If youre poor its your fault

If you're broke by 30 you deserve it.
Let me explain, if by 30 you don't have a job or you have a shitty low wage one, then you didn't study enough when you had the opportunity.

Instead of smoking weed and masturbating, why didn't you study? Uh?

See, youre a looser, youre useless to this society, you will be replaced my machines hundred times better than what you can be.

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define poor.
I have some good passive incomes but I'm not nearly as good as that fucking guy

most people who got succesful just did so on luck and claim it was merit so they don't feel guilty

he's right

Yep. I would've said 30.

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doesnt autism and aspergers make you poor and unemployable? we have an excuse

Based and true. Glad to be worth about $2MM at 33.

Guy literally got rich selling plastic Chinese junk and knock offs.
He's like the dollar store web store

That's partially true, in most places if you have a fucking STEM degree you're already in a different level than most people.

>you're a loser
>you're useless
That is false, and you're an asshole.

That "useless" person might be the mechanic that fixes your car, or the person who cooks your food or cleans your roof.

Being poor doesn't mean a person is useless, it just means they have failed to turn whatever usefulness they have into wealth.

Also, in the "wealthiest" country in the world, it should come as no surprise that our shadow govt doesn't want people to be comfy enough that they downgrade to a part time job or retire altogether.
We are all little drones to them, and they want us buzzing along for as long as possible.

Is it still peoples fault for being poor at 35? Mostly. But in a world that encourages poverty through consumerism and debt it's understandable that a lot of people fall for Jewish tricks

what an ugly douche. uglier people value money much more than a normal person.

>implying you don't meet your spouse entirely by luck
>implying you don't make ends meet entirely by luck
>implying you don't make wealth entirely by luck
your point is a non-point. You have statistical odds you can put in your favor. Nothing is guaranteed. But success comes from managed, reasonable risk.
There is no risk-free investment. There is no risk-free success. Luck is merely another name for the law of averages.
Get knocking.

You're evil shut up and go away. My tax dollars went to you instead of my countrymen. Fuck you I hope Iran nukes you.

>be me
>get into medical school at 26 (average age is 26)
>4 years later
>only 40k in debt
>am doctor
>residency pays ~25k/annum
>see post about how I should have studied and blaming me for not being rich

Jow Forums, just take your head out of your ass

This is why i'm going to be a doctor or dentist

What's the point to not be poor ?

if you're a soulesss chink's toady, it looks good on you

I blame the Jews.

Well then why berate those who, admittedly, could have given it their best efforts but failed as a result of natural variance?

If you didn't have the money to attend med school, that is your fault.

In thw west this is true

I'm a immigrant with no family connections (80% of jobs are found through people you know) yet I still manage a comfortable middle class life. If you are poor in a western country it is all your fault

>having a humble and honorable job means im not a loser
And here I thought Catholicism was what ruined my country by glorifying mediocrity.

If you're racing after money, you'll always be poor.

The whole evolution and equality lies were made to absolve them of responsibility for others.

Hard work isn't enough. Smarts isn't enough. You have to work for yourself smart and hard and then MAYBE you might make it. Better advice is to stop listening to these faggots for advice. Rich people are pretty shitty humans and many of them got there with luck or selling their children to pedos.

Tell that to self-made millionaires.

I know it is. I was never motivated to acquire wealth when I'm going to die someday and it stays behind on Earth. Fuck working for anything in life beyond enough cash to buy a 6 pack

>If you are poor in a western country it is all your fault

Even being poor in a western country is privileged

Kek. Go worship bugs elsewhere fag

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Jack Ma is a faggot, and he should kill himself.

100% correct

being poor is a choice

This is a nigger's mentality: "If you aren't getting rich, you're a loser." In reality some of the most useful jobs you can do pay like shit or decent at best. I bet you think people in garbage disposal are losers, but your street would look like an Indian shitting corner in a month without them. Then some nigger throws a ball around or ooks into a mic and we pay him millions of dollars. Clown world.

>Everyone in the U.S. takes his advice, studies hard and gets a PHD
>Somehow, absolutely no one is better off.

How could this happen?

We will kill you and your machines, we will sabotage the factories, burn the businesses that employee machines...

yep. Cracks a beer

What’s with so many faggots misspelling ‘loser’. Even English speaking zoomers do it. Brain damage? Fluoride in the water?

