I juat got lectured by a gaggle of normies why glyphosate and gmo crops are safe and i should eat them, they basically tried to shame me for asking questions how to avoid those products. The way they acted was infuriating, like how they view anti vaxxers.
How does it feel knowing we literally have to march millions of people to digy basements and cinder block walls to save he planet and our natural lives? These faggots cry about climate chnage then go back and support multinationals and systems which propogate these issues.
You don't you massive retard. I actually studied it.
Ryder Russell
These idiots totally ignore the part where i mention glyphosate and hone in on gmo just like reddit cucks
Alexander Sanchez
Is this a cat... in a hat?
Leo Collins
Just bc u want to die of leukemia because u want to continue eating hot pockets, doesnt mean i want to. If glyphosate sprayed product has 0.0001% chance of harming me i would rather not. But you go ahead, trust the monsanto jew
Yes fren, corporal meow reporting for duty! *Purrrr*
Sebastian Howard
I never said I was for glyphodate dingus, but genetic modification is safe. We wouldn't have profitable, or tasty crops without it.
Christian Hernandez
Gmo roundup ready wheat and beans Wtf do u think monsanto invented gmo shit for To make foods more resistant to glyphosate The other shit like yield and taste yeah. But you ignore the bad and focus on one side, like a NPC, and you made a strawman argument when my whole point is about glyphosate gmo
Its so tiring. You are such a npc
Luis Lopez
and they also ignore that GMO crops are tailored to "survive" glyphosate spraying.
fuck em, let them get fucked
Grayson Davis
>Glyphodate >GMO Not the same thing. You're trying to scare people into equating gmos with Monsanto's unethical patenting issues.
Levi Jenkins
Monsanto didn't invent GMO.
Ian Butler
EAT BUGS bbbrrr zap *** run new protocol Npc v. 2.01
David James
You can't even use punctuation, I think I will stick with my opinion on this one. Good luck with your cancer
Grayson Clark
(((Studied))) it. Good for you, you fucking loser. Fucking raccoons wont eat it. Mice get cancer. Destroys ancient crops in area.
Did you get the chance to ask if they had inner monologue too, user?
Ryan Ortiz
You can't even separate truth from fiction, and your opinion is based on emotion not facts. You dumb huetard
John Jackson
We have GMO labeling in Brazil, 75% of "big food" contains this garbage. The americans are not even allowed to know what they are eating LOL
Ethan Phillips
Again, you ignore my main point, wanting to avoid glyphosate ready foods You know oats are sprayed with glyphosate to kill them to dey faster so they have like 3x the safe level for children...?? Congrats ignoring my main point and focussing on inane incorrecr detail i got wrong as if it negates my views Truly, the npcs deserve their fate. Look at how exactly these idiots ignored my concern and honed in on the anti antivax path. One qould expect this on plebbit. I just came to realize most ppl are npc incl many on 4chinz.
Noah Thompson
Humans been eating gmos for hundreds of years >Hurr GMO=Monsanto Slit your belly dumbass.
Leo Torres
Thank you Dr. Shekelstein, you have convinced me to eat frankenfood.
Sebastian Bailey
NPCs have been tying themselves into knots of pretzle-logic for years and its all finally coming home to roost.
Jaxon Brooks
>Again, you ignore my main point, wanting to avoid glyphosate ready foods No you're retardedly claiming that glyphosate=GMO.
Jose Miller
You cannot seperate the main question. Gmo glyphosate roundup contaminated crops, and you focus on useless quips and ignoring everything i say in order to try to shame us into eating shit food
Sorry, that i want to avoid it , and you dont. Have fun eating that shit wilingly
Eli Wright
This is what shills do. Next they will say you believe in flat earth.
You know you are on the right path when mockery and false association becomes their only weapon. All they can do at this point is mock you and hope you shut the fuck up. Don't
Ayden Anderson
You can eat anything you want soon macaca, but gmos aren't what you think they are you stupid faggot.
William Rodriguez
>ignored glyphosate question yet again
No im not and this is literally what redditors say. You are choosing to stick to this point which i dont even make or want to make, if i made it it was a mistake, yet you cant move on and have a discussiom about it, and this goes nowhere because you are more interested in dopamine burst from winning internet argument strawman you made up in ur mind
Lincoln Williams
Is there nothing evil you stupid gullible fuckers wont support anymore? God damn.
False association and mockery are infuriating It is amazing to me ppl choose this shit way of conversing. We are devolving
I am literally telling this moron qhat i mean and he is denying my words and saying i mean something else, even when i concede that if he thinks that i was simply mistaken or wasnt clear . The GMO keyword makes their system light up just like antivax stuff and they cant deviate to see shades of opposing opinion
Bentley Campbell
You need to separate Monsanto's patenting process, and contamination with GMO. Not the same thing, and you can't avoid "GMO" produce in modern times, brainless.
