the refrigerator in the shipping container breaking. How do you really know what you're going to get?
Dude fucking watch youtube. Search "before and after vaccines" you wont as you dont truely care. But parents have uploaded pre/post vids of their kids becoming autistic directly after vaccines. Or stories of death. 48h after mmr kid dies of sids. You probably dont know much about sids either. So so so many infants die of sids. Directly after vaccines
>DON’T YOU DARE STICK MY SON WITH THAT NEEDLE, he might get autism and vaccines don’t work anyway
>Why yes please chop off the tip of his dick
The absolute state of burgers.
Agreed. Why cant people separate things that are good and things that should be mandatory.
The government shouldn't be using force to compel vaccination
Theres a lot of us with this viewpoint. So stop with the "you" and "us". Making it seem like hes alone with the viewpoint. Not only are there risks to vaccinating. For it to be forced is bullshit.
Keep your ZOGshots to yourself ZOGbot.
I wonder if any of the pro vax bothered reading any of the evidence against vaccines. Or they just smear and listen to MSM.
One conspiracy i thought was neat was they claimed to identify differences genetically between demo and rep voting people. And were working on isolating the gene.
Reminds me of how like 5years ago they were working on genetically modifying misquitos to not be able to breed after 1 gen. Then zeeka virus or however its spelled came out directly after. In africa, where the US has tested countless new fun things.
The pro-vaxx crowd are Rick and Morty watching "science" worshiping retards who do whatever the newsmedia tells them to do. Funny thing is, at least in the US, is that pharma companies are huge advertisers on TV and radio, so there's literally zero chance of their coverage of this bullshit to be unbiased.
>be american
>don't get shot
>Why cant people separate things that are good and things that should be mandatory.
I'm theorizing here, but I believe it is due to being brought up by a society that broadcasts the message that nothing gets done unless the government mandates it. They also are completely ignorant of political theory and what rights are. This has been understandably muddled by phrases such as "right to healthcare" "right to food" "right to water". This is an incorrect usage of the term "rights". These are called "positive rights" which is simply a lie. Healthcare is a service. Provided by a service provider which consumes skilled labor and medical supplies. a "right" to healthcare would imply that the service provider does not have the right to sell their labor or charge for the medical supplies that were consumed. These are """rights""" that can only be provided by governmental force. And the negative consequences of this would lead into a much deeper discussion.
lastly, it is borne from the misanthropy that is rampant in our culture to see themselves as intellectually superior and everyone else as brain dead sheep. This contempt for their fellow citizen allows such an abuse of governmental authority
>If the other kids get the MMR vaccine then they are safe from anti vax right?
Wrong. Vaccines prepare your immune system to fight off pathogens by providing a speedy reaction to the associated antigens, hopefully gaining the upper hand in a body wide attrition battle to prevent colonization of the host by stopping the proliferation of the pathogenic cells when they are encountered in environmental concentrations. If the vector is also an infected host, carrying billions more pathogenic cells/virions than an inanimate or assymptomatic source, the immune system of even a vaccinated person may struggle and succumb to the insane ammount of pathogens.
This is why anti vaxxers are hated everywhere. The question they fail to understand is "why does adding 3 billion soldiers to the enemy ranks make our armies less effective?".
True. That would def be a kick off to something bigger.
Why is everyone against removing the extra skin? You know its not the head of the penis right?
I like you.
ear lobes are extra skin too, gonna cut up babies to remove that?
Almost like adding 3 billion disease ridden shitskins to your country. Just kidding, that's racist and it would stop our economy of endless growth and consumption!
It’s a divide and conquer op. They constantly seed either side and make sure they never provide any definitive research to clear up the issue. People should stop fighting each other and demand proper conclusive research on all vaccines and vaccine combinations
>Why is everyone against removing the extra skin?
most likely because ultimately it isn't their dick that they are talking about cutting but a person who when they are old enough to be self-aware looks down and sees that their dick has been mutilated before they had any say in the matter.
>make sure they never provide any definitive research to clear up the issue. People should stop fighting each other and demand proper conclusive research on all vaccines and vaccine combinations
while those might be important in the personal decision to get vaccinated, it is not important for the underlining political debate.
Even if vaccines were 100% effective and 100% safe, the government still does not have the right to force people to get vaccinated.
