It’s happening

Repeat, it’s happening

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I'm still going to use it

Whatever they're trying, it's not going to work. In a few years autonomous cars will begin replacing almost all ride share drivers. It makes these services a quarter of the cost and no one will pay more money so someone can attempt shitty small talk with them.

Their jobs are dead and they don't even realize it.

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Why do leftists celebrate Uber and Lyft so much? Literally an entire generation of millenials have been turned into glorified taxi drivers working for tips, and pro-labor leftists think this is progress.

>pro-labor leftists think this is progress.
Lol the afl-cio tweeted support for the boycott. Literally no one on the left supports these companies

For fucks sake get a car. Fucking urbanites

They're worse than glorified taxi drivers because they get paid much less. Everyone was excited for 'cheap' ride sharing but they didn't realize more drivers competing with each other was one of the core reason why it was lower in price.

It is still infinitely better than public transit and much better than taxis for the people using their service. It's going to become a huge industry, just not for Uber and Lyft.
>Literally no one on the left supports these companies
Then why do they use their services? Uber is most active in liberal cities. It's the wealthy liberals that are using it, the ones that tend to not own cars and live in cities.

the funny thing about liberals and their constant whining for better pay/benefits, is that they undermine themselves with their open-border stance.
just as in the late 1800's/early 1900's the factory workers would strike for better pay, the factory owners would simply bring in new workers (aka "scabs").
Illegal immigrants are the modern day "scabs" that undercut and prevent the factory workers from getting better treatment since they're so easily replaceable.

You’re confusing normies with lefties. A lefty knows uber pays less than minimum wage. A normie only sees that he can get to the bar for cheap with an app.

I'm a Lyft driver and I don't give a shit about this.

What's it like living without a car? If you live on a rainy little island ok it might make sense but for real people?

>May 8th,
I doubt they will be replaced that quick

>You’re confusing normies with lefties.
No, I'm just not going to play the 'move the definitions until the liberal voters using their services are not considered liberals' game.

The people using their services overwhelmingly voted for Clinton. They may not be kicking over trashcans and chanting in gay protests, but they're still lefties.

>mercedes benz

Yeah i'm still using it nigger
Good luck and i recommend obtaining skills for a real job

I was going to stop after the driver got dropped for refusing to take some slag to get her child murdered.

But now reloading the app. And it has nothing to do with remembering a $15 credit I have.

>In a few years autonomous cars will begin replacing almost all ride share drivers.

1955: In a few years we'll have flying cars

1995: In a few years we'll have paperless offices. Printers and paper will no longer be sold

2005: In a few years there won't be any cashiers because everyone will be using self-scan checkout

Great day to use Uber.

>trapped somewhere where a bar is within stumbling distance of any starbuck
>estate money is coming in strong
>consistently too drunk to bother buying a car

I did mention in a few years. These people want to make driving a career for them, much like the McDonald workers protesting about wage. It's not going to happen. They're going to get replaced, the cost of these services are going to fall dramatically and everyone besides them will be happy.

Trying to do this for a living is like trying to run a business delivering items by horse while cars became popular.
I don't have the energy to spoon feed you, but the technology is already there and just needs refinement, which happens quickly with machine learning.

Do you know that Robo taxis are already on the road in Arizona? You know Tesla has hundreds of millions of miles worth of data they can use to train their network?

You can save a lot of money by only using rideshare to get around. You’re eliminating registration fees, insurance, gas and maintenance costs.


Because Uber and Lyft aren't supposed to be your job. It's supposed to be a way to earn an extra buck while you go about your daily life.

Higher wages

wait why?

It's still like $2.00 per mile compared to 60 cents per mile on average for people who own cars and drive 15,000 miles a year.

It's only worth it if you barely drive and only go short distances. The more miles on the road, the more it favors car ownership.

Because drivers earn a lot less than minimum wage.

MUH WAGE, of course.

Low pay
Cut wages
No shareholding opportunities
No benefits

>I don't have the energy to spoon feed you, but the technology is already there and just needs refinement, which happens quickly with machine learning.
>Do you know that Robo taxis are already on the road in Arizona? You know Tesla has hundreds of millions of miles worth of data they can use to train their network?

I've shown you multiple examples of how the tech industry overpromises and underdelivers.

Human drivers aren't going away anytime soon. 10 years from now, semis

Machine learning isn't some technological fairy that's going to make Star Trek come tomorrow. It's a buzzword that tech companies use to get angel investor funding from boomers and to dazzle journalists with liberal arts degrees. In the real world, these things still have practically application.

Sure, after 3-4 years of testing they can drive very limited, simple routes WITH A HUMAN DRIVER still behind the wheel.

