I'm not Italian I just want edgy Spegetti memes from you based Meds to annoy my gf from Verona
/ita/ - Italy Jow Forums - Nigaroni Edition
>Istanbul complains
Like their shit doesn't stink
Women shouldnt be in gyms.
But if they were I'd un-unironically actually prefer them being completely covered up.
Verona is fucking dank
>wanted to buy bacon in halal store
>get kicked out
I love you based Italians.
>Mussolini and his example were socialists
> radical leftist
> a beacon of hope for democracy
Absolutely based if true.
italy is the most based Euro country
God, I love ITALY
They mean democracy in the Marx sense, a path to socialism
>No Batman
WTF why not? He's jacked.
The heroes we need.
this one also
aaaand another one
Last one
''anti-racists'' are the biggers racists against the white race
>2 murders in two months
holy shit what a disaster, we gotta pump those numbers up, guys
in my opinion Hungary is
He can afford a personal gym.
>This is not the vet
Hello friends I'm 57,5% Italian, can I come in?
I don't belive 24% against jews, literally every boomer i know is an antisemite.
1048 registered in 2017, 2018 is not out yet but according to non official sources it's 3 times higher than 2017 for a total 3000 cases reported. Bear in mind most instances are never reported, which means the real number is likely much higher.
Workin on data it means, being generous, around 5000 cases in one year, for a total of 14 per day.
Considering the total number of non european in Italy amounts to 2,5 milions, then 1 in 500 non european has been victim of a racist attack last year. Some more dire than others.
I hate journalists but on one thing they are right, the insurgence and frequency of racist attacks in Italy has become incredibly high. I'm very happy of that, also since it looks like they are intensifying by the day, like the day before yesterday when they stoned the indian guy for just going in bycicle.
What's the rest?
what's the rest?
Who the fuck is she? Never heard of her.
It's good to know fellow italians think alike
It gives you a good indication of how foreign newspapers are reliable, they write what they want and distort reality in order to fit their narrative, like there is "resistance" against Salvini when in reality they are currently at their maximum historical support.
it's the first thing I thought of, if the rest is european he can stay in my opinion, no spics though thx
Yeah, same
That's even worse than a spic
Based and redpilled
I'm 25% Italian and 75% euro mutt, am I welcome?
I speak spanish so I guess that makes me a spic.
Komm' zu hause, Bruder
Yes in my book, different italians will answer differently though
Btw, are you the guy who's learning italian?
Of course is true. Fun fact it happened in a region considered the last bastion of progressivism in Italy
No problem for me.
Verona, Wisconsin?
No, I should probably learn some, I can only understand some words since it's similar to spanish.
I dont know what these mean, but I just showed it to my italian immigrant girlfriend and she wont stop laughing
racial slur united to a formal way of addressing a man. Something like "nig-sir" by stretching it a lot but it's impossible to translate.
>Gentleman Abdul
>Fat and stupid woman
>Faggot march
But they are way funnier in italian
Would they really not let someone work out there if they were actually dressed as batman?
Good, they wear loose clothing and it gets tangled in some of the equipment, the few muslim women who attended one gym I go to had special spandex head coverings, not sure if it were gym policy, but it's common sense.
A radical monkey more like it. Was in Florence last year, based Italian locals when asked what to see or do would tell me never ever to go to certain spots at night, it's full of "those people" even one American from Seattle living in Florence for several years basically told me, don't go near this area at night, it's full of you know what and shit happens.
I agree I'm convinced that half of the women who even go to gyms only go for the attention. Why else would they wear pants that can be clearly seen through to show their ass and thong.
don salvini
salvini bend time and space
less 92% of landings
you can enter in italy only with permission
What about this one ?
