What the fuck is wrong with white women?

4 white women currently in Mombasa, Kenya, where multiple white women have been murdered in the recent past. Why do modern white women so often flock to the most foreign of lands? BTW, want to know who votes for mass immigration into Europe? These hoes.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 Laura Enggaard Dybdal on Instagram “Vi har det godt i 30 grader 🍍”.png (975x749, 690K)

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These faces we will see in news headlines, because the risk of them to be killed and raped by gang of niggers is so high.

Who cares white women are a lost cause

The best looking women in order are

1 Latina
2 middle eastern
3 Asian
4 white
5 black

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shiggy niggy

>all of them are flat
and nothing of value was lost

they like to live on the edge. Unlike most of pol who are too scared to go out of the basement.

liberalism has taught them that race is skin deep. therefore there is no risk in traveling to any country in the world. hence they are often found venturing off to rapeville on some sjew crusade.

women have also managed to remain children in the eyes of the law and society, despite gaining the vote and all other adult privileges. we do not hold them accountable for any of their actions and so even if something were to happen on one of these jewish crusades, how could she possibly be responsible for the consequences or fixing them?

Latinas are number 1?

Thanks user

What the fuck is wrong with american women ? Hundreds of women have been murdered in hte US in the recent past. Why do modern white women aren't massively fleeing one of the most dangerous of lands ? BTW, want to know who votes for dems in the US ? These hoes

White women are so fucking stupid. Here they are in Old Town Mombasa yesterday. Dumb cunts just strolling down alleys and shit in Africa. No big deal to them.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 Laura Enggaard Dybdal on Instagram “Søde Julie 1 🌻”.png (975x749, 882K)

White girls fuck dogs.

libs in general think that if you are hip to the oppression of the locals they will do you no harm.

They're also blocking the path of the autorickshaw like picks.

It’s all fun and games until it’s not...


Kenya is a popular tourist destination for winter and spring holiday. Not even kidding.

I was in Tanzania South of Kenya 8yrs ago during a summer “Famulatur”, a medical internship. Africa is freaking big and has quite some nice spots. Just have to find the right countries... Tanzania is an old German colony and has remained rather German in various parts just like Togo.

Pic related is a German church built in Tanzania which is still there and they still do the Christian Lutheran ceremonies in the German fashion.

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Wrong image...

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Why not? What should happen? The media always says that the countries aren't as bad as we think. And I completely to 100% trust them.

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Story on this image?

Also travel to these places in groups should be fine so long as they stick together and go back to their hotels at night

This is one of the four girls in November last year. Guess where she's at?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-06 Klara Houlind Søndergaard on Instagram “Ferier man ikke vil hjem fra 🇲� (975x749, 1.03M)

You know the saying it takes a village to rape and kill four roasties?

German coalburner who got murdered in Uganda I think. Not sure about the Uganda part but the dude who was with her was from uganda so I think it happened there.

They will be raped but we won’t here about it. They will keep quiet because admitting it means they’d have to re evaluate their whole lives and they are not capable of such introspection.

They want to "experience diversity" i.e. black men.

I know a woman, went to africa on a tour, intelligence, attractive girl, fucked her way around the continent.

Gets home to "settle down" with a suitable provider man (white).
Getting ready to seal the deal with marriage and baby.
Suddenly goes blind one day.
All sorts of tests, neurological etc.
Turns out she's had nigger aids all along from her whoring tour.
Thinks shes the victim.
Now a burden to her friends, family, and husband.
Isnt actually going to have the decency to die due to public healthcare funding her pills.

>a fucking leaf

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But why was she murdered? Is there any news article about it?

becuase they're brainwashed to watch porn like their men, and become desensitized and hyper-addicted to sex and obsessed with sexual stimulation, want attention, crave BBC from media, want to be saviours and think this will get them popular/ rich/ climb the social ladder, etc. Total sluts and the exact worst and MORE of your most nightmarish assumptions possible. They are literally walking human demons and you are such a good person comparatively that, even when you try to understand why they're so evil and fucked, you never can fully get the depths of it because women are different and filthier in their evil

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Allow me to correct that

1 White
2 Latina
3 Asian
4 middle eastern
5 black

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Let's hope you're right. We already know two is enough to get beheaded.