It's just a shame that I can't set a reminder to come back and mock you 10 years from now when we don't have tech robots driving all our cars.

There’s a lot of nonwage related gripes. Uber doesn’t share demand data, the app will lie about demand to keep drivers driving when there are no riders, Uber takes a chunk of surge fares, you don’t get paid for the miles driven to pick up passengers, only for distance between pickup and drop off which makes some trips unprofitable entirely.

I prefer uber as the drivers are normal people and not scumbags and/or shitskin taxi drivers. Last time I rode in a taxi the guy kept purposefully slowing down approaching intersections to get caught in reds to run the meter more. I didn't tip that fucking nigger when I asked for exact change back.

Wall Street will happily subsidize companies that don't turn a profit as long as they screw their workers.
Weird, it's almost as if it really isn't so much about capitalism as it is about keeping power.

soon you will not be allowed to drive "your" car, goy. they will all be self driving and can be remotely controlled by the police.
its for your own safety™.

> t. trucker who dropped out of high school
Here's a high end phone from 2005

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I don't want to ride in a robot car and be killed when it glitches out. Maybe after 20 years of testing.

You think Uber has that kinda money to buy and maintain all those cars while also being liable if they hit someone..


People live in cities too retard. We don’t need to drive 100 miles through the desert to get food.

I actually just quit my corporate job at Lyft this week and didn't sign their fucking NDA bullshit upon leaving. Ask me anything.

All those cucks without drivers license and rely on these services to get to work or wherever are gonna reeee

>comparing phones to robots driving cars

>human drivers kill 50,000 people a year
This is fine
>robot cars kill 1 person ever
Slow down there Mr. Scientists with your newfangled gizmos!

Same arguments made by the horse and buggy crowd when the automobile was making its debut

This won’t effect anything. More scabs will hit the streets just to meet the demand.

>paying people that actually provide the service costs too much
>how do we make money?
>just sink our profits into automated car technology lmao
Meanwhile, no sane legal entity wants to deal with the nightmare of liability when the car shits itself or makes any poor judgement call.

what do they use to compel you to sign the NDA?
On a scale of Hitler to Federal reserve barmitsva how Jewish is corporate?

>a way to earn an extra buck while you go about your daily life.
This. It's all about the "hustle." Another product of nigger culture due to them emulating their masters; Jews.

>I've shown you multiple examples of how the tech industry overpromises and underdelivers.
Yes, and you're comparing apples to oranges. Overnight, Tesla can apply full self driving to almost all their vehicles just from a software update. They already have over a billion miles driven on Autopilot. Drivers can flag areas where the autopilot didn't work and Telsa will fix the problem within days.
>Human drivers aren't going away anytime soon. 10 years from now, semis
They're already starting to go away. Autonomous semis are driving on the highways delivering to points where human drivers take them into the cities. It's like saying 'smart phones are going to take decades for most Americans to get' in 2007.
>Sure, after 3-4 years of testing they can drive very limited, simple routes WITH A HUMAN DRIVER still behind the wheel.
Next year, actually, they're going to release full self driving to the Telsa fleet. A human will have to supervise it, until they can use their data to train it for all the odd situations cars experience while driving, but they already did this on the highway.
>It's just a shame that I can't set a reminder to come back and mock you 10 years from now when we don't have tech robots driving all our cars.
Screen capture both our posts and wait. I dare you. It doesn't matter what you think, you would be the same person calling cars devil wagons and saying they're never going to replace the horse.
Not Uber, but other companies do. It's already about twice as safe per mile as human drivers for the top autonomous driving competitors.
You don't need that long. They can simulate trillions of miles driven and use one incident where the car had trouble driving to train all the other cars. It's like AlphaGo, once a computer gets good at something, it very quickly gets even better.

>tfw price increases due to lack of drivers
>tfw drivers will have to decide whether or not they want 3x fares


>Be shitskin immigrant
>Move near major airport
>Uber back and forth from airport
>Average around $20 an hour
It's not bad

>Travel for work a lot
>Live near airport
>Niggers get super butthurt when they get my fare because it's like 15 minutes away

It's always niggers to.

>I waited here for like 30 minutes to get this fare!
>The fuck you want me to do about it?

Like everything, they heavily pressure you into "needing" to sign it without actually stating why. So of course I didn't.

I wish it was Jewish; it's an absolute fucking shit show and a unstoppable train about to run straight off a cliff. Founders are a couple of con men who don't give a FUCK about the actually state of the company. Affirmative Action has run so rampant it has created a completely corrupt system where entire departments do absolutely FUCK ALL for the company, with entire roles exist that have no function that no one can explain. Promotions are given out only to inner circles and actual work or accomplishments mean nothing because someone else will just steal credit for it anyway.

