
Attached: Qweens.jpg (819x754, 159K)

and all look like men

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statistically very unlikely unless was planned but I don't mind seeing wf losing at thoting anyway. their dominance in it makes them breed less

Everything is so weird these days.

>miss „teen“

not long now and the collapse begins

im pumped

It's opposite world where ugly is beautiful and beauty is ugly. Go niggers!

I'm sick of a lot of things in this world. People pretending that black women are beautiful has to be at the top of my list.

Miss whatever the fuck is gay unless it's just a shameless excuse for bikini models to prance around.

imagine how much cognitive dissonance she must feel when she looks in the mirror


>No disabilities
>no plus sized
Yeah, really inclusive

Imagine the smell

Middle ones a goodun.. the other 2 are pugs.

Middle is gorgeous. Left, right, and background right all look like shit.

just like the oscars, white people BTFO

This shit is so fake and forced how do normies not see through this.

I remember how I never really became "racist" until I noticed this shit being forced on everything. Do niggers see this as an achievement for equality or something?

The one in the middle is model tier the other 2 are average as fuck

poor taste. right is most attractive.

Ok she doesnt look THAT good but she lools good, in some pics she looks better

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Rigged as fuck
>Pic related

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what the fuck is the left abomination

This one looks kinda cute, her chin is weird af tho and she doesnt look good enough to win

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Disgusting. You are all fucked in the head.


Do you think they know that they arent winning legitimately?

Ok nvm you right

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Left one is disgusting

Next year is going to be some dude holding his dick in a jar.


wearing weave should disqualify a contestant. really no different than a professional athlete on steroids.

One could even say that's cultural appropriation.

i am wracking my brain to figure out someway to find the intersection here between the objectification of women and the oppression of black people.

something about the sexy thangs that are a result of qntique farm equipment.

or maybe you can tell the american aristocracy is really trying to viture signal when they parade their objects in an old color, kinda gives them that rustic down home feel only a try hard virtue signalling billionare consortium could concoct.

They are all disgusting.

What the fuck burgers? You ahve so many beautiful women, these creatures look like baboons larping as people.

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only for you

you just hate them out of racist spite, sorry

What a surprising Cohencidence

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>Awh look it's like the dog is driving a car isn't that cute!
Basically same thing

The absolute state of murica in one picture

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Kek, niggers do stink

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Fuck what a boon

I hate them because they're nogs. They're ugly as well.

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Affirmitive action baby.

Because like Asians, niggers have almost no sexual dimorphism. A tranny nigger with fake boobs is almost indistinguishable from a sheboon with fake boobs.

that hair is disgusting. how anyone can pretend that fuzzball is "beautiful" is beyond me

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>still no overweight winners
I'm literally shaking right now

just a coincidence I'm sure


I would be fine if they were overweight as long as its a thick fit girl with thick thighs and busty chest,just to see how far we can humanely push it

There are 11 black people in Connecticut and one just happens to be selected to participate in Miss Teen USA or whatever the fuck it is.

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sorry brah, no clue. I got it from /tv/.

And for the first time in history, they're all unattractive too! How much of a coincidence is that??

what an ugo

no blacks or arabs are pretty to a true white man

I can only guess who is running these pageants and selecting judges now that Trump got out.

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thats a solid 6 or 7

better looking broads have better things to do

>as long as its a thick fit girl with thick thighs

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The lower face reminds me of some white male actor, but I can't remember who.

I thought it was required to be a nigger to win that shit now.

Nothing new. Even the Finngolians get blacked. Stop watching Jew propaganda

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oh come on, she's cute!

gee who would have thought pageants that have become so insignificant they don't even get aired on TV anymore would massively pander

Yeah, but she didn't win because she's black. She won because she's black and ugly. That contest already had a black winner some years before that so they needed something more shocking to generate cheap publicity and cash in on it. Also, that 4th place chick is ugly too.

Omg I love black people now, time to colonize some black pussy!

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Who even watches this?

I wonder (((why)))

Yeah it definitely just shows how much they pick the black girls to be "NOT RACIST"... It's a shame too, we've actually had plenty of black girls in these roles, they seem to alternate between black queen and then randomly someone else once or twice and then another black queen.

