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the other 13% dont have a choice ;^)

>>study, which isn't cited that I'm sure is very scientific


oh nonono... we need to dominate women again.

Attached: woman nature.png (2500x1667, 3.63M)

100% of asian women want to have sex with white men

(((study))) , also, 0% of women want to have sex with pajeets but they don't get much choice

0% of women want to have sex with poos.


According to StopRacismNow!.ISR 100% of white women long for the thrust of smelly negros into their groins.


I guess it’s just too bad that white Women are considered to be the second least attractive group on dating apps

And black men are the second least attractive group of man

Want to or Would?

Big difference.

I want to fuck a dozen of my co-workers.... but will I?

KEK Based Englander stealing from the Irish yet again,

Yet 2% racemix compared to 4% of men.
Hard luck poop.

no shit sherlock

Brought to you by the same people who insist women are also having sex with dogs


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surely a cuckold didn't make up this figure like they've done many times in the past


Not to mention this study was conducted at the university of Rutgers by the department of sexualogical sociological endowment ( not making this up) and was conducted via survey

I'm unironically more good looking than all of you.

>no study
Forgot the memeflag

I want to get married and have lots of kids with the top 1% of women from all races.

i believe you believe that

Most people when asked will say they would be in a relationship with someone of any race because they don’t want people to think they’re racists. It doesn’t mean they find all races attractive.

I don't know the methodology of this study, but I'm going to take a crack at it:

They would show women pictures of men and ask "would you like to have sex with this man." The (((researchers))) throw in a couple of black models, and of course the women say yes, because he's a model. So if a woman says yes to any of the pictures of black men, that means she wants to have sex with black men. Even with that very (((lax))) interpretation of the data 13% still said no to any black man.

Latinas want to bang White men, Japs want to bang the Chinese, and other fetishized race views exist. I fail to see your point in posting this

Oh no, it's that one again.

Pro-tip: That department doesn't exist. You'd think that would be obvious from the name, but newfags still get trolled.

100% would like to survive said rape by poos, but again no choice

Attached: 1557064086644.jpg (640x449, 75K)

Lol I doubt it

>I'm unironically more good looking than Jow Forums Jow Forumstards.

thats not really an achivment pajeet

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I'm going to lose my temper because of you brainlets. The study doesn't exist, you mongs.

Lmao. Why do Americans fetishize blacks so much?

hi poo how did the flush go?

That's what ((())) want

Doubt it as much as you want to, chang. That's the truth.

WHo is the journalist behind this anti-white filth?


Looks like I need to commit crime.

>checks flag

Try to factcheck sometime, brainlet. Neither the study nor the deparment exists. Idiot.

Guy isnt even full African lol

When will amerimutts stop the streetshitting?

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Nice source nigger.

Another bullshit study. Why do people fall for the study meme? Any how why would a poo care, they are not black, just shit stained.

fuk u bich i fuk ur sister i suck ur mother tits

fucker dumb fucker horse shit bastard fucker

go shit on ganges and post that on Instagram. lets see how sexy that looks.

Bonus point if there is a corpse on the river the moment the shit drops.

>checks flag

>"Would you have sex with a black man?" -minority doing study
>*Don't want to be racist and its completely hypothetical anyway* "Yes" -liberal white women probably on college campus

>more good

You'd better be the strong silent type. It's probably gooder that way.

It's not fair bro!!!

>go shit on ganges and post that on Instagram. lets see how sexy that looks.
>Bonus point if there is a corpse on the river the moment the shit drops.

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post dik and mantids

Tbqh I’d fuck some favela latinas too.


they are you fucking idiot. God damn virgin youre so clueless

That Syrian is chad

project harder fag

kek that triggers the poo!

looks like 13% will be spared

>link doesn't even go to scroopy
Do you have an actual source? I want to read the study but it looks like this is completely made up.

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>kek that triggers the poo!

Attached: Brazilian.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

What women SAY and what they DO are two completely different things.

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Shut up. Don't ruin my bait. Let me get more (you)s from these retarded amerimutt Jow Forumstards.

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That's three men

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That can't be real I've never met a woman that likes niggers


>Jew bringing the facts


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but nobody will prefere black women at this

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