The company isn't turning a profit? Oh it's way fucking worse than that. We literally have no foreseeable way to recoup losses without completely gutting the company with massive layoffs which we legit can't do because of the "progressive" severance packages we gave out like candy. We legit can't afford to fire people and are bleeding until the entire company goes bankrupt. It's a well accepted fact there this is 2 year money grab at most before the rats swim away.

Glad I bailed when I did.

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It's actually easier to work on tech that's not nano scale

>They're worse than glorified taxi drivers because they get paid much less.
How much less? Taxis in my city get 40% commission, and have a quota with no benefits.

whyd you quit

It's literally true though
You're just going to have a bunch of megacorps owning fleets of these vehicles
Eventually it will be outlawed to drive your own vehicle because of safety reasons

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its funny to think of waymo as in control of a monster truck and just leveling everything in its path without detecting any issues

i hope so
im so fucking sick of how humans in a line of cars dont accelerate along with the person in front of them

Well, Uber drivers get about $10 an hour compared to $17.50 an hour for taxi driver. It depends on the city. In Canada, licenses can sell for a lot of money and taxi drivers make about the same as the average person.
I think they're fudging their numbers. Based on the videos I've seen of it driving, they must disengage more often than that. I think they used to have a turn outside of their fleet storage or something that a human driver would have to do every time.

Workplace disagreement. Basically my direct supervisor fucked up per usual (I literally do her job but I'm white so she is above me) and she tried to pin it on me. So I went to her direct supervisor with documentation showing it was her fuck up not mine, and he needed to do shit. Of course being the beta fuck that he is didn't so I locked all my files, filed a hostile work environment with HR, sent an email out showing all the data she jad straight up manipulated and/or lied on to make herself look better, and left. I also plan on getting unemployment just to fuck with them.

>"and no one will pay more money"
>implying the rates won't be similar to current ride-shares
>implying the driverless car industry hates profits

>implying the rates won't be similar to current ride-shares
Yes, it will be about 1/4th of the cost per mile once it becomes popular. The cost for taxis and ride share is mostly just labour and electric vehicles are already cheaper per mile in expenses.
>implying the driverless car industry hates profits
They could literally make hundreds of billions at the above prices. In a lot of areas, it will be cheaper not to own a car and just use a Tesla or whatever when you need it.

Good for you. Sounds like a typical "buzzword news" business. They get a lot of news attention because it's bullshit millennial trendy. No substance, no plan, just investor bait. A complete and advanced con. Many such cases.

I'm suddenly thinking of all those trashed bikes. Niggers ruin everything. Don't forget.

In comparison, the cost of owning a car per mile is about 60 cents. For Tesla, it's about 16 cents, meaning that it is .44 cents cheaper per mile.

Uber charges about $2.00 per mile and Uber drivers get paid $0.84/mile, making it $1.16 per mile without the cost of a driver. Add these things together and it is already $1.28 per mile cheaper for autonomous vehicles, with everything else being equal.
They have cameras all around them and inside of them as well and each ride would be connected to a credit card they could charge if there's damage. Only a complete idiot would fuck around in a Tesla and they would eat the cost of damage on top of getting banned.

It can also be trained to report crime in real time. I don't think they'll lock you in and drive you to the police station but that would be another option.

do ya like donald trump? ;)

Check out Tesla sentry mode if you want to see how awesome they are for preventing shit like this. It basically turns the whole car into in security system and you'll catch someone opening their doors into your car or doing other shit.

I still feel your underestimating the destructive nature of niggers. Niggers, niggers find a way.

>Mercedes only marginally better than apple
lol when shit hardware and shit software race to the bottom

The point is that they will obviously try to destroy cars, but it doesn't really hurt the bottom line of these companies because they have all the information needed to charge them both financially and criminally. It's like trying to chimp out at a police station, it's just not going to work. They're not going to be smart enough to steal them or even strip parts off of it.

It's also going to create a lot of fighting between them because when someone leaves their garbage or whatever else in the car, it's their friend that order the ride that will get charged for cleaning it. Already sentry mode is starting to scare some of them off from breaking and entering into cars.

Yeah no, the cost of operating will plummet, but the cost to rode will stay exactly the same if not increase due to the "novelty" of it all

Leftists love using it but hate it as an app. Every leftist I've met says that unions need to take over.

>hey poor people stop using uber
>don'tcha know they're mistreating their drivers?
>we need to boycott them!!!!
>o hai can I get an Uber to the protest?

Businesses compete and they cannot afford to not reduce prices or they'll just be giving money over to companies like Uber which will be late to switch over.

It looks like Tesla is going to be the first out and they don't give a fuck about anything besides completely disrupting the car industry. They know that no one will have loyalty to a ride sharing app and that price is king, which works great for them because they could make cars at cost and add them to their fleet whereas other companies would have to still buy their cars.

