Fascism doesn't works.

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>doesn't works

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I think they might have a case for interference.

>it takes the entire developed world to bring down one country
>hurrrr, it doesn’t work

Why do people think Nazi Germany was some sort of saviour of the white race? What's the actual evidence?

The Third Reich was destroyed because it does work.

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National Socialism will be the saviour of the white race; not the Third Reich.

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That's National Socialism, dumbass. Fascism is Mussolini. Learn the difference.

Fascism didn't work because Italians were dumbasses
change my mind

No. I'm not changing your mind on that point.

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>be fascism
>it takes literally the whole world to defeat you

>be communism

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We didn't know we had to be. We've never had a legitimate threat before. He saw too far too soon. I used to say we conquer inter dimensional travel then give any group their own planet. "Everyone...just stop. You'll get your own fucking planet if you want...just fucking cooperate for ten fucking years." But I was foolish then. I know what comes of technology when mixed with the weight of a millennia of history in DNA.

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well it worked for more than a decade

>That was not real fascism!!!!!!!!

They got attacked by the entire industrialized world hitler was a good guy you must be a fucking mongol

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fascism is nothing more than rightwing collectivism to defend against communists. if you subscribe to R vs K political theory you’ll understand why fascism is not longterm viable which make it far less dangerous than communism.

modern norway is natsoc

i've always told the niggers i'd be happy to give them their own planet of the apes. just stay out of the fucking way til then.

You're not even using that correctly lol.

There is a distinct difference between Fascism and National Socialism.

This. The (((powers that be))) were terrified that a nation dared to break away from the teat of central banks, thus mercilessly destroyed the third reich, leaving nothing but ash, rubble, and a legacy of lies in its place.

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Nazi and facism is different ideology dumbass

>nationalism is when people like the country
>socialism is when the government does stuff
>I am very smart guys

12 years not a slave

>not even trying to make an argument
>just spamming greentext
>i am very smart guys

yeah it had nothing to do with nazi germany trying to take over europe or something

what kind of mental illness do you have

It worked so hard that to take it down it needed the largest logical gymnastics to defeat it. Capitalists and communists uniting.

God' s new kingdom will be facist. It' ll last 1000 years.

Yes it works you mongoloid.

Hitler was a prophet. You will realize that one day.

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>one country
lmao you dont know history fucking niggerloving amerifat cuck

Then why do ex-soviet states have some of the largest tiddies in the world

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And it took the combined powers of the rest of the world (minus the japs) to do it.

Even then it was a close run thing.

Really makes you think.

Take a look at the western world today, and you will come to the conclusion that Hitler should have won.

>Be communism
>Turn the world's most backwards monarchy into an Industrial superpower in only a few decades all whilst under a drought-induced famine, civil war, two world wars, world-wide sanction
>Compared to a huge island nation with some 300 years of unfettered peaceful development

The Soviet Union's problem, in the end, was micromanagement from the center.

Germany wanted Danzig back, and the rest of the capitalist world saw their opportunity, Germany did not declare on France or Britain it was the other way round.

also kill 20+ million people
i dont like those odds user im not risking getting fucking starved to death so some jews can have bigger factories quicker

Maybe, it's because they're not communist anymore.

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Capitalism reduced life expectancy in Russia
Many of these tiddies were also grown during the Soviet period

That honestly could have been my post. Not really sure though. It was a hell of a time back before ids.


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As opposed to dying to give the tsar wealth he'll use to no useful end
If these Jews didn't get their factories, the Soviet Union would have fallen.
These Jews did not personally benefit from the factories anyway, as they were all producing heavy goods

This child was certainly raised under capitalism
The soviets put some 10% of GDP to education, which is how they managed turn a Nation of illiterate peasants into some useful stock

>weakened because of ww1 stolen land and reparations
>attacked by France and the UK, the two biggest colonial empires at the time
>has to fight the ussr as well
>italy is a deadweight
>the first world power comes in as well
>still almost win

yeah clearly it doesn't work

>be communism
>ruin my country and its future
A few billion Euros will go into fixing what the communists fucked up. So keep it coming Germany!

Then why go to war? Why not let it collapse on its own?

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None of this would've happened if he didn't start the war tho

>The fact is was recovering from war was nothing
>The fact it was being funded by US and Britain was nothing
>The fact that it managed to turn people into cogs on a scale capitalism had never seen before with piecework
>Micromanagenent from the center
So, Communism being Communism.

When Hitler invaded Poland he had no idea that he starting World War Two.

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regardless what hitler did, the war was unevitable

Although, the Second World War really began when Churchill became Pime Minister; from that point on; it became a fight to the finish.

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Makes me think that nuclear bombs would have taken care of the Nazis quicker. Ah well, hindsight and all that.

Fascism works. That’s why capitalism and communism team up to defeat it every time. Sounds simplistic but it’s true.

Back to the cuck shed with you Pavel.