Or this one ?
assoluto cosmico, regolare realtà
respiro di un immagine, sintonia di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
oooh oooh
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilea oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilea oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò
armonia metallica, concreta realtà
videoclip elettronico, elogio di civiltà
confusa progenia di cellule ribelli
volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò
se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò
oooh oooh
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò
shadilay shadilay la mia libertà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà
shadilay shadilay oh nooo
vola nella mia vita, no non è finita
io mi fermerò
sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare
io ti crederò
italian antifà
If she is actually ethnically from Venetia and not a Siculo-neapolitan colonist of settlement, maybe you can ask her what does she thinks of pic related.
My distant ancestor Mastino II della Scala was lord of Verona.
Its obviously less funny when you have to have it explained to you but I still laughed when she did
The landings of Siculo-neapolitan immigrants in Lombardy has not slowed down.
The landing of legal immigrants from the rest of the world has not slowed down.
There is no inversion of trend.
We are just in full "You will be replaced but you will be replaced legally" mode. Nothing to write home for.
Secondo voi cade il governo dopo le europee? Salvini sta iniziando a rompermi il cazzo con il volere fare un governo a durata completa con i 5s.
È molto probabile che succede qualche cazzo dopo le Europee. Non so se si andrà a votare subito ma sicuro sto governo non dura altri 4 anni.
>You will be replaced but you will be replaced legally
this is happening in germany, because the muhammads born are the majority. in Italy 90% of women disgust immigrants and would not have children with them. Can you explain how you can change the bloodline? legally you can't delete us
spero si vada alle elezioni, più passa il tempo e meno li sopporto, tra l'altro in questo momento hanno i numeri per avere una maggioranza col centro destra, anche senza Berlusconi. Se Salvini rimane coi 5s tutti e cinque gli anni è un po un'occasione sprecata sono davvero una palla al piede.
5 stars are cucks
We wuz partigiani n sheeit
We are very far from this both in Germany and Italy. Still, something has to change, in Italy it is, in Germany not really. Still, they are in a significant better position than eg. France or eg. Sweden.
gotta pump those jooos numbers
Never give (you) to memeflags, user. Never ever.
Speriamo in bene. Un governo con solo salvini e meloni sarebbe l'ideale
La penso esattamente come te. Non capisco cosa gli passi per la testa, spero stia solo mentendo e faccia cadere il governo presto.
Se eventualmente ci fosse: coalizione di centro destra con 40+% e M5S e PD con 40+% si va al ballottaggio o decide (((Mattarella))).
Sarebbe veramente ideale ma io ho paura che più va avanti e più la gente si stufa della Lega, speriamo mi stia sbagliando...
*o decide Mattarella?
The partigiani were white italians traitors,cowards dressed as saviors,the one on the pic is just a nigger,a gorilla,an animal to my eyes.
>La penso esattamente come te. Non capisco cosa gli passi per la testa, spero stia solo mentendo e faccia cadere il governo presto.
Onore, ha dato la sua parola, ha scritto un contratto. Sarebbe oggettivamente brutto se si ritirasse ora. Non sarà lui a rompere il patto, solo i cinque stelle se tirano abbastanza la corda. Negli ultimi 20 anni siamo stati così abituati a personaggi talmente squallidi e disonorevoli in politica che ci sembra strano quando poi qualcuno mantiene la parola data, anche se magari vorrebbe qualcosa di diverso. Da questo punto di vista per quanto mi stiano sul cazzo i 5s gli devo dare credito. Stiamo a vedere, per il momento si fanno ancora comodo a vicenda, però i 5s sono in una situazione pessima e sanno bene che ci guadagnano ad andare sempre più contro salvini, una volta esauriti i punti che erano sul contratto chissà cosa accadrà.
Its a joke user. I don't like partigiani or niggers either
Almeno i 5 stelle non sono (((europeisti))) come Berlusconi
>Salvini & Meloni government
Imagine the MSM butthurt.
This ones pretty good
Meglio questa.
Il PD coi 5S non succederà, il PD perderebbe l'ultimo briciolo di coerenza e di dignità che gli rimane, e come se non bastasse Zingaretti ha completamente chiuso l'eventualità. Anche se DiMaio si dimettesse poco cambia, il prossimo nella linea di successione è Di Battista ed'è molto più orientato a destra.