Angel Gonzalez
ITT: retarded drug added leafs, and a macaca who have no fucking clue.
Jeremiah Richardson
You should study the use of punctuation.
Easton Powell
They dont even address my main point, glyphosate Gmo roundup ready crops are made to stay alive when applied with roundup that qould normally kill them
Glyphosate probably causes cancers and other problems, it fucks up ecosystems too
So assuming gmo roundup ready crops are good to avoid is simple right? And because of no labelling really, just trying to avoid gmo foods as a matter of course is prudent because you cant tell if one is sorayd with roundup or not, so best just avoid the whole gmo crop thing
But no. These retarded reddit niggers cant process that info. They jump down ur throat going GMO iS sAfe!
Fuuuuck me
Christian Brooks
You can't have a conversation with shills. Because you used a keyword, you will be swarmed by paid goons.
Joshua Bennett
>Punctuation Dumb nigger.
Jason Gonzalez
>can't avoid GMO BHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH oh man, you guys don't get paid enough.
Ian Powell
I cant tolerate your stupidity and insistence on projecting it onto me anymore. I conceded that point about 8 posts ago and your program is still stuck on that line of code.
Nathaniel Miller
It is really something. Isnt it. Exactly what i experienced with the normies. Brother, god bless you.
Jaxon Ortiz
Literally retarded, and late to the anti GMO party. I wonder what you dipshits eat that keeps your diet GMO free.
Michael Evans
For any intelligence niggers watching me, this is the thread which pushed me to rationalize mass imprisonment and executions as reasonable solutions to achieving a better world . Npc are the enemy
Thomas Howard
Thanks God bless you as well, bro. Don't waste your time with retards, you can't save everybody
Colton Allen
Are you a fed you fucking retard?
I would never advocate for violence. We just need to convince people with “facts and logic”
>I conceded that point Pussy Why do you even post anything you dumb chucklefuck. You add nothing to the conversation.
William Sanchez
>During the trial, the 70-year-old Santa Rosa man testified that he had sprayed the herbicide for nearly three decades and at one time got it on his skin before he was diagnosed with cancer. He used the chemical to control weeds and poison oak on his properties, starting in 1986.
Do you bathe I it like this retard did, you fucking brainlet?
William Morris
I live in Brazil, I grow my own food. I easily avoid any and every conventional crop.
Sebastian Diaz
All crops you eat are gmo. You think they just sprung up that way naturally.
Anthony Walker
>I juat got lectured by a gaggle of normies why glyphosate and gmo crops are safe and i should eat them, they basically tried to shame me for asking questions how to avoid those products. The way they acted was infuriating, like how they view anti vaxxers. kys illiterate leaf retard
Jack Russell
>I live in Brazil, I grow my own food. I easily avoid any and every conventional crop. Your seeds are in fact gmos. You think that the banana that you use to lure your dinner time monkey always looked like that?
Jacob Garcia
>american education Nothing I grow is GMO you fuckwit. Nothing I eat comes from selective breeding.
>H...How is that possible? If you can't figure that one out, you really ought to avoid having children.
Josiah Bailey
>Nothing I grow is GMO you fuckwit. >Nothing I eat comes from selective breeding. Confirmed retard, or maybe time traveller.
Caleb Sanders
all pesticides are harmful to some degree. glyphosate appears to be relatively safe relative to the other shit we put in our body every day. the guy diagnosed with cancer was a farmer spraying it every day for decades, getting it on his skin and likely inhaling it, exposed to tens or hundreds of thousands of times the amount an average food eater would get. studies have shown it os dangerous to humans at those quantities, but not at low quantities. monsanto is shitty for their awful business practices, not their products
Nicholas Jenkins
sorry, herbicide, not pesticide
Logan Stewart
Jackson Butler
>just eat a tiny bit of lead youll be fine
Colton Kelly
You really live an uninformed life. There are a fuck ton of food sources that have never been tweaked by humans: Peach palm, Brazil nut, Cupuaçu, Açai, Jambu, Malabar chestnut and thousands of other jungle crops. Your ignorance is truly on display at this moment.
Why would I choose to not eat man manipulated food? Because nature provides me with resistant crops that have been around for millions of years and have sustained native peoples for several thousands of years.
Landon Barnes
It also makes their spawn weak cowardly with mental illness, rampant obese mental illness.. rape and purge the unsalvageable before it's too late, rape their chil-
James Ortiz
Charles Scott
At this point I'm perfectly ok with an inner-speech test being administered and those who fail not being alive any more. The total gene pool net loss is a fucking drop in the bucket cognitively.
