Name a single political figure that Jow Forums likes

Is there any single political figure that is generally popular here?

Trump was wildly popular during 2016, Peterson was also extremely popular when he first came into prominence. The only single person I can think of who seems to still be largely supported in threads I see here is styxhexenhammer (God knows why).

Since those times of support Trump/Peterson it seems that a large faction of Jow Forums has come to despise them both. Is this place simply to contrarian to support anyone or are there legitimate reasons for this? Is there anyone else that this place generally supports? (I know Jow Forums isn't a single person obviously).

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Other urls found in this thread:

Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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lol, I guess Hitler is still mostly liked by Jow Forums.

Geert Wilders
Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Sebastian Kurz

you forgot these ((()))

Make a poll.
Jow Forums likes stats.

Why? I didn't mention any (((Americans))) did i?

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Hitler and Breton Tarrant seem like crowd favorites.

I like everyone.
If a man speaks truth and stands against evil then he should be commended for that, despite the inherent flaws that nature has bestowed upon him.
No person is 100% perfect.
Interestingly, this topic relates to how you spot the shills.
What does the enemy (shill) do? He causes division; he sabotages unity.
"Look! [Celebrity] is not 100% perfect! Reject him!"
Reject everyone until there's no one left.
So I say "hooray!" for Jordan Peterson. Hooray for Milo, Lauren Southern, Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux and all the others that aren't "pure".
Be wise to the ways of the enemy.
"Even if we find gold in a dirty place, we take it."
Peace, brothers.

I don't think Trump was bad. His election was funny, and that's all that matters. In the end, it shows how little a president can actually do. Isn't it weird that it Bush's government lasted for an eternity, but Trump's mandate is ending before he even gets the chance to do anything?

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Not that he's relevant anymore, but Ron Paul.

I still strongly support both Trump and Peterson.

Trump was never some great intellectual, he's a brute force character who had the balls and sheer courage to stand up, sacrifice his status of being generally well liked, become reviled by half the country in order to stand up against our decline and say "This is wrong". I think we are in the decline of western civilization that probably cannot be stopped and our great men will be the ones who stood against it. I don't think he can hold off the "progress" of the kali yuga, but he's a great man in my book for standing against it at such cost. Regardless of his effectiveness or intelligence.

Peterson has come to be hated here because he doesn't support white nationalism or far right ideology of any sort. He's explicitly against the sort of literal Nazi politics that Jow Forums likes and shys away from the race/intelligence problem. I agree with Jow Forums's criticism of him on race, but I disagree that fascism is something that is desirable. Maybe as some sort of last option before complete annihilation of white people but it's not good to live under the boot of a dictatorship regardless of whether or not you agree with the dictator.

Peterson's biblical lecture series is profound imo. Really made me think about mythology and the subconscious in a way that I never before imagined. His call to young men to embrace responsibility and strive against chaos is extremely necessary in these times. He is a great man for some of the same reasons as Trump. Standing against the political correctness machine in defiance and conquering it.

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My feelings as well. See my comment here.

wise anons.

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Were those last-ditch soldiers? They look at least 30


>strive against chaos
You on the wrong board kikesucker.

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Yeah Bashar is a cool dude.

John McAfee


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Well said.
The thing about Jordan Peterson is that his work actually HELPED PEOPLE. Who cares if he's wrong in some areas? Does that negate every good thing he's ever done?
Suppose you buy a bag of jelly beans but you don't like the black ones, do you throw the whole bag away and proclaim that jelly beans are no good? No, you discard the black ones and enjoy the rest. Then you get on with your life.
This idea that someone has be 100% correct on every issue all the time shows an immaturity of understanding.

If we all liked any one person we'd all hate that person for killing Jow Forums.
The disagreement over issues fuels the discussions on this place.

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is that even a question?

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Hitler was a jew who lost the war and forfeited our last attempt to save weatern civilization.

Trump ran on a literal white nationalist platform. And then did nothing for the people who voted him in, but did everything for Israel. Wow, I wonder why Jow Forums doesn't like him anymore.

Peterstein in the beginning of his coming to prominence had some decent stuff to say about personal responsibility and pushing back against what he calls cultural marxism, but the longer he was exposed the more gay radical individualism shit he spouted and the more irrelevant he became.
The nail in the coffin of Jow Forumss support for Peterstein came about when it was discovered that he helped rewrite language for a UN globalist document to make it more palatable for the dumb goyim it was going to be replacing.

Wow, why doesn't Jow Forums like (((them))) anymore? You're all just a bunch of contrarians!
Fucking nigger

Jow Forums hates everyone who doesn’t ruin their career by going full nazi.

My feelings exactly but these sort of subtleties seem to be lost on pol as a collective. I think there is to strong of a contrarian nature to Jow Forums in general to accept this sort of thinking.

Also there is the popular=bad sort of thing that pervades here and elsewhere. As soon as Peterson became mainstream he was doomed to have haters here.

E Micheal Jones

> Trump ran on a literal white nationalist platform.
Trump has never been a white nationalist of any sort. He's had policies that align with white nationalism inccidentaly. but he's not a white nationalist or race realist of any sort. He has conventional mainstream views of racial equality and always has. If you thought otherwise, you deluded yourself. I don't know why you would expect him expect him to be a white nationalist unless your view of reality was somehow seriously distorted.

> And then did nothing for the people who voted him in
Speak for yourself, the tax break last year gave me several thousand bucks a year back into my pocket.
Economy is booming, his summit with NK and the dissolved tensions is one of the most courageous acts we've seen from a president in decades.
He had the balls to dictate the wall through executive order when congress wouldn't cooperate (Though it remains to be seen if it won't be shut down by courts)
He's a president, not a dictator. His hands are bound to a large degree by liberal stonewallers and neocon anti trumpers in congress.

> but did everything for Israel.

Once again, if you were paying attention, Israel dicksucking is mainstream american policy. These people aren't thinking about Jews in any way like Jow Forums or WN types.
Trumps support of Israel is 0% suprise to anyone if you aren't living in a WN echo chamber. Entirely expected, even if undesireable.

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trump ran on a white nationalist platform and is now operating on zionism and imperial spreading of faggotry.

he doesn't have to say "I AM A WHITE NATIONALIST" to have been running on a WN platform.

>tax cuts
oh fuck off back to

THIS.........Guys like you are going places

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>father figure to weak men raised by single mothers
>political figure

based and brownpilled

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Its kind of is.

It's almost as if Jow Forums is not one person.

I'm not fond of jewish puppets

>Jow Forums is one person

Truly, the retardation is of a clinical nature. This much is known of the OP.

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Pol isn't a hivemind retard.

andrew jackson

Why post this? The temptation.

>anyone who finds his way to the mainstream is a shill or a fed

>Hitler was a jew

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>Its kind of is.
Care to clarify that?

>Trump reveals himself to be a neocon Isreal firster
>Peterson makes it obvious he's a globalist occultist
It's a mystery as to why no one likes them anymore, everyone here must just be contrarians.

If he wants to be a psychologist so be it.

Why does he pretend to be some great political think with his "wash your penis" routine. That just reeks of shill.

We like Rand Paul

based and checked

>Jow Forums is one person


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Karl Marx
(Happy birthday)

The best politician in the USA.
>prove me wrong
>you can't

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