Now that the dust has settled

I think we can all agree muslims aren't that bad.

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ALL desert religions (muslims, jews, christians) are shit and so are you, go back to the desert.

they're harmless as long as you aren't an innocent civilian

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((( PAGANS )))

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Cringe image.

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Pagans never did anything wrong. They never hurt, invade, manipulate or kill millions of people. Get fucked desert scum.


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I think arabs should leave meaningless politics about brother wars or fighting westerners and should start focusing on the real enemy

Also Arabs need to stay on Arabia , Americans on America stop Wars

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The dot has been pink for about 20 minutes. Happening confirmed

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Because they died out long before they could! Instead they sacrificed babies, worshipped trees and were always fighting each other.

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the shitty inbreeding ones are, there are many of them, but the more pious ones from middle class families...god they are the cream of the crop, many of them I prefer to even the natives. They still have a few points of lower IQ but the virtue in my eyes compensates for it quite well. The especially religious ones of the spiritual class, god they are even better. Those I do respect. Too bad that they inflate their numbers with dumb niggers.

Sounds fair

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Since when was wars on Middle east was profitable to the West ? didn't conquer lands and didn't fix the Arab country and flooded Europe with immigrants

Arabs unite with each other even with different religions or different politics Focus on the true enemy

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We're trying to increase immigration to lower IQ, that's the jew's goal.

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If you are going to defend Islam then at the very least you must distinguish between Sunni and Shia Islam. They are vastly different. Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan have large Shia populations. All the rest are Sunni basically.

99% of all terrorist attacks have been Sunni. Saudi Arabia, Sunni.

The difference is in interpretation of scripture. Sunni are fucked - they believe that the Koran is the ultimate word of God, and any deviation whatsoever is heresy. Societal or cultural improvement in any way is a suggestion that the Koran had it wrong, so that’s heresy. And the current flavor is Sunni Wahhabism, which is especially fucked. They have a mission to convert the whole world to either Islam or otherwise total submission.

Shia are very different, they are much more moderate and allow for improvements. They don’t commit terrorism, instead their story is that of getting assfucked by Sunni, due to Western subsidization. And they don’t believe in converting the world. They tend to be chill, actually. I grew up across from an Iranian family. High IQed, high cultured, the father (a heart surgeon) was the sweetest man I knew. All their kids went to great Unis in legit studies, law, engineering, etc.

The contrast cannot be overstated

Kill yourself Amir. You and your kike cousin Schlomo are both two sides of one disgusting coin and you both must go.

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A very specialized, small group who did not even fight for their God, but simply because they wanted women and riches, does not represent all pagans in any way. Normal pagans simply hunt, gather and maybe farm in very small scale while being in touch with the nature. They didn't invade multiple countries or enslave others. They did not rob the natural resources or destroy their own living habitat.

Same can't be said about desert warriors.

100% agreed, couldn't have said it better

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yeah i dont get how you let in the lowest scum in your lands , they dont even have wars in there lands why are they considered refugees

>words words words
muslims can't meme either, I see

Because they didn't want to do such things to other nations so they got fucked. Luckily in the modern age we have access to prorper knowledge and do not require any religions and especially no DESERT SHIT.

Muslims practice racemixing.


>Pagans never did anything wrong. They never hurt, invade, manipulate or kill millions of people.
Remind me what Genghis Khan's religion was again Finngolian man?

>They never hurt, invade, manipulate or kill millions of people.
Is this bait? Rome and the vikings were saints who didn't kill anyone? What about the mongols? The Aztecs?

Sharia law sounds wonderful honestly. We should be able to stone bad women to death too. Also, throwing faggots off the rooftops of building is OK in my book.

They've brought about the destruction of multiple great European states. They are a threat

Sounds about right. The problem with Shias though is that they practically worship their popular mullahs. I saw that shit in Iraq. It's kind of awkward.

Nice Pro Islamic Extremist Propaganda user.

You have been converted by your enemy.

Their only promise to you, is to not enslave your family and to not treat them as second class citizens.

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Here comes the daily white Sharia thread.

Everyone say Hello, Muhammad.

Hello, Muhammad.

Hello, Muhammad.

Did they fight in the name of their god or try to enslave others simply because of religion? No, it was because of resources and power. You are also comparing Ghenghis Khan or Rome to fucking NORDIC PAGANS? Fuck off power hungry piece of shit. I'm glad your world is dying but too bad it's my world too.


>worshipped trees
Oh, so that's why Britain doesn't have any trees now!

Thank you for a reply that is worth considering. Time to adress the faggots now:

Shills only ever make one post per ID. You look really schizo rn.
I'm not even a muslim but okay.
I wish they didn't. They would have kept it contained if it wasn't for their lands being meddled with.
You need to be at least 18 or over to post here.

They make good targets that's for sure

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Also, what was the god thar Romans finally decided to go with? The one which would help them to enslave even more people? Oh right, it was cucktianty.

Hello, Muhammad.

