I'm afraid to leave the US. My friend wants me to move to Australia with him. Theres too much shit that can kill me there. Europe is going to hell, SA has been hell, Africa is a joke, and I dont think Asia would be safe either. Is there any country where a straight white Male, who only speaks English, and has no college degree can live happily?
I'm afraid to leave the US. My friend wants me to move to Australia with him...
Other urls found in this thread:
You need to know this about Australia
>europe is one country
>asia is one country
typical mutt, just stay where you are the world is too confusing for you
This, stay in the US and pay taxes for Israel you goy cattle.
We could form a stronghold in iceland and eastern europe. Lol, get all of Jow Forums to move to iceland :) We still have poland, slovakia, hungry, and russia. Say what you want about russia but they are preparing for to go down fighting.
just don't use drugs or get involved with the local criminals and you'll be fine.
What if a peepee appears?
Greenland, and when I say Greenland I mean Iceland..
>What if a peepee appears?
A simple thanks will suffice.
I don’t think Iceland wants the us. I’d rather not be hated.
Europe is better then the US. It’s not nearly as bad as this places makes it seem.
You're a "straight" white male who is letting a "friend" force you to move to another country with him?
>having friends
fuck off redditor
the trannies stay mostly to their own designated bars
Why would you leave the u.s.? Just move to a rural part of any state and you will be completely free of all the problems we talk about here on Jow Forums
one is middle is pretty alright
move to western ukraine, lviv is still uncucked
>who only speaks English, and has no college degree can live happily?
dont worry australia won't let you immigrate anyway
they have a surprisingly strict immigration policy
>I'm afraid to leave the US.
A rational fear.
There once was a time when you could travel the world, sail the seas on an ocean liner, ride the Orient Express. Life was exciting, and the World was large. Those days are forever gone :(
>go to bederlands
>nothing but Jewish propaganda about climate change and refugees
>good dutch goy, plug that dyke
Stay there faggot
She doesn't actually fuck. Just there to draw in johns then has an excuse and other girls sweet talk him to go with them instead. Middle gal gets a cut but doesn't fuck. This is also useful when consumers compare different groops of hookers
just do it faggot
while we live let us live
What's wrong with the mid-west and the country side in general? Aren't those areas mostly white still?
Just move to a gun-happy state.
Come live with me op
>poland, slovakia, hungry,
EU welfare niggers living off Germany. They will kick you out the moment you mess with their gibsmedat
australia being dangerous is a meme, that's only in the countryside where nobody ever lives
This. Move to Idaho.
Kek, he won't respond to this
used to be you just had to be a criminal.
West Coasters are now moving into Idaho, fleeing their own broken states and skyrocketing Real Estate prices. They are like locusts, spreading to Boise.
yeah, i wonder how big her dick is though?
Stay in the USA. It is the last free country.
Go down fighting what ?
Europoors can’t take the bants
I’m no lumberjack but when i went to Europe I think I had the most test of any “man” there
Pathetic oversocialzied domesticated goyim
you are litterally retarded and i would break you with 1 hand you fucking faggot sissy shitskin
Sure thing memflag faggot kike
I can already hear your teeth crunching on the curb
there are kangaroos in australia user, don't go. they are just going to rape you
Your friend wants to come to a country that's full of poos and chinks and has no guns and no freedom of speech?
you monster! just so you know I am a 3rd generation kangaroo rape victim. it's not funny his name was skippy the bush kangaroo. after raping all these people he was still given primetime television just like that pedo on the bbc
my god and all those spiders and crap. it's totally not like when you wake up in the morning you have to check your slippers or anything nono pol that is a meme. yeah sure those spiders can holocaust you, but come on, it's just a tiny spider that will kill you, come on!
We only had 7000 syrian migrants, just avoid area called "Randstad" and you will be fine
There’s nowhere you can go, fren.
All other countries are noguns.
Stay here, save money, buy land, stockpile, and be able to defend yourself when shit hits the fan.
What happens here is what’s gonna determine the fate of the white man anyway.
Wtf I've been to Australia and it's not that bad. In many ways they're better of than the US is.
>lviv is still uncucked
because its polish
>Only 7000 “Syrian” refugees
How many Somali? How many Turks? How many Congolese? How many Egyptian? How many Indian? How many Pakistani? How many Chinese?
Take it from someone who lives in the diversity utopia of USA that you need to shut down your borders YESTERDAY.
All of these people are foreign and do not belong in your country.
Your grandchildren will not look like you
Hahahaha. You kidding me? Poland is cucked, you have gay parades, lgbti in schools, mass immigration from the terd world.
Nothing here is going to kill you, retard
>you have gay parades
like in any major cities in whole world
>lgbti in schools
nothing like this, only girls have some lessons about periode
>mass immigration from the terd world
only from the second world like Ukraine and Belarus
>only from the second world like Ukraine and Belarus
Don't forget pajeets and other shitskins.
Stay in your comfy cuck shed
right, I have only ONE fucking pajeet in my town, and he is here because some femminist whore married him, and she doesnt want to live in India
only some turks, but veeery very few, they are here bussy making kebabs
>white Male, who only speaks English, and has no college degree
I'm in the same boat and thought about this... how does someone in the current age even relocate without a college degree, assuming you require an income source that isn't already pre-established? Like if I'm not already wealthy, or don't have passive income, or a remote job, how does a non-college educated guy just pack up and move somewhere else in the world and actually expect to find any sort of work? Don't most countries only hire foreigners if either they're A) specialized in a field they can't easily hire locals for, or B) are third-world shitters they can hire for cheap?
I've thought about moving out of country but the fact I have no real education or established career makes me think I'd have no real chance at finding a job.
What are your thoughts? what kinds of jobs would you pursue if you moved to a new place?
Asian street meat. Nice. These classy ladies were born to be abused. Turn her asshole into a clown hole.
I allways tought Canada is a paradise
in Germany everyone can find a job
Sounds like your only options are going back to school or self employment
Warsaw is full of them.
you are aware they came from the whole country to Warsaw, and the people on this festival were mostly Poles just having fun
Fuck moving to Australia. Just move states bro, the United States is HUGE.
I'm Aussie living in Canada and I never saw a venomous snake growing up. They're not going out of their way to bite you.
But Australia is shit, everything is really expensive (18/ hr minimum wage but not livable), and there's a steady flow of ching chongs invading our island.
I've been to warsaw and they are everywhere. They are being imported as doctors and bus drivers now, not just ubers and IT.
Canada is full of chinks and poos too. It's like Australia but just shit weather.
He never mentioned Canada. You're right though.