Your gene pool

>your gene pool

Should Greta be turned into a white supremacist symbol?

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One of the most interesting Psy-Ops I’ve seen is Jow Forums turning Ilhan Omar into a revered symbol because of her views on Jews. That one has a lot more legs than Greta.

it works because the left refuses to disown a single member of their own party
even Farrakhan is still widely and openly accepted into influentual democrat circles

honestly, if your only concern is with the Jews it's better to align yourself with the left.


Sorry, but your somali sandnigger bitch isn't an international figure like Greta.

>Americas front figure is a somalian
>Swedens is an aryan girl
The irony

Attached: 1546415153452.gif (480x292, 1.99M)

Stop Jow Forums posting

>Americas front figure is a somalian
>Swedens is an aryan girl, mentally disabled and controlled by (((them)))

The irony, Sven

respecting the environment is a white man's job.

>Greta is white.


Them Scandinavian mongoloids! Look at that Chinese face.

Attached: GretaTheHunberg.jpg (1920x2074, 360K)

Nobody gives a shit about either of them. Muzzie just happens to speak the truth sometimes. Greta is just a political whore the pedos like. Jow Forums isn't one person and show your flag pussy.

No, she retarded, she think evreyone should switch to electric cars.
Electric cars are bad too and require battery change every 5-7 years, manufacturing of batteries pollute enormously.

she is eco-stalinist

lmao, you know that Jow Forums liking IIhan Omar is just a meme, right? I am actually surprised no one has slapped an armband on her yet, but nu/pol/ is mostly worthless.

unironically looks like she has downs

Still doesn't change the fact who's representing who lol.

>down syndrome face

Right, Sveden is being represented by a mentally ill child.

Suits you pretty well.

Well to be absolutely fair to you she represents the EU aswell which means she represents you slavs aswell haha.

fetal alcohol syndrome

Amy Sxhumer

Physical transportation in the world full of networks is ridiculously obsolete. We should connect to surrogates and stay in the comfort of our comfy homes. And those surrogates don't even have to look human: if I have to clean or fix something on the technical part of my comfy home, all I need is a pair of arms and a videocamera.

such a sneaky look

Should you be turned into a boipucci?

Hitler was environmentalist