I watch the pagents here and there and have a beauty queen fetish. They kill it when they don't select an actual beautiful girl for virtue signalling.

Send ugly Finngolian chicks Pekka.

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these contests aren't about beauty because that would be racist

Seriously, these contests are not judging beauty, so a man with a dick in a jar is quite possibly the next step

These (((pageants))) mean nothing. NOTHING.


>4th place is ugly
She is objectively *not* ugly, but the point of beauty pageants should be to showcase the best examples of that country's phenotypes. You may be less attracted to women of certain countries, but their best examples should be on display.

A Chinese beauty pageant should not be won by the women who most resembles a European woman

Built for BWC

how will white women ever recover?

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the center one is hot

so does that mean we can marry black women now?

I always wanted to marry aaliyah personally.

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The size of the forehead makes her ugly.

Pic related does not showcase the best example of a Finnish phenotype, but she's oddly Finnish-looking despite having a Nigerian father. In fact, she looks like a dark version of how my cousin looked at 18. And 20+ years later that Miss Finland looks like a darker version of an overweight Finnish woman in her 40s.

The point of Miss Helsinki, by the way, has at times been to make money off cheap publicity, depending on who's been running the pageant. The most attention-seeking winners (like the Congolese woman) were under a broke gossip magazine "celebrity" who became famous for a kiss & tell story about a national team football (soccer) player 15 years ago...

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This is who should have won. Miss Georgia is a goddess.

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you know without the whole make-up she looks like a 7,5/10, or even worse

i swear she's gonna come out as a tranny and be called heroic

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Way too much make-up. A good example of make-up used to create a face rather than just accentuate already existing facial features..

they are changing

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>a goddess.
How could you tell?
She's probably a spoiled bitch getting dicked by 50 tyrones a month.
Also too much make up so we can't see if she's really taking care of her self or just covering up something.

Why are you such buzzkills. Yes, girls wear make up, even girls with already good features wear it. It's a huge part of the competition too. But even in general, the girl is a model and she's modelling off the ability to wear make up. Pic related is her whole family by the way, all those girls are sisters, you can't tell me she's not pretty underneath with genes like that?

I'm totally fine with girls weaking make up when dressing up for pictures and pageants, I don't know why it triggers Jow Forums.

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Keep projecting cuckfaggot. You're just mad because you see that, think "I don't have a chance" and attack her over it.

Jow Forums seems to think you can draw on a straight nose, cheeck bones and jawlines with make up apparently.

they all look like cheap hookers

>Jow Forums seems to think you can draw on a straight nose, cheeck bones and jawlines with make up
sure you can



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>not QWANZ

You had one job

they all ugly desu

I think you haven't interacted with enough girls in real life to see where make up ends and facial features begin. It's a learned skill. I can see past the make up of any woman and see she still looks pretty and I don't care if girls wear it to look pretty.

I'm bored of Jow Forums's little meme of saying any girl who's an obvious 10/10 is actually ugly or a 5/10. It's so boring and obviously coming from bitter dudes who don't appreciate women, even when criticizing them.

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Why don't they just drop the thin veneer and call it Miss Blamerica.

>pol/ seems to think you can draw on a straight nose, cheeck bones and jawlines with make up apparently.
Exactly you stupid faggot those are given.
Everything else she has to work for.
Any time i have something "sweet" like a coke or some chocolate i need to fast 3 days straight and not have any of those for 2 weeks at least so my skin looks nice and i don't fuck up my entire body, hormones and shit.
You're so mentally fucked up over there i bet there's no way any of you brainlet gmo obeast mutt mongrels would even consider your health as something important.
Women wear make up for a reason if she's covering up her mistakes i don't care how beautiful she looks and what loterry she won, she'll be an acne ridden roastie that doesn't have the will power to maintain herself.
People like this, people like you must and will be weeded out and tossed into the trash.
Woe to the moron that falls for that shit.

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am sure a white women can win this (((competition))) without any make up
nothing beats natural beauty

>fake blonde
>fake lips
>wall of paint on her face
yep this is about as good as it gets in muttland