My bad that was a russian tourist the german one is pic related

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Let me correct THAT

1 White
2 Middle Eastern / Latina
3 Asian
5 Black

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its a shitheap now, I was there around in the late 90s and they were on a decent road, but now they are/have turned into another african shithole.

That is why the white race goes to extinction and it is not why the white girls are in that place but it is the nature of the criticisms that every white nationalist has.

Emphasizing the rape of foreign countries against white women tourists is the notion of trying to sexually control white women, this is so clear. It's all about sex, and it's an incel nature.

Indifference is the only legitimacy to combat this kind of situation and not overestimate your own enemy.

sunny Wakanda.

That slut should bleed out in a forest and die like a lady, but tax payers will make sure she lives to hoe another day.

See those pictures you're posting of the roasties? That's why they do it. It's all about validation, getting likes or thumbs or whatever. Women don't travel to learn or to experience. They travel to eat, fuck, and attention whore. Before social media, you never saw these thots outside of the most heavily touristed areas. Now it's epidemic. Everything you're seeing there is carefully crafted by each roastie to make them seem like special amazing adventurous Cupcakes... a generation of brave Marco Polo's! It's all a lie. It's a smokescreen created by them to hide the fact that they are morally and spiritually bankrupt, that there's an empty fucking void where their soul should be.

Idk man, bitches be trippin.

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>fucked her way around the continent.

this two are mutually exclusive.

Thank God they are danish. WHo knows what would happen if another Norwegian was killed in Africa.

They are going to get raped and get aids. And that will be a very good lesson for them.

No one can resist the bbc.

Based full house Satan

They're building an identity because they're rootless. Their useless parents never handed down any European traditions or heritage to them, so now they virtue signal to build their identity as the globalist woman. They're a woman of the world now these modern women, fucking Marco Polo's as you say. They could stay local and trad., but they want to go big, worldly, and BBC loving. Anything else is "boring" to them.

I question anyone who thinks visiting Africa is a good idea.

Is she going to be alright?

Middle Eastern ? Asian ? Lmao

Imagine spending this much time talking to black people.

Women are retarded children that do whatever the herd and their impulses tell them to. The female brain literally stops developing in high school. The physical size difference is a good indicator of the mental difference between men and women.

they are danish lmao

They're probably poverty tourists.White Liberals love to go on poverty tours to Africa.

Yeah her injuries were treated immediatly thanks to courage people there had to help her. It's not like they only took out their cellphones and took picutres of her corpse.

At the very least she’s been cured of her liberalism.

Probably this. One of your first questions to a girl on a date should be "have you been to Africa?" And if she says yes you should assume she was raped at one point or another.

But Europe started the idea of culture, where has it all gone user?!?!?!!

Western women are very naive imo. I think they are under the false impression that other countries offer the same level of safety as the US. America has its fair share of problems and dangerous places but it pales in comparison to countries that are basically run by narco cartels or Islamic countries where women don’t have rights.

>white men
>discussing women

>Probably this. One of your first questions to a girl on a date should be "have you been to Africa?" And if she says yes you should assume she was raped at one point or another.

I actually think "Do you fuck niggers" is a good question. Her reaction will tell more than whatever she says.

This one is the first

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they are after the elusive coal black, 10 inches + jungle BBC. that's hot, they will make dark choco babbys

And ?

lets hope they come home and get a change of mind in the near future

Every white woman alive is a race traitor whore. They're so brainwashed and so far gone they'll never be back. They actively vote for and cheer on parties which openly call for the destruction of white males.

To white women, life is a reality TV show. Now when I was 7 I thought I was Hulk Hogan and Superman too but we, as men grow out of it, women (and niggers) do not ever grow out of the child-like acting out.


Hoping to be raped.

they want to all be gang raped and murdered

gluck ladies...

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we need an official blacked database so men can avoid the traitors.

well hopefully the video is better quality than the moroccan one last year. man that was a glowy week on this board.