There have been many fascist states and their own people end up overthrowing them every time.

It works for the kikes. That's why they incite moronic whites to smash whites who practice it.

Because Italy and Japan don't exist

Hate seeing fellow Anglos so cucked. Why do you want to be ruled by German autism?

Some people are very very mentaly retarded. Thanks to places like Jow Forums we can sit around and laugh at thier stupidity
Remember when trump was concidered the savior of the white race? And russia? And poland?

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After warning them to gtfo of Poland

Italy, Japan, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, the nazis had a shit ton of allies.

You need a helicopter ride.

>It survived for 12 years despite the military, political and financial resistance of the entire world, and still unironically almost won
Fascism works and the proof is there

Ha, the Americans needed German help to make their bombs work. Look up submarine U-234.

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>almost won
Good meme, always have to sneak that one in.

It's our le foundation meme, after all, can't go without it

National Socialism — as created and introduced by Adolf Hitler — is considered by me to be the only system in all the history of the world that came to give to the non-Jewish people the solutions against the Jewish systems of economic liberalism and marxism.

Adolf Hitler changed everything. He put an end to usury and the gold standard, replacing it with a system whereby the workers and their labor were the most important. The most genial idea was the destruction of usury, because it is interest which allows the Jews to live without working, always the middleman between the producer and the consumer. It was such a terrible blow to the liberal Jewish system and Jewish marxism that a World War was necessary in order to destroy Hitler. Interest on capital is sacred for these two systems.

Focusing the social system on aspects other than economic concerns, along with the abolition of usury, everything changes automatically. Life is able to be spiritualized and the economy is put in second place. During the short period of the Third Reich, we could see the most fantastic explosion in all spiritual spheres: architecture, art, philosophy and science.

>doesn't work

The U.S. is still around.

Boss Nass was a good leader tho...

>implying it ended 1945

oh my sweet summer child


While you commies had Burgers,British,and the entire combined power of global capitalism to prevent your meat shields from starving by sending you supplies and weapons

Me too, my (((fellow Anglo))).

we se givee you a bongo

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Nazism is the furthest thing from (trad) Fascism


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The Soviets only had a slice of fucking bread with butter. How is that nutritionous?

Then he was one big fucking idiot. He already got Czechoslovakia. What made him think everyone would just ignore his further land grabs?

>There have been many fascist states
Wrong, there’s only been like 4

>and their own people end up overthrowing them every time.
Wrong again. Yids =/= peoples will

Brazil and the US, as well as the European Union seem to be working pretty well.

it was nazism you fucking ruski debil.

The poles ate more meat on average under the USSR than the scottish. The only thing the soviets failed to provide was more exotic shit like bananas.

i support israel because i am progressive, dislike muslims, dislike the palestinians even more, support the expansion of any first world nation, and are tired of watching muslims start all the fights in the world because of their fucking religion and their fuking cave age mentalities.

i support israel so that they can kill my enemy, the muslim. and when they win, the world will have peace for eternity. but for now, i am ready for the end of muslims in that region, and any amount of force i see is a good amount if it means crying muslim parents, and dead muslims in general.

israel is free to use any amount of force they choose so long as the uncivilized muslims scummery continues to use the force theyve decided to use.

fuck the palestinians, throw them in the ocean, put them somewhere else, take their weapons away from them, tell them to fuck off and act civilized.

i support israel because i support the use of overpowering weapons against your enemy. israel is the superior nation in this situation and may israel live long, peacefully and happily.

continue using the force required to send these fucking muslim refugees back to their desert homeland and away from other civilized nations.

if you do not support israel, you are an emotionally controlled moron who is more woman than man.

italy switched sides tho

The Dictatorship is basically why we didnt go full commie,but the root of our problems arise from racemixing,multi-culturalism and oligarchy,fucking mutts complain about capitalism being corporatism yet elect the same "coroneis" that try to create monopolies of the area they reside in.
Going back to the regime,it was light as fuck,we had small commie guerrilas and actual terrorists comitting bank robberies and mugging,not saying the regime didnt have corruption and could have made better economic decisions and accumulated some debt but compared to the shitshow we have now,where corruption runs rampant and everything ends in feijoada, it was a much preferable option.

Yeah, he got suckered by Stalin.


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>need more grain to be fit

this is how I know you are a faggot.

Based Stalin

National Socialism != Fascism. Fascism is best represented by the Italian school. However, Franco's rule in Spain lasted decades lol

ps: I'd like to see how long you last when the jews rile the world into throwing millions of meat shields and cannon fodder at you. Stalin treated his soldiers like flies. The NSDAP actually cared for their troops.

would someone please tell me what happened at the place in the middle of this pic? The place with Blue Text?

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Hitler literally implemented commissars lmao

I wonder how many of their own people were communists

Behead those who insult the prophet

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...what is this?!?

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Jews confirmed fags


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Kill your self i you hope get cancer and everyone you know leaves and abandons you filthy kike