Adam Mitchell
Have you never heard of heirloom seeds?
Kevin Walker
Can't tell if new or retarded
Levi Wood
>You really live an uninformed life Nani? >There are a fuck ton of food sources that have never been tweaked by humans I'm assuming that you're completely malnourished, and that since you grow your own plants that you also select the best seeds to plant, or clone (intervene/tweak). >Your ignorance is truly on display at this moment You just don't know how retarded you are. >Why would I choose to not eat man manipulated food? You don't. You eat "man manipulated" food just by planting your own, and selecting the seeds of the ones you prefer, dummy. >Because nature provides me with resistant crops that have been around for millions of years and have sustained native peoples for several thousands of years. They selectively bred everything you eat today retard. Just bash your head on the pavement until you can't move already, you dumb macaca.
>Have you never heard of heirloom seeds Yes, and do you understand that at best it means that they aren't "hybrids", and not that they weren't selectively bred?
Only NPCs are against genetic modification. It's literally just like modding a video game.
Brody Mitchell
Brother, this thread is comped. Did you know Monsanto has it's own internet shill department?
You are 100% correct and we will stuff these people into cinderblock prisons eventually.
Austin Adams
Are you completely retarded? GMO's are not created with selective breeding, it's literally direct genetic modification. They do shit like inserting frost resistant genes from arctic fish into tomatoes.
>we will stuff these people into cinderblock prisons eventually. They'll be executed along with all of the other traitors to humanity.
Caleb Lopez
Modding often breaks the game mechanics entirely.
Andrew Hernandez
It's cool their daughters suffer from precocious puberty amd overdeveloped tits feed that dead goy more chicken and pass her my way - I need to get out more and literally slay
Parker Watson
They just boasted about a GMO crop that cause sterility. The elite are trying to cull whites through immigration and then will dump sterility plagues on the mongrels. All so they can rebuild the world in their image. Having fun yet?
Kevin Nelson
where do you fuckers come from ? why are you even here on this board ?
Isaiah Long
I don't know where they come from, but I know where they're going.
>we have always been black >only a retard would deny this Imagine letting feckless fools in academia brainwash you just so you can pretend to be intelligent.
Michael Young
Also their puppetmasters like cluster B subhumans and jews must be purged first. NPCs will waste finite resources, overpopulate, convert the world into a huge favela filled with trash and create real environmental crisis fucking up water, air and food until the planet becomes a wasteland.
Jace Davis
Completely agreed. They have to go. >lectured Repeating the things their favourite images told them to think no doubt. >save our lives and the human race The plutocracies power is human weakness, it engenders it because weakness (stupidity, immorality, etc.) empowers it to rule us, democracy becomes immoral in the twisted corrupted world situation we that is oppressing us. We must cull the weak if we are to develop an empire of strength, if we want that empire to last then it has to be done and though we will take every practical option to save as many as we can we have no choice. Every generation of everything that’s ever lived fought for its own survival up until the boomer and victim culture, well not any more - they have to go.
What about those contraceptice corn crops that make women's bodies attack sperm and may or may not have spread into other crops. Is that safe? theguardian.com/science/2001/sep/09/gm.food
Ethan Parker
It's a (((scheme))) to try and normalize GMOs. They've started to call selectively bred crops GMOs to get more on board with real GMOs
No, they're not. Because many of them are specifically engineered to be Roundup Ready oh, they encourage the proliferation of herbicides and pesticides which are absolutely destroying the environment. It's also been shown in the few studies that have been done the GMOs don't actually produce more food oh, but actually slightly less oh, so that talking point is bulshit also
Levi James
Fucking retarded autocorrect. Ignore all the oh's.
Samuel Gonzalez
I second that. We must preserve the triple digit IQ of the human race.
Oliver Parker
I bet you think (nuclear power fission) and the lhc are (safe) because they said so. Go slap shit on the walls of your pen
How about we just eliminate Sweden, Canada, and Israel?
Jace Morales
You won't.
That's why the west is done for - you pussies just don't have it in you to perform mass executions needed to unfuck the society. Even if rightswingers take power, they'll stop at just jailing a few activists and enemy leaders and certainly won't kill their fellow white people, who are liberal, motivating it with the fact that they were brainwashed and didn't know better and so on. They will then go mingle with the society and do everything to give as much inertia to the old leftie paradigm as they can, which will make any unfucking reforms impossible.
Parker Lee
>Normal people have to be liquidated in large numbers if you ever want a better World
Ever considered joining judaism? Because that's exactly what they want