These two countries should be put out of its miseries. What’s the point of them anyway

These two countries should be put out of its miseries. What’s the point of them anyway

Attached: F0D33621-BD5F-4F78-8A8B-EA646E395705.jpg (1300x780, 84K)

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their sole purpose was divide and conquer for local tribes, now we export people and import german crap

add Montenegro to the list

Both rightful Albanian clay

One of them isn't a country

>t. albo diaspora


Attached: Yugo.jpg (480x293, 21K)

fuck off sandnigger

To make us Balkanlars SEETHE

silence you Turk rape baby, hiding behind a meme flag won't erase the Turk genes in your blood

it was a good car in 80ties, it's continued production is a result of serbian autism
>we made a car woohoo now we can continue producing it until The Second Coming because muh patriotism

Tehy are literally Bosanska banovina and Vardarska banovina within a centralised Serb state but the Clinton satanists put a stop to it unfortunately.

>meme flag
Calls someone sandnigger

Get the fuck out you smelly sandnigger. And don't forget the symbol on your flag is anciant Byzantie symbol you rootless beduine

The one is bassicly bulgarian
And secon is bassicly croatian and vlachian

nooo, macedonians are serbs with velikata govornata manata


Castrate yourself, cocksucker.

Why do Bosnian girls smoke so much?

remove the flag and maybe i will consider leaving this thread

i don't know, we all live under great existential pressure

Add croatia and serbia to the list

Aren't all serbs with velikata govornata manata)? Look at nš, serbian is bassicly nigger tier language, they should be greatfull that we gave them our grammatic so they can now call that language "serbo-croatian"

Our point is to have our own nation-state. Nigger Macedonia is not that.

wish we could export people. We don't know how to export anything anymore

fun fact, there have been gay parades in all Balkan states except these two

It really should. Muslims here are getting radicalized and becoming wahabbis at an increasing rate.

>discarted update of Fiat 127
>lost to the Fiat Uno
>worst car in hystory
Balkan engineering

didn't Croats speak majorly chakavian and kajkavian until 1850 when serbocroatian language union was formed and east shtokavian became prevalent even though it was primarily used by bosnian serbs and ragusians?

>italians thinking they can compete with Balkanic engineering

Attached: Yugocar Model Sdrobodnje.jpg (1600x1072, 1.12M)

FYROM is there just to piss off B*lgarians and to me that's reason enough. Bosnia should be partitioned between our states tho, however you get the muslim infested parts we only want Republika Srpska

>nd don't forget the symbol on your flag is anciant Byzantie symbol you rootless beduine

much older, and satanic

Attached: Ancient-Moon-god-Symbol-A-look-a-Lucifer-the-fallen-star.jpg (204x247, 14K)

no, entirety of bosnia needs to be under serbian control, and regional identities should be encouraged in neighboring countries to divide and conquer them

Attached: saturn mars column.jpg (536x340, 15K)

Is not satanic. Pagan Pelasgean maybe

Omg this is terrible
Can somebody PLEASE
find Ja Rule, get a hold of this motherfucker so i can make sense of all of this

Serbia should get a second NATO bombing.

Attached: Serbia btfo.jpg (600x352, 35K)

omnes dii gentium daemonia (all the gods of the pagans are devils, Ps. 95: 4b; 96: 5 ; 1 Corinth.)

it is satanic, and represents Saturn in the golden age before the Flood

Attached: 633938683afaa19184d2fb3c7a491d2d--celtic-art-iron-age.jpg (236x324, 23K)

Does this bs come from the new testament?

Le edgy satanism did not exist back. Metal bands stealing symbols left and right

Attached: 1526246318309.png (588x596, 61K)

Looks Pictish

That’s Pictish

God monotheists just hate the Fucking sky

m8 paganism = satanism, you think le edgy black metal bullshit is the limit of satanism?
And yes, psalms and 1 Corinthians.

It is Pictish, also depicts Saturn in the pre-flood age. As does this Berber symbol pic related.

Symbols have meanings. Watch this:

Attached: 1555528826562.png (900x600, 20K)

The idea was to keep making them till everyone had 2

You’d best be aware of these gay symbols, boy. Watch this YouTube video. Do you agree with me now?

you just don't get it, you don't want to either, because you romanticise thing that you do not comprehend

Look at you there, comprehending

There isn't a country in the world with as fucked up of a country border as your country is. What is the point of your country? You're all serbs anyways? From all the Balkan people I've dealt with, you're the most uppity of them all. Heck, even Greeks and Romanians are better than you are...

do what you will, it is a mere suggestion for people who aren't obstinate pea brained morons

Can their meaning be deciphered intuitively or is this a gay club again. At least the Pictish art half makes sense

You're just jealous we're superior to like 80% of ex yu

I wouldn't even visit your shithole

Attached: 20190504_134426.jpg (2448x3264, 2.46M)


I don't see bulgaria

can you decipher this intuitively, pic related?

also watch the damn video, it is worth it if this stuff interests you

Attached: a.jpg (1433x455, 125K)

I'll also throw this one in since you like Pictish stuff

Attached: cresvrod.jpg (466x325, 91K)

Whats the Point of all you Balkan shitholes?

Calm down

Attached: mountainjew.jpg (1196x852, 355K)

Balkan shitholes have absolutely nothing to Show for,yet they open their mouths like they invented the fucking universe.

B-but muh zastava arms, muh shotdown F-117.

>it was a good car in 80ties
No, it was always trash. Every cars commies ever built was trash. It's only redeeming quality was being the only affordable car in commie economies.

>knocked down trash bin
>rocks on the sidewalk
>rocks on the road
>cars parked on the sidewalk
>cars parked on the road
is this bait

Exactly,its beyond pathetic.