Give Argentina their islands back bongs

Give Argentina their islands back bongs

>it is rightfully Argentine

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Explain why

Go and get it then

It was theirs first

Best fucking war of the 80's.

KYS memeflaggot

it wasn't

John Strong was the first man to land there and claim it for his king, under international law in about 1690.
Argentina sent squatters to the British land but that didn't end well once the king got whiff and kicked their scrawny thieving arses back to the third world.
Add to that the fact that 99% of voters there wish to remain under British protection.
And protect them we will, unconditionally.
Come get it memeflag


Bide your time brown man.

Absolute based retard, well said

Shut up poo

So you trigger a thermidorean reaction from the population to such levels of cuckery and you remove the commies from your island.

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lol fucking bongs

You got cucked in your homeland with all those hate speech laws, foreigners, and a police state.

Just give it up. Argies are a white master race after all.

Whites who can't fight?
Well that's novel.

Is the Falklands a nice place to live? I suppose it gets a bit cold there, but it should be a really peaceful place. I'd really like to visit some day.

Nope, the islands real name is Islas Malvinas and Spain discovered it, then you brits and the French took, but later Spain reconquered the islands. And when Argentina got its independence, Islas Malvinas was given to Argentina were they controlled it for 30 years, then you brits showed back up, retook it and deported all Argentines on the islands

Now tell everyone the year Argentina was inaugurated as a country
I.e. When they can use international law to their advantage

Argentina, or even an indigenous population, never populated the Falklands. It was discovered for the first time by English Captain John Strong.

nah that is bongs now

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Your insecurity is showing.

Nah britbong i have accepted that we were born in the late stage of the western world.

It´s all down from here , no point in shitty nationalism when most people only use the nation for gibs and as a proxy to steal from others.

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Never forget, you guys lost your shit over a LICENSE PLATE.

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No nationalism is being shown by Britain.
We react to any bully , white or Argentinian.

>We react to any bully , white or Argentinian.

As you should.

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>And when Argentina got its independence
That is the problem right there.

There's already two just split it down the middle

There's hope for you yet, just not in the Falklands.

Bongs would solve so many of their problems if it just gave Gibraltar, Falklands and Northern Island back to their rightful countries.

Why they autistically obsess over tiny colonies is beyond me

As opposed to a Brit where there is no hope anywhere

Nah dude there are many problems on this country but that´s not one of them.
We literally started our independence when britbongs invaded two fucking times buenos aires and the vicerroy escaped with all the gold as a cuck while the population expelled the britbongs.

Napoleon taking down spain was the final trigger to tell them to fuck off.

It's a British land. The Brits have defended it.

Go away and stop stinking this place out you embarrassing manlet

Argentina didn't even exist when the British first went there.
I know you redit guys are retarded but come on lol

See you at work Patrick


So Jamaica was from the Spanish and I don't see them bitching.

Can't wait until argaytina gets nuked

It was a full scale chimpout from Argentinians

Give Texas back to Mexico!

As someone with Mexican heritage I would be fine with that

>Can't wait until argaytina gets nuked

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Tbf there's no Argentinian whines itt
It's all memeflags

Don't worry brother come 2020 we will liberate that island and give it back to you. It's a promise.

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Let them take it back

Other than sheep, what is there in the Falkland Islands?

Lmao imagine my shock

Try and take it back from us Pablo.

Maggie was unironically prepared to nuke Argentina over the Falklands if they managed to defeat the task force. That was the point of the Vulcan bombing raid, sending nuclear bombers with a non nuclear payload to bomb Argentinian troops.

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they got their assess kicked on the island they don't deserve it

Watch when Corbyn becomes PM and Argentina takes the Falklands without a single shot being fired.

Based Thatcher was a mad bitch.

Well history seems to have shown that the Falklands are British.

little wales is ours

And what a fucking raid that was
A 12,000 mile bombing raid each Vulcan feeding the other fuel and peeling off leaving one glorious bastard to thread the fucking needle.
The rest is history.
Glorious history tho


No, the planes barely made it to the Falklands and back. They refueled in Africa. They couldn’t reach Argentina without ditching somewhere.