Most white women are completely and utterly disconnected from reality. I dare say worse than any other race in existence. I don't consider myself a white supremacist (or whatever the "ur racist" label of the day is) simply because I would never risk my own personal freedom or wellbeing fighting for women who - more often than not- extort white supremacy by forcing white men to accept worse and worse standards of living just to have white offspring.

Latinas (I'm talking Colombian supermodels, not fat spics), Lebanese, semi-bleached Indian, or Asian women are the way to go IMHO... unless you live in Kentucky or wherever that has an abundance of conservative white women..

Those are Danish or Norwegian grils.
(text is in Danish)
Remember the Danish and Norwegian rosties who got their enrichment in Morocco?
Either they just can't learn from other grils mistakes or.
They are suicidal and quite insane.
Petty though

>Why do modern white women so often flock to the most foreign of lands?
To experience foreign cultures. Which for them means eating their food, taking photos near monuments and taking their dick. Now since these women are in Kenya, I can't imagine their food is worth a damn, lol at the thought of monuments, so that kind of narrows it down

I get you all are a bunch of sexually frustrated spergs but there has to be at least 10 boards a day complaining about white women.
It's all so tiresome


Wht are your women so easy

Yes. Beheadocco.

give it a fucking rest, how much sensationalism do we need about ONLY white women

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Allow me to ACTUALLY correct that for you

>Middle eastern

One of these girls went to Morocco recently.

With any luck they'll pay the toll.

Do you know how male perverts travel to Thailand specifically to fuck children? This is the same thing.
Women go on 'tours' specifically to fuck BBC.

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Most white women aren't doing this shit. How long did you have to scour social media to find this example?

I mean yeah, it's obvious these are sexpat roasties. But does anyone believe that the majority of white women are going to Africa to get blacked? Imagine how out of touch you have to be to believe this.

>allowing your daughter who isn't even 18 to dress like that

2d women > 3dpdg

It took seconds. I just looked up Mombasa on Instagram, and these white women were one of the most recent posts. Scouring is not needed, because white women want BBC so bad they're in the most recent Africa Instagram posts.

I'm not sexually frustrated. I legitimately believe white women to be the most profoundly entitled and overrated people on earth, and I think most of the "white terrorism" would end if these guys would just realize they are fighting for skank cunts who undermine every attempt at white supremacy. We could establish a new type of intellectual fascism ruled by decent people against degeneracy and insubordinate sub-humans relatively easily - IF - we accepted modern Western white women are mediocre life partners when compared to all women globally.. check the divorce rates.. they are statistically more likely to destroy your dream dynasty and financial security than any other race.

seems like he beat her up because she was growing up and wanted an upgrade to a proper coal black nigger bull with a 10 inch BBC.

since he's just a weak caramel colored nibba boi, she has grown out of that and is moving on to bigger and blacker things.

>It took seconds. I just looked up Mombasa on Instagram, and these white women were one of the most recent posts. Scouring is not needed, because white women want BBC so bad they're in the most recent Africa Instagram posts.

Are you fucking serious! You googled Mombasa and white woman and you result. That's really fucking impressing bro.

I just googled white women and dog fucking and got results.

Conclusion. All white women are fucking dogs.

There sure seems to be a trend, doesn't it.

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Time to throw UK posters in to the trash as well.

toll status: paid

damn. the average person is really fucking ugly


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It's only Europeans or high class whites that do this. They're the only ones naive enough to.

You'll never see a working class white who has dealt with nog behavior go anywhere near them.

People like this have been in 99.9% white countries, schools and instutitons their entire lives. They've been insulated from any sort of struggle or mixing with scary brown men. They're naive, all they know about blacks is propaganda from TV.

That's why they're always shocked when they end up in Mogadishu and find out not all blacks are as yielding as their dad's chauffeur.

I've been to mombasa. It's not that bad. Niggers are niggers tho.
Don't forget it's a tourist destination. And tourists get killed around the world. American, germans and other pervs still visiting thailand to fuck shemales.

both wrong
1 white
2 persian
3 latina
4 asian
5 middle eastern
6 black