May 8th is the middle of the week. Those apps are for when you’re drunk anyways.

What the actual fuck are the driver's striking for, and whatever it is they want, why don't they just program their own app and make a company to get it? I'm not usually a fan of the "just start your own business" argument, but it's literally an app. There's no land involved, no production machinery, literally anyone can recreate this service.

The driver's want to be considered employees instead of independent contractors, they want high income and a "more secure working environment", whatever that means? Fine. One of you faggots program an app, call it Takzi or some shit, then the rest of you faggots start driving for it, and if that business model is so great then you'll compete with and dominate Uber. If it crashes and burns because that's not a profitable model, then you know what would happen if Uber acceded to your demands.

>Well, Uber drivers get about $10 an hour compared to $17.50 an hour for taxi driver. It depends on the city
That's better than what taxi drivers get paid in Las Vegas without considering club kickbacks which I believe Uber drivers get as well.

To be honest, here in Mexico City a Tsuru controlled by Windows Vista would drive better than most retards.

This is fake news. Uber drivers earn $5 an hour after expenses.

When a person kills another person driving there is someone to punish.

When a robot kills a human who do you imprison for manslaughter? The software developer?

You seem to not undestand that you need millions of insurance, legal support, and mega investors to keep you going.

Uber and lyft literally have not made any profit. Ever. How can you compete when they literally have billions to burn and can keep throwing shit at the wall until shit sticks?

I have a $50k car because I provide a service which is actually valuable to society and can't be done by some useless wagie. I drive it every day, even when I don't need to go somewhere. I've never used a ride service in my life, but I'm going to try it on May 8th. If they have a tip jar, I'm going to steal from it because it's literally not even their earned money.
Fuck wagies, fuck poors, and fuck whoever the fuck this is.

>Uber and lyft literally have not made any profit.


>secure working environment

Riders can register with a fake name, fuck up your car, rob or murder or rape you.

Honestly, drivers shouldn't expect to get paid much more than minimum wage. It's a job that nearly everyone can do and it is trivial for most people, it's obviously going to have a lot of competition bringing down the wage. This recent push is for 'millennial pricing' and for Uber to take what should be a low end job and turn it into their career. These people don't realize they're not going to have a future driving regardless.
Do you have a source? This states $8.55 per hour. Either way, I don't care. Anyone working in this field should get out and find something that where they're not going to be quickly replaced.

Lefties would rather use omg internet rides with amazing new gps tech omg than wait half an hour for a taxi

Went to Vegas. Airport to hotel in taxi- $35. Hotel to airport in Uber... $14. FUCK TAXIS AND UNIONS


Used British builder to build my garage - £9000
Used Romanian builder to build my garage - £4800


>"""""supposed"""" to be your job
Many of us can make a comfy living off of shit like this, so fuck right the fuck off with your "supposed" bullshit.

How is it possible they made no profit when all they needed to do is make an app and maybe run a server? The insurance and liablility is all on the drivers. Some retard in an Uber caused a motorcycle accident and tired to get the Uber insurance to cover it. Uber wasn't driving the car, HE was.

>When a robot kills a human who do you imprison for manslaughter? The software developer?
You don't imprison anyone. The auto company pays out and life goes on, like with the thousands of dangerous things we also do each day. Autonomous cars will only be let onto the roads in mass amounts if they're much safer than other cars. Any accident will be a true accident and they won't be as negligent like someone on their phone or people who are just generally shitty at driving and refuse to improve. Very quickly these cars will become ridiculously safe to the point barely anyone will worry about them and will instead start to worry about the cars with drivers. People will make the case that cars without these systems should be banned from the road.
These companies are playing long term, they don't care about profit in the next few years and throw everything back into the business, like Amazon did. It's not going to work for Uber but they don't seem to understand this.

There is a chart here that shows what they're spending money on and explains the situation.

So on Wednesday night the roads will be full of drunk 22 year old women careening home? Good to know, I think I'll stay in.

You need to substract wear and tear and vehicle depreciation.

That's exactly what they did. Their gross wage is much higher than the $8.55.

Just out of curiosity, how much do you think they should get paid? It's probably the easiest job out of millions of complex jobs that make up the economy and nearly everyone is already trained to do it. Do you expect ride sharing customers to basically subsidize these drivers or should they just be expected to find another way to make a living like everyone else who gets their wages suppressed?

I think a little under minimum wage is fair for part timers. But people who do it 60 hours a week should be earning more.

Why should Uber, a largely communist company that constantly pushes immigration etc. on target communities, be exempt from paying its "fair share"? According to Uber, drivers are what make up the company. So why do drivers need Uber at all?