Why do millenial women often use these weird and manly haircuts?

Why do millenial women often use these weird and manly haircuts?

This is not the hair style of a dame

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Women are stilk butt hurt that a man made woman of the year. That's all.

Because fashion is stupid

That hair is disgusting
It bothered my hair fetish in the negative direction

Obviously she's a lesbian or some alternative girl that wants to smoke weed

Are they horning in on yet another dude thing? Like tatts? Pants? Motorbikes? Jobs? Fuckin' desperate wannabe goofballs.

>smoke weed
Isn't the 90's anymore you fucking boomer

How the hell does a woman even get that haircut? A barber? Go to her hairdresser with a pic of Rachel Maddow?

wich is a shame because she is kinda cute.
I hope she gets married and has at least one kid and her life path will be corrected, but maybe that won't happen.

my gf cut down to her shoulders and was afraid she looked to masculine.

Love my trad woman

>men are better at being women than women


Because it provides them attention and makes them feel unique.

Terrible haircut. I'd still hit it though.

That’s literally disgusting

Because Star Wars

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Because other faggots will praise her for being “strong” and “beautiful” when in reality she just looks fucking retarded and gross. I love people that do these types of things because it shows you how shallow they are. They put such a high priority on looks to help distract themselves from the shambles that make up their daily lives.


Help me please. What is the current year?

Because of daddy issues

Femininity is an ideal. Women can't get that because they hate themselves.

Ah so the guy spamming these threads for years with UN flags is Mexican

>literally wearing star wars shirt

"manly"??? You see alot of "men" with hair like that down there, Pablo?

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wrong, it's qt

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Ah fuck, I can’t because you’ve done this, Mexico. I was having a good day until you started posting these Rachel Maddow pics.

she's so perfect man.

This haircut is a way of warning non-mentally ill people to stay away.

stfu. you know it looks like a nightmare.

That is one handsome woman. Stick to fat chicks who don't wash.

i miss old SW days

They are troubled by their femininity and so subconsciously try to reduce it.

Must be a city millennial thing. The women here in rural America don't do this shit. They're just whores.

>being this thirsty

All it is about is attention from the group of their particular socio-political interest. This person thinks that a short haircut will get attention from other "quirky" and/or "woke" feminist types. It is also a signal that this person is conformist, however desperately he/she wants you to believe otherwise.

You tell the world about yourself through your appearance. Humans have done this for many centuries.

I'd like to congratulate you on your use of the term "Dame".

If you miss SW, then this video game is for you

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Closeted dykes.

I think it was about the late 1990's when the lesbian haircut got popular. But even so most women made fun of the women that wanted butch cuts. Even today when most men, young and old alike see a woman with a dyke cut they assume she is a lesbo anyway and steer clear of her, unless they have some kind of closet homo tendencies like dudes who dated tatted up chicks do.

cause women envy men

Because doing your hair every morning to go to work sucks ass.

you dont think that hairstyle requires daily setup?

Women have been getting their hair cut short for like 100 years.

Birth control gives them a chemical lobotomy

Why do women do most things? For attention

It's not even the hair that gets me. It's selfies. Going out of your way to take a picture from every conceivable angle, like anyone ACTUALLY gives a shit. I hate selfies and people who take selfies, obsessed with their own fucking mugs. Narcissistic self-idolatry and attention seeking faggots.

So you can hate fuck them harder

Because it's just hair, retard.

My wife sometimes cuts her hair short like a boy cut because she says it is easier to deal with when working outdoors where the wind keeps blowing hair into her face. Also lightweight and easy to clean. Less to spend on sharmpoo. Sometimes she grows out her hair and it only takes a year for it to go from almost shaved to shoulder length.

Not arguing that, just doesn't look "manly", unless by that you mean "Extremely Faggoty".

OP is a faggot, but if you want to know, Hollyqueer and social media has fucked up their heads, so they do stupid shit like this and think its so progressive, meanwhile they're still miserable inside and popping pills for mental health, then off themselves anyway when it all goes to shit.

>go to hairdresser with a picture of Rachel Maddow
Fucking zug zug mate

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The short sides are nice, but the pompadour is atrocious. If she's gone with a viking braid or something, this would be pure kino.

Tomboys are the epitome of womanhood, but this one just screams raging feminist.

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I've had long hair since before I can remember, and it takes a very minimal amount of time to fix up each day. I'm talking like, 1 minute. It also only needs to be washed once every 2 weeks because shampoo is zog'd, and cutting it out actually helps regulate your hair's natural oils and such.
If a woman cuts her hair short to 'save time', it's because she's a lazy cow.
The real redpill is that women have the capacity to be really fucking lazy. Like, pathologically lazy. They cut corners everywhere until they end up looking like men.


Wrong, she is cute, but she's completely destroying it by trying to look like a degenerate little boy.

The nice thing when women do shit like this is that you don't even have to come close to them.
You can just exclude them immediately from metres away, no need even to communicate.
I think it should be encouraged, it's a real time saver.

Because the world is in dissaray
Yin and yang seem to be switching

Anime tomboys

It's not qt, it's getting progressively more ridiculous to the point where she's barely attractive at all now.

Because it's hella cute

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This was my first thought.

Soe turned into a middle aged man

based and redpilled, its easier than ever to pinpoint a good girl these days than ever before
>doesnt mean they are still rare

still arent rare*

All memes and shitposting aside: is that actually male or female? I actually can't tell.

and that's empowering!

>millennials are the first to have short hair
lol, incel harder.

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>the wall
RIP cosplay skank

For the same reason that you wear short haircuts. It's easy.

They don't have to exist to look good to you.

Kill yourself.

Because they are not women.
They are a genderless blob, unsure of their reason for existence in general.

Better: it's a tomboy

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Women don't need to get married or have children.
Reality check.

Would she hit you though? That's the question.

>They don't have to exist to look good to you.
Yet she takes photos of it and makes an effort to "style it", hoping she looks good

Her hair isn't short.

Nice projection. Like all people don't care abt looks.

Go back to 1978, boomer.

It's an ideal for your boner. That's about it.

You think that using a pair of scissors to trim hair is mental illness?
God, I pity your mother.

>looks like 12 year old boy
Umm, thats only attractive to a fag.

Women need to have long blonde braided hair.

Wow. Freud called. He wants his bullshit back.

Wonder why they never fuck you then.

Or maybe she just likes not having hair in the way? Fucking calm down.

And yet they still won't have sex with you.

>butch cut
Sorry, but she's not butch. It's literally just short hair. Calm down.

This. I once knew this ultra leftist girl who had short hair. She gave the best blow jobs and called me daddy all the time. Major daddy issues and problems at home.

Or maybe she likes not having hair in her eyes? Hmmm.

>13 posts by this id

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>doesn't know how B.C. works in 2019

They're kinda cute on some girls

Why are you still on Jow Forums? For attention.

Women want to be men, men want to watch japanese cartoons.

Please stop comparing everyone to your supressed childhood desires...

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Someone sad he can't take a selfie?

Boomer here.
Girls pre-2008 used to be so fucking hot.
>huge asses like centaurs
>10 gallons of makeup
>ugly hair styles/colors
>piercings/tattoos in the most unsexy spots
>very odd sense of fashion, almost like multiple couch covers draped over them
>botoxed lips and cheeks

>implying that she'd fuck you

it's sad, you can literally see her ovaries drying with each photo set

someone help her

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