Intellect by race

Let's discuss

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Other urls found in this thread:ʽez_script),

show me intellect by class

The black kid draws better 2s than me. My writing hand has atrophied. I have trouble giving my phone number now.

Tton zznd z gf ce2il
Isn't this the formula for time travel

Inner-city teacher friends reluctantly confirm pic is accurate.

What, the one where the richest blacks are barely above the poorest whites?


you are like baby
watch this

Blacks cannot tell the difference between the imitation and the real. So many usernames "tha god" "King" etc. They wear "bling" and boast about how awesome they are. They think all this stuff is THE SAME as the real thing.

Attached: genius negro child.png (564x550, 376K)

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the only reason i write half decent is writing prescriptions for a while, you learn to change what letters you suck at when somebody calls you on the phone and calls you a dumbass because they can't read it
>so you're telling me that's a 7? yikes!

Nah. It's the chemical makeup of vibranium. Wakanda forever.


Don't do it. It's mustard gas.

Monkey see, monkey do

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uhh what did he invent exactly

idk m8, if you bought a pre-assembled computer in serbia you were considered a retard, am I tesla for making mine at age 10?

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Damn, is that nigglet even trying?

In the black kids defense some of those look like kana form Japanese セ、そ レ ん he is going to grow up to be a fine weeb.

He knows the language of your ancestors.

that's gang graffiti

Those rims make me laugh every time.

I personally enjoy the rockets on the back that would blow up the cockpit if used

But does it fly?

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Urban and rural poor have similar problems.

This has been done. A million times. The richest blacks are about the same as the poorest whites.

Everywhere. Every country. Every State. Every City. Every point in time since records were kept. Always. So go be a liberal where you can 69 other liberals and virtue signal.

>four hours
>doesn't even have the graphics card inside.
>20 minute job to install the seven parts to "invent" a new computer. Including time spent masturbating.

To be fair it could be Ethiopian writing (ʽez_script), although frankly I don't actually know. Since they didn't ask the kid what it was it might just have been illiteracy.


for fucks sake he screwed some plug and play shit together, even poos can do it

The tragicomic part is they're not bad sculptures. I couldn't do it.

Please say more

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