I agree with his statement. "Poor" is subjective, and there are places in this country where you can do very well making $90k. Life isn't perfect, and there are dumb people. If you haven't developed the skills to survive financially by 35, it may be too late.

Mostly true

>your point is a non-point
my point was that they play it off as if it was merrit which is dishonest

>LMFAO I got lucky and became super rich lol it's your fault you are still poor haha I bet you could never be as lucky as me teehee

Wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing, this is why doctors who are good at rote memorization aren't very good entrepreneurs, yes you have to work hard, you have to be knowledable in what you do. But you ALSO have to know how to navigate the world around you to put yourself in the best position to maximize your hard work and smart. The world is full of "smart" people who are too autistic to get ahead and "hardworking" people working dead end jobs who are too stupid to realize their full potential

It was the jews user

Survivorship Bias.


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Big talk from someone whose country's entire economy runs on dirt cheap slave labor

There are always voids to fill

Wisdom = the best use of knowledge

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I was too busy working for the mafia and in jail in my 20's, lay off spaghetti monkey

His head is creepy small.

I agree to an extent

The problem with nigs is that they all think they are going to make it rich in the entertainment industry. I've meet countless "entrepreneurs" working on their music or "clothing line" driving me around in an Uber.

turning 34 in 2 weeks. no job for 10 years college drop out living at home with parents who are well off but not super rich. i dread the future i have to deal with as much as i did 10 years ago. i can't say that he's wrong.

This fucking degenerated communist party pedovore can go and fuck himself.
Basically copied the copy of the original and proud of it this ugly fucking chink.

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Rich people are pretty shitty humans
SOme of them might be psycopathic but they might not be bad
>and many of them got there with luck or selling their children to pedos.

Don't feel bad, I got a college degree and still can't get a job.


Listen pancho your country is a shithole, not everyone can be good at something, that's not the way of the world. It's human condition, people admire elite athletes, intelectuals, people that have a talent and are very good at something, why? because not everyone can do whatever they might be doing. So shut the fuck up, and yes, a humble job that makes you enough money is fine. Imagine being you thinking that people with average jobs are losers, how do you go on about life you absoute pussy? Do you act in a condescending way with everyone around you? Fucking subhuman mutt, and to think you live in such a shithole and that your people are genetically inferior scum but you still have these beliefs fucking lmao.

Jack Ma Cok

But I don't want to be useful to society. I just want gibs and to take it easy. So far so good.

My problem is boomers not retiring so there can be promotions. They're so incompetent everyone else has to do their work too.

This guy is an asshole though, he supports the 996 work schedules.

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Not everyone but I have coworkers who have absolutely no business being employed in our field. I cant even figure out how some of them finished college because they dont seem to have paid attention at all. There are definitely people who get by purely on luck but it's not everyone.

Why is he acting like an asshole these days?

A lot of kids looked up to him and now he's going full Boomer saying kids don't have enough strength these days.

>Diversity hire tells straight white male how he just didn't try hard enough.
Fuck off.

some people get sick or get in accidents caused by other people and it fucks their life up though.

No but everyone is capable of doing "something" that will get them a decent quality of life. Not saying that you have to be "rich" but if you are an adult NEET with no permanent physical disabilities then it is entirely your fault

I wouldn't take the opinions of a soulless chink with a mug like that too seriously.

If I did happen to take him seriously I would probably be a retard like OP. I bet he listens to the thoughts of jews very seriously as well.

What's that?

>Being poor doesn't mean a person is useless
But it does


A new spelling for nepotism. This is what most people get by on. This is the real privilege.

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I'm assuming he's directing this in general at the able bodied people and not the disabled or otherwise health disadvantaged; otherwise, he's got some ugly PR coming his way

Never give up, and never stop.

thats funny because thats like 99% of people in china. He also cant be executed any day he does something communist party doesnt like, without them he would be nothing,.

*can be

Building a successful business and keeping it successful is not based entirely on luck. It's not just dropped in your lap unless you inherit it but that is an entirely different conversation.

Yes of course, no one disputes that there are exceptions and circumstances. You can also be born to criminal or abusive parents, but able to generally get away from that by late twenties.

Is that a real article? That can't be real.