I love you American
I agree. The way I see it, if you refuse to vaccinate your children or yourself, then you're helping to strengthen the gene pool by removing those with weak immune systems and possibly low IQs.
Who gives a fuck if the neighbor gets smallpox as long as you and your loved ones have been vaccinated?
>safe from antivaxxers
You do realize Measles is a meme disease that people in first world countries die from at a rate of about 1 in 500K...and of those people who die, they were already usually fucked up by some other disease and were going to die soon anyway.
Once you get the measels you suffer a some symptoms for a few days then you have life long immunity (and studies suggest other cancer-fighting benefits along with it). Those who get the MMR need to get boosters every 10 years or so or they are not immune anymore.
lol if you actually own a TV and are bored enough take the time to watch the "News." It's essentially a giant commercial. During flu season it's really bad, they'll try and scare monger people into getting useless flu shots.
We should cut off babies' eyelids, they could get infected so it's only logical and it's just skin after all.
if you vaccinate your kids you have nothing to worry about. dont try to pretend you care about other peoples kids, im not buying it.
They tried to scare people into getting chicken pox vaccines too but nobody bought it so they moved on to measles.
A suggestion, I have no thought this out thoroughly but just had an idea:
A good compromise for those that wish to compel all citizens to get vaccinated would be to simply have the government reimburse individuals for the costs of vaccination, making them cost neutral.
This would allow all who wish to be vaccinated have nothing preventing them from doing so.
I say "reimburse" because there would be a conflict of interest if the government was to pay for them outright.
Also now that I think about it, I would imagine that if this was a political and economic reality that all insurance plans would drop the coverage of vaccinations and leave government with the bill. And if that were the case you would imagine that hospitals would charge much higher fees for vaccinations and make as much profit margin as they could since they know the government has deep pockets, much deeper than an individual or an insurance company.
you shills try way to hard. it just makes people suspicious.
why are antivaxers so afraid of autism? Autismophobic faggots.
If the government cared about disease they'd stop importing diseased people.
Now go away.
“hurr durr muh gubmint and country doesn’t want old timey diseases coming back, this is a violation of muh rights”
>30cents has been deposited to your account
Maybe voluntarily omit yourself from living and take a shot of lead to the skull you fucking bootlicker. How the fuck can you invoke "muh society" in America of all countries as justification for being the government's bitch and guinea pig. I guess America is truly an unsalvageable cesspool of brainless mutts afterall.
Implying ....
Foriegners don't understand our ways, they are the children of serfs.
gotta love how they pretend to care about other peoples kids then immediately tell you to kill your own kids.
>siding with billion dollar pharmaceutical companies
Vaccines don't work for people that have a suppressed immune system, like people getting chemotherapy. They also don't work for children that aren't old enough to get the vaccine yet.
Anti-vaxxers are dangerous to your society. Not to regular people, but babies, sick people and old people. If you want to interact with the rest of society you should be forced to get vaccinated, much like you are forced to pay tax. You're taking advantage of the society around you so you have to play by certain rules. If you dont like it, move away, we arent commies you can always go away
And yes people in israel do get vaccinated, hell probably more than in western countries cus we got some filthy people here
while those might be important facts in the personal decision to get vaccinated, it is not important for the underlining political debate.
Even if vaccines were 100% effective and 100% safe, the government still does not have the right to force people to get vaccinated.
Around 2015 there was a canadian woman who was semi-famous for her facebook posts going viral that guilted people into getting vaccines. She was later exposed for having a father who was CEO or something high up for a vaccine producer. What you just typed is a literal copy/paste script, just like the "dur kill yourself and your kids" script that you see in every one of these threads.
Shut up retard. If you're immune you got nothin to worry about.
Everyone's a fucking high IQ scientist and understands vaccines. Or you're all fucking gay autistics damaged from cut dicks, 100s of vaccines as children, shit in your water, and hormones in your food. I cant fucking decide which one you anons are..must been 4chans master race.
Observe all the shillbot posts whenever threads about vaccines crosses the board. Really gives you an idea of how hard (((they))) have to try coming to Jow Forums and shill. Every major media outfit and government run system are pushing so hard. I homeschool my children and encourage any inteligent life form on this board to do the same. When the day of the needle comes I will be ready with my lead injection.
It doesn't, it just incentivizes it. It's a democratic country and most people want that. If you don't like it, you can move to a shithole country and die from a middle-ages tier disease