>He doesn't realise half the threads on pol are made by Muslims.

1 in 5 globally my dude, 1 in 5, 20%.

Lel, obviously indian muslims are dalits. But, non indian muslims and forward caste Hindus have similar interest.

Hello again, Muhammad.

Just like the US in a not so distant past though. Or like multiple European states. Or my cat.

>H-h-hahaha, t-that will s-show him, r-right
What a sad sandnigger.

I hate to admit it, but it took 9/11 truthers before I realized white sharia wasn’t such a bad idea.

>They weren't REAL pagans, they weren't fighting only for their gods!
Consider necking yourself. For the guy getting beheaded after watching his town burn and his family raped and slaughtered it doesn't mater if they're doing it for a god or for shits and giggles.
All of the examples we've cited are valid because they're powers who didn't follow abrahamic religions but committed atrocities. Don't move the goalpost now, saami fuck

It's like we forgot why we dislike ideologies for what they are and how they treat people. It's like saying "well we must take down the government, so let's team up with these people who want to rule the country under a banner which limits our current freedoms".

Wait for Islam to evolve to meet the current standard of living, that people want provided for themselves. Once they realize that some parts are untrue, such as the parts where you should consider everyone as your enemy and you should only engage with outsiders of your religion if it furthers the cause of your religion being implemented as a world power structure.

Get rid of that and let people who harmlessly live their lives to do so and we're good.

Hello, Muhammad

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It's the jew's fault
Hello retard

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Islam is totally my favorite death cult

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I don't hate Muslims, just the ones living in my country.

pagans are also a very large group and without desert religions we wouldn't have large scale wars, massive economical depressions or the global warming. Thanks desert people! Go stick your dick in sand LMAO. Also watch out for the old man in the sky! He will get angry at you!

the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily a friend, user.

>muslims aren't that bad.
Except when they are, then they are just like the Jews.

Fuck off sandnigger

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homo lover, blue pilled, retard manifesto.

KEK is this real?

Kys sandnigger, mtf cant get a woman so he needs a religion to scare them into dating him

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>imagine being this buttenflamed
Pack you camels, Mehmet, you gonna be leaving soon.







Sandnigger detected

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>spends 1500 years invading everything
>ok with non-intervening nations

Im more of a remove mosque and kikes type of person

Yeah tell that to all the Christians who died to repulse the Islamic invasions of Eastern Europe. Jews and Muslims are both the mortal enemies of western civilization.

>islam is a nation
You got a loicense for that retarded comment?

been tryina say this forever
based artist
next stage is seperating my quran (mine alone) from the rest of cultural islam(they crazy)

Why would you ruin that perfectly good strip of bacon with turds? UnAmerican really.

They are friends by default, only turned into enemies because jews.
Not a muslim, but it sure will help 90% of this board get a girlfriend.

Literally quoting the OP you fucking monkey

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I can agree with that. Their religion seems pretty cool.



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Subscribe to Pewdiepie.

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>unironically ironic post
>pic from "you're not evil, it's worse you're smart"-show
This board is shit.

They aren't all bad. But one should not mistake them for kin either.
Counter-jihadists are retarded though, wanting to protect homos and degenracy just to spite muslims is stupid.

Shit off Ahmed, Jow Forums doesn't into Sharia.

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Muslims are not a race. Judge the people by race and not by religion

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I think we can all agree neither kikes nor muslims are our allies

Muslim values are subversion, beatings, & killings and a desire for power. They are basically just a nigger tier Jew. Don't be fooled by their "family values" of beating their wives and fucking boys and goats. They are rabid animals and are dangerous.


Shia is more akin to zoroastrianism as it was influenced by preislamic beliefs from the Persian Era and is considered heresey by sunnis. Most people on Jow Forums don't known the actual history of Islam or anything but claim to understand what is going on in the middle east.

Nobody is fooled, Mohammed.

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topkek, but muslims is not for Aryans, and includes Iranians

So,... the guy helping the muslim thinks of himself as retarded? Are we rooting for the boomer and the jew here? What is this meme even trying to say?

Why though?
they behave like animals, why should anyone like them?
dogs attack jews aswell, that alone doesnt mean it's a treasured friend.
the dog being loyal and and a good pupper makes him mans friend.
i'll stick with my people, thank you schlomo

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ultimately tho we need american islam based off my book

Islam strives for global Islamization and Muslims are allowed to lie about their religion. You cannot trust them, even if we share an enemy.

sharia is bad

already done in my quran book

Lost it at
>lives Hitler (pbuh)

Anyways, actual Muslim here. We're really not that bad, sorry for flooding your country
Hey, I'm doing my part and staying in mine!

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Yes! I will lend my wife to a muslim BVLL

you refuse to believe that the elite did this , we don't want ti leave our nation to live in europe but your nations keep supporting puppet states that keep us hundred of years back .. for example in tunisia the government don't let tunisians invest real investments in tunisia , instead the government do the exact opposite