Refuelled on British clay - the ascension islands

t. argentinian immigrant

>memeflag talking utter tripe

I actually feel bad for the Argie troops. They were too small in number and most of them were conscripts. Argentina was never serious about victory, it just assumed Britain wouldn't bother to protect British citizens that far away. A case of politicians fucking over the little guy.

>I actually feel bad for the Argie troops

I don't

non-white kraut D&C thread again. the eu is doomed because of freaks like you, go get some bleach you shit coloured goat-fucking genetic mistake

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Fuck off. Nationalism is the most important thing next to family.
Curb that defeatism you cunt. There will come a time when this changes and people who actually care about nation will be let loose on the traitors.
Falklands will still be rightfully ours though.

You need to stop being so triggered by memeflag threads

There was never any intention of bombing troops, the airstrip was the only target.
Nailed it.

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Next to the Germans we always had the coolest names for our war machines.
Mosquito?Spitfire?Vulcan? HMS Victory?Forget about it.
Burgers are shit,fucking, Sherman, USS Ronald Reagan??f-35 f whatever the fuck, gay.

Victor tanker aircraft would like to disagree with you there buddy.

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Well you should, norf.

>Sherman, USS Ronald Reagan??f-35 f whatever the fuck, gay.

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I wouldn't bother if I was you.

Theyre so cucked rn that they might actually do it

So bongs got rid of Newfoundland though the people there didn't want to join Canada and in a couple of years sperged out for some useless islands? What morons.

It's weird that there's not really any videogames based on the falklands war. Apparently there are a couple of ZX Spectrum games, but nothing more.

Says the country that sold Alaska to mutts for next to nothing and now beg for it back because of how much wealth it generates for them.

We could trust the Canadians, being Anglos.

Bro, I get these desires as well. Sometimes I just want to pack up and move to a tiny colonial island in the middle of the ocean. British or French. Seems so comfy, affordable and stress-free.

Argies would chimp out over that

>colonial island in the middle of the ocean.
You already live on one mate

It’s like 13,000km from England and 1,500km from Argentina lol

I appreciate the bants, but unfortunately no.

Urufaggots will get wiped out too if Argies get nuked

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I really wish the UK would build up those islands. Even just adding like 5 apartment buildings or something to increase the island. They have military bases there.. just use that money to build up the area and say it's to help the military. That's what the USA did throughout its west.

No words, seriously.

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>build apartment buildings for absolutely no reason

So by your logic, the USA is rightful Mexican clay. Oh wait - it is.

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If there are cheap places to live as a way to encourage local growth... but I dont know the economica nor the demographics of the islands. I was just saying in general it would be nice to build the islands to higher capacity

Third empire soon

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You praise nationalism while your politicians take your rights and create loisenses to go to take a shit.

Maybe in the future new nations worth preserving will be born but not today .

And if you somehow preserve it they will be used against you because they are rotten to the core.

Mostly because of their size. It could be well improved. But Is the land even good enough for colonization on a larger scale?

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Have a look at OP's image. The population centres are divided along a key of over 35 or under 35 individuals.
Also: fuck of they're full.

Yeah that's why I think it would benefit to stimulate natural growth of its residents more than sending brown people, and you know they would too.

Based and tortilla-pilled.

Bongs won this war as usual by perfidy. They declared 'exclusion zone' where they would attack any Argie forces, but then unexpectedly attacked Argentinian cruiser General Belgrano outside this zone. Of course it was the war but why set some rules and then break it. It's like declaring the truce and then smash the fuck out of unexpecting adversary. After the ship with hunderds sailors was destroyed Argies (being a Romance nation and hence woman-like) quickly lost their shit and capitulated. Bongs are worse than Jews, really.

Thats the future white ethnostate

Argies got their butts kicked by the brits.

Falklanders already voted to remain as British territory.

This dispute is already settled.

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Imagine defending an argie

Next time we'll have a 3,000 mile exclusion zone then.
Thanks for the tip schlomoski