That's what spoiled middle class brats like to tell themselves, yes. They were never faced with the possibility of homelessness, they always had financially secure parents who they could scurry back to when they got fired or blew 10 grand trying to get hired in California. Guys like me on the other hand, eldest of 6 children, poor parents, had to start working full time before I even finished high school, we get looked down on by these spoiled brats, I remember people being dumbfounded when they found out that I was in my 20s and I didn't own a car. Now I just don't talk to anyone, unless I'm flirting with one of their girlfriends while they stand there and do nothing.

i wonder how many times per year those machines will order consumer goods from his business.

Hed be a poor rice farmer if he hadnt been permitted to enter and settle in the US, steal the Amazon ideas and return to China where he is a member of the ruling Communist Party of China dictatorship.

poor people exist to make rich people poorer

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What he's essentially saying: the system can keep you poor for 34 years.

I'm no poorfag, but jack ma is a jackass.

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Yes, you are right about that. I shouldn't have used luck lol.

>extreme immigration policies absolutely inundating the job market, driving down my wages while my father entered the job market in an era of zero net immigration, and did well for himself in a field for which no college degree was requisite
>college was also affordable at this time

I know you know nothing about economics which is why you're a liberal, but "supply and demand" applies to labor as well. Extreme immigration policies like we're on the receiving end of only benefit the mega rich.

I inherited a mid-size family business and its not as easy as it looks. Businesses change over time and bringing it into the new era is always a challenge. I had to live at home with my folks for about five years while we put everything we had into new machinery and staff. It was brutal for a while, but have my own house wife and kids now.

Mens frontal lobes dont develop fully until 25

Besides all the immigrants from Italy and Eastern Europe you are forgetting to mention because they are considered "white" by modern political culture

Most of the biggest names in tech companies go there by blatantly ignoring laws, and just growing as fast as they could. They banked on the legal system being slow, and the ability to pay their way out of trouble with illegally obtained wealth.

Once they were giant mega corps, they were some of the loudest voices for enhancing the laws that they used to get gigantic. Literal Boomer version of corporations, breaking the rungs they just got done climbing.

Amazon: sales tax evasion
Youtube: mass copyright infringement
Google: copyright infringement
Uber: illegal taxi cab operation

Production is artificially limited. The state grabs up a large share of the currency involved in every private trade, then hands it out however it pleases, according to a largely corrupt political process, which quickly kills any cycle of trade which the state doesn't approve of. Thoughtcrime is punished by economic exclusion, so the only ones permitted to succeed are those who conform to and thereby promote an evil leftist agenda which is destroying our society.

In today's society, everyone successful is on some level a criminal.

I didn't imply running a business that was handed to you was simple. But the user I was replying to is simply incorrect in his "luck" statement.

I know a ford technician that has flagged 300 hours in one pay period, my dude. This last pay period he flagged 210 hours, I flagged 121. At his pay scale he’s making over 10k a month. Mechanic jobs are not low wage. That guy works 6-4 every day and has weekends off.

You need to be able to fuck other people over if you want to he succesfull. Ive seen what happened behind the scenes at big companies and its not pretty, they destroy countless small companies every year

Europe should have its own ali baba.

An online business to business webshop that covers the entire supply chain for all industries.

This would increase the GdP of the EU.

Right now, if you own a business and if you are looking for suppliers, you have to go and ask several companies to get quotes and offers.

For example, if you have a publishing business and you want to find a printing company that prints off 1000 books for you, you have to contact them one by one.

It would be a lot better if Europe had an online market place for this. In that case, it would be enough to enter what you want in the search, and it would give you thousands of options.

I cant agree more. Im in college for accounting and working in the security industry while having a retirement/investment plan. Without college or a good job ive learned that setting aside $50 a month at 20 years old into a 3x leveraged SP500 etf until retirement age of 69.5 in a roth IRA yeilds an average return of $74M. (Based on the assumption that the 10% average growth of US economy remains at 10% annually as it has been since the beginning) but also, without investment, getting a good job like bookkeeping or accounting assistant pay $12+ out of highschool and isnt hard. Then theres trade jobs like plumbing, electricians, etc. College may put people into debt but most dont googe FAFSA its government funded college relief and i dont even apply because my college "Penn Foster" is 1k per semester. All these combined and you really do have to be the noggest of the nogs to be poor at 30. Im 20 btw, not that you fags were wondering...

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He's right. Most Americans barely have 5k in savings after 50 because they don't know anything about how money or the market works.

But goy, don't you want cheap landscaping for your mansion? And slightly cheaper consumer goods/retail prices? Think of the ethnic food!