Tranny hate thread

Tranny hate thread.

Attached: M87tMu_FKPQ.jpg (1280x640, 209K)

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not political
take these low effort threads to /b/

men want to become women because women are privileged in western societies over men

Shut up, tranny

How in the fuck can you claim you've always felt like a woman if you've never been a woman so have no idea what they actually feel like?

more like they are bissexual man who can't get laid thanks to modern hypergamy in the west,
and made that choice after consuming too much anime and videogames

bad projection, incel

Listen i hate trannies just as much as the next guy but that pic is fake, the last pic is a biological female thats just incredibly fat

Go be a Jew somewhere else


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have sex

Already am, right now.

That was my girlfriend

I type with both hands too :DD

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I want to fuck Ranma-chan!

>hairy legs

I'm all for hating on trannies but shit like this is dragging down the quality of this board

>Doesn't believe people have the right to inject themselves with drugs

Might as well call yourself a Neo-con, cuck.

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What is it with a lot of US soldiers that went to Iraq/A-stan coming back and becoming trannies?

according to Jow Forums they get exposed to and injected with ยด a looooot of chemicals.

thats not natalie mars b4 trans

Giving them attention is what they want. Stop with your fantasy threads fucking sperg.

hey is right, you're not putting any effort into making it political?
Here is some ideas for the future
Give me political reasons to hate trannys in this thread.
Tranny hate thread. Politics.

Looks like /s4s/ made its way here

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jesus christ. imagine being this guy. wake up one day with the thought "I really fucked up this time" and blowing your brains out.

Amazing times we live in.

Holy shit, Maddyson. I have not seen him for a long time

Mental illness

This is his old photograph since 2011, it seems. I still remember one clip with his friend.

he found out his true-self. We have to